
Science & Engineering Indicators 2000 Vol.1


과학기술과 인문사회




The Science Indicator series was designed to provide a broad base of quantitative information about U.S. science, engineering, and technology for use by public and private policymakers. The report enclosed contains analysis of key trends that illuminate the scope, quality, and vitality of research and education in the nation and in an international context. In addition to special history chapter, the report present trends in U.S. and international R&D funds and alliance, on the S&E workforce, on science and mathmatics education from the elementary level through graduate school and beyond, and on public attitudes and understanding of science and engieering. S&E indicators-2000 also devotes a chapter to the significance of information technologies for science and the daily lives of our citizens in schools, the workplace, home, and community. Contents chapter1. Science and Technology in Times of Transition:the 1940s and 1990s chapter2. U.S. and Intenational Research and Development: Fund and Alliances chapter3. Science and Engineering Workforce chapter4. Higher Education in Science and Engineering chapter5. Elementary and Secondary Education chapter6. Academic Research and Development:Financial and personal Resources, support for graduate education, and outputs. chapter7. Industry, Technology, and the global maketplace chapter8. Science and technology:public attitudes and public understanding chapter9. Significance of information technologies
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