과학기술과 인문사회
Ronald L. Meeks
This annual report contains information on Federal funding of the research and development(R&D) components of agency programs, as proposed by the administration for fiscal year(FY)1998. R&D data in this report are classified into the same Federal budget function categories used in the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1998. Proposed FY 1998 funding levels are for budget authority(defined below), which is the basis for initial congressional action. In future Budget Function report, these data will be revised to reflect congressional appropriation and actual program funding decisions. Detailed data are included on preliminary estimstes for Federal funding of R&D in FY 1997 that reflect all past congressional actions, but may be revised since, at the time of report preparation; FY 19997 had not yet been complited. This report also includes detailed data(by subfunction) on actual budget authorizations of R&D by Federal agencies in FY 1996, and aggregate data (by broad function)on actual R&D budget authorizations in FY 1995 and earlier years.
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