
Novel DSP Algorithms and Architectures for Radio Systems






* CONTENTS * - Extracting accurate channel estimation from decoder metrics - Channel state estimation using arbitrary test signals - A new blind identification algorithm based on cyclostationarity and the bandlimited property of the communication channel - A subband adaptive equalizaiton structure - Enhanced trellis extracted synchronisation technique for practical implementation - Novel DSP-based adaptive synchronisers - Combatting co-channel interference in mobile radio systems using a novel non-linear DSP architecture - A statistical analysis of blind equalisation techniques for digital communications - Novel authentication and key agreement protocol for low processing power and systems resource requirements in portable communicaitons systems - Error peroformance of pilot-symbol aided direct-sequence spread spectrum Q-PSK in Rayleigh fading channels with antenna diversity reception - Multi-user gain ina quasi-DPSK multi-carrier CDMA downlink channel - Implementation of adaptive multiuser receivers for W-CDMA
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