
Record of Decision for the Surplus Plutonium Disposition Fianl Environmental Impact Statement

As previously, stated in the Storage and Disposition PEIS Record of Decision, the use of MOX fuel in existing reactors will be undertaken in a manner that is consistent with the United States' policy objective on the irreversibility of the nuclear disarmament process and the United States' policy discouraging the civilian use of plutonium. To this end, implimenting the MOX alternative will include government ownership and control of the MOX fuel fabrication facility at a DOE site, and use of the facility only for the surplus plutonium disposition program. There will be no reprocessing or subsequent reuse of spent MOX fuel. The MOX fuel will be used in a once-through fuel cycle in existing reactors, with appropriate arrangements, including contractual or licensing provisions, limiting use of MOX fuel to surplus plutonium disposition.
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