[ Full-Length Papers ]
- Shuttle Orviter Experimental Boundary-Layer Transition Results with Isolated Roughness
- Trajectory-Based Thermal Protection Sizing for an X-33 Winged Vehicle Concept
- Hybrid Euler/Particle Approach for Continuum/Rarefied Flows
- Improved Satellite Drag Coefficient Calculations from Orbital Measurements of Energy Accommodation
- Potential Flow Solutions with Wakes over an Ogive Cylinder
- Aerodynamic Performance of Supersonic Missile Body-and Wing Tip-Mounted Lateral Jets
- Fin Damage and Mass Offset for Kinetic Energy Projectile Spin/Pitch Lock-In
- Experimental Inveestigation of Super-and Hypersonic Jet Interaction on Missile Configurations
- Hinge Moment Coefficient Prediction for Nose-Mounted Canard Controls at Supersonic Speeds
- Optimal External Configuration Design of Unguided Missiles
- Trajectory Optimization Using Eccentric Longitude Formulation
- Low-Thrust Eccentricity-Constrained Orbit Raising
- Precision Orbit Determination for the Geosat Follow-On Satellites
- Entry Guidance for the X-33 Vehicle
- Mars Free Return Trajectories
- Numerical Approach for Computing Noise-Induced Vibration from Launch Environments
- Optimality of the Heating-Rate Constrained Aerocruise Maneuver
- Launch Vehicles Self-Sustained Oscillation from Aeroelastic Coupling Part 1: Theory
- Launch Vehicles Self-Sustained Oscillation from Aeroelastic Coupling Part 2: Analysis
- Stiffness Design of Deployable Satellite Antennas in Deployed Configuration
- Space Shuttle Main Engine Health Monitoring with Exhaust Plume Emission Spectroscopy
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