
Program of fatigue tests of aircraft(Phase I)






이 자료는 보안 문서로 등록이 되어 있습니다. 문서를 열람하시기 원하시는 분은 다음의 사용자 암호를 입력하신 후 사용하시기 바랍니다. 사용자 암호 : www.kosen21.org The present Fatigue Test Program is intended for determining the airframe and airframe components life for NIG serial production articles manufactured in 1982. The tests object is the article No 9.12/20, which is representative one. The program of the second phase of aircraft includes tests of a wing, fuselage, main landing gears, fuel tanks and high lift devices. The tests are conducted by blocks until failure or crack initiation. In case of failure or crack initiation, the tests are terminated. Then the experts from Design Bureau, TsAGI and customer should make a decision about further activity. - Requirement Specifications for Technological Processes and Equipment, Used in Strength Tests. - MIG 9-13 Fatigue Test Setup - Topic: Development and implementation of an automated control system for fatigue test of the floating airframe with application of automatic positioning. - Figures
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