●Why the UK should invest in accelerator technology
Exploiting UK expertise in accelerator development would have broad economic and scientific benefits, says Ken Peach
Ingrid/Radfets/Eiscat second dish/Lobster/Semiconductor detector/Hubble/anniversary/Image optimisation
Science brief
Neutrino studies are leading to a new era in particle physics
●Welcome to the Grid
Another major computer revolution from particle physics is underway
●Breading the waves
Three PPARC-funded women physicists have recently joined the professorial ranks
●Linear coliders
What will the next generation of particle accelerators look like?
●Astronomy through a microscope
material from space is providing clues to the origin of the Solar System
News feature
●PPARC physics and the new A-levels
An in-depth review of the new A-level physics courses starting this autumn in relation to PPARC science
International physics report/ Gemini South / Long Term Science Review / Phenomenology Institute/ Long Term Technology Review / NERC-PPARC initiative / Small satellites programme / enterprise fellowships
Britain at CERN / Technology workshops
News from CERN / ING school trip / News from EAS / European science policy / WHT royal visit
Particle physics masterclasses / Student brochure / International Summer School / Particle physics teachers course
●Public Understanding of science
Book prizes / Gresham Professor / Competition / Inner Space Odyssey / EC PUS funds / Magnetic art / TV winner
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