
Globecom 2000 - tutorial and workshop -2


과학기술과 인문사회




이 자료는 보안 문서로 등록이 되어 있습니다. 문서를 열람하시기 원하시는 분은 다음의 사용자 암호를 입력하신 후 사용하시기 바랍니다. 사용자 암호 : www.kosen21.org global internet related tutorials - mobile internet service over the 4th generation wireless communication networks and beyond - internetworking: voice over packet-switched networks and ip over x - intranet and extranets; security and cost issues - policy enabled networking photonic network related tutorials - optical internet:available technologies and challenges - realizing the multiwave optical network satellite communication related tutorial - broadband satellite wywtems; a network perspective other tutorials - discrete-event simulation for communication links and networks - service level agreements(SLA) - new generation multiservice communication networks
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