
Clicks and Mortar : the new store front






This report provides no scare stories of a deserted high street. rather its message are positive: .Personal e-commerce will grow in the UK; .it will develop in a unique pattern, and not follow the US computer-based approach; .new platform are already coming on stream that can provide a great filip to the e-commerce market; .the successful implementation of current government initiatives could widen e-commerce across all social groups. These and other potential development are drawn out in four possible scenarios that we have developed, depicting explosive,dynamic, active or sluggish growth. these scenarios are not predictions of the future but pictures of possible futures based on a wide range of available forecast on the growth of e-commerce. Contents 4.Executive Summary 8.What is e-commerce 10.Research 12.E-commerce and Information and communications technology 14.Implications for the retail industry 16.Consumer profiles 26.Barriers to e-commerce - facts or fiction? 30.E-commerce within product sectors 32.Explosive or Sluggish? The scenarios 38.What do the scenarios tell us? 46.Update and ICT snapshot 48.The national foresight programme 49.Appendices Questionnaire
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