
Enhancing the Postdoctoral Experience for Scientists and Engineers


과학기술과 인문사회


Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy




A Guide for Posdoctoral Scholar, Advisers, Institutions, Funding Organizations and Disciplinary Societies Capeter 1 : Summarizes the trends that have brought growth and new stresses to th posdoctoral population and provides a description of postdoctoral scholars in the United States chapter 2: describes prominent features of the postdoctoral experience. chapter 3: outlines the rights, opportunities, and responsibilities of postdocs. chpter 4 : addresses the relationship between the postdoc and the adviser. chapter 5 : describes the relationship between the postdoc and the institutions where they work. chapter 6 : provides an overview of how funding organizations provide financial support to postdocs. chapter 7 : summarizes the role of professional disciplinary societies in supporting the postdoctoral experience Chapter 8 : provide a series of principles, action points, and recommendations for enhancing the posdoctoral experience for the benefit of all participants.

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