
Rebuilding Trust - BNFL's response to NII's recommendations included in the report on data falsification in MDF

MOX fuel manufactured in MDF has been delivered to Swiss, German and Japanese customers since it was commissioned in 1993. The plant operators were fabricating fuel for Japan when the MDF Quality Control(QC) team identified that data falsification had taken place. The decision was then taken to suspend operations within the plant. A number of investigations into the data falsification issue have since been undertaken, both internally and by our customers and regulators. It should be noted that both we and HSE have concluded that, despite the seriousness of the event in terms of fuel certification, the fuel manufactured is safe for use in reactor. On 18 February 2000, HSE published a report of their investigation into data falsification in MDF. The report requires us to address 15 recommendations to HSE's satisfaction before fuel production in MDF can restart. This document records how the recommendations will be implemented by the Company. We accept the report and its recommendations, and commit to implementing them in full.
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