Technologies for label-free separation of circulating tumor cells: from historical foundations to recent developments
Chao Jin, Sarah M. McFaul,Simon P. Duffy,Xiaoyan Deng,Peyman Tavassoli,Peter C. Black and Hongshen Ma
1. Introduction
2. Biophysical and biomechanical properties of CTCs
2.1 Historical perspectives and recent studies on the biophysical and biomechanical properties of CTCs
2.2 Appropriateness of using cultured cancer cells as a model
3. Performance metrics for label-free cell separation
4. Label-free separation methods
4.1 Filtration
4.2 Hydrodynamic chromatography
4.3 Dielectrophoresis
4.4 Technology evaluation
5. Post-separation analysis
6. Conclusions and outlook
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