Net2Phone Products Include:
The state-of-the-art software for PC-to-Fax service now includes FREE PC to PC calling, PC-to-Fax service, FREE VoiceEmail and the capability to call any web site with Net2Phone's new Netword feature.
Net2Phone Direct
Low-cost phone-to-phone and fax-to-fax service over Net2phone's IP telephony network.
Net2Phone now gives e-businesses the oportunity to personalize the online shopping experience by offering weveral voice-enabled e-commerce solutions - Click2Talk, Click2Callme, and ClickTogether.
Your Alternative Phone - Yap is Net2Phone's retail line of users to easily make Internet phone calls.
Net2Phone's new unified messaging service designed to revolutionize the way people collect their messages. Unified messaging allows users to access all of their messages - e-mail, voice mail, faxes - from one central source via phone or PC. (Available Q3 2000)
Broadband Telephony Solutions
Net2Phone is now offering always-on IP telephony. By voice enabling broadband networks (Cable Modems & DSL), Net2Phone enhances the calling experience, providing the highest quality transmission of both voice and fax to customers worldwide.
Net2Phone Gateway
The Net2Phone telecom solution for corporations and businesses. Our proprietary gateway equipment routes voice data calls over the Net2Phone IP Network providing low cost voice and faz communication.
Net2Phone Gatekeeper
The centerpiece of Net2Phone's IP telephony service, it is the platform that routes, rates and controls how calls are routed and incorporates all of the value-added services that IP telephony can support.
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