
Max Planck RESEARCH_ The Science Magazine of the Max Planck Society 2009 / SPECIAL


과학기술과 인문사회




06. Basic Research is the Key Dirver of Innovation
Scientists driven by pure curiosity create the basis for new technologies- with convicing resuts,
in both material and non- material terms. they are ones who ex-plain what holds the world together at its core.

10. Connecting Science and Business
The staff at Max Planck Innovation help turn bold ideas into applica- tions.
theyy assist researchers with licensing negotiations and estab- lishing spin- offs.

18. Spectrum
18. The Fastest Route from A to B
18. Some Like It Hotter
19. Flying by Robotic Arm

20. Computers at the Helm
An autopilot fo river boats needs to be especially cautious- Ernst Dieter Gilles tailored it to be just so.

22. Cooking used for vehicles should make them light and economical, offer protrction in accidents and impose as
few limits on designers as possi-ble. Scientists working with Georg Frommeyer create alloys to meet these requirements

30. Spectrum
30. Slimming Diet for Solar Cells
30. Borde Control between Terminals
31. A Window for Solar Power
32. "We're making biocoal economically viable "

34. Pioneers between the Poles
Rechargeable lithium batteries have a big future ad energy storage.
Discoveries by Joachim Maier and his co- workers un the field of nano-ionics help boost their performance.

40. Spectrum
40. Neuronal Growht Brake Released
40. AClose Look at Tumors
41. Resharpening an Old Weapon

42. A reliable Vaccine
Effective and safe- Thisis what fisringuishes the new class of vaccines based on an
invention from the Max Plancj institute of Biochemistry.

45. Polishing Medical Rough Diamonds
the development process form a candidate agentt identified by basic research to the
final pharmaceutical product requires painstaking and expensive research. the Lead Discovery Center develops potential drugs to the point at which indus-try can take over.

54. Spectrum
54. Roundworms to the Rescue!
55. A new Generstion of Herbisides
55. Enhancing Rice- Less is More

56. Memory with Mwtabolic Patterns
The compant metanomics system-atlcally influences plant character- istics through their genes, for example to increase yields.

64. Spectrum
64. Glasnost on the Internet
64. The Search Wngine that Thinks
65. Lighr and Dak Crowded Thgether
65. A Step ahead of the Spammers

66. Perceiving the Pattern
Pattern recognition aids un analyzing structues in the universe, music, melanomas and brain waves.

74. Outsmarting Optical Boundaries


03 Editorial
82 Flashback: Karl Ziegler
86. Inventions & Startups in Figures
87. Research Establishments/ Imprint

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