Recent advances in membrane distillation processes: Membrane development, configuration design and application exploring
2. Membrane development
2.1. Membrane materials and fabrication
2.2. Polymer blend and additives & modification
2.3. Membrane geometry and micro-structure
3. MD configurations
3.1. Basic MD configurations
3.2. New MDconfigurations
3.2.1. Multi-stage and multi-effect membrane distillation(MEMD)
3.2.2. Vacuummulti-effect membrane distillation(VMEMD)
3.2.3. Hollow fiber multi-effectmembranedistillation
3.2.4. Material gap membranedistillation(MGMD
4. Applications and Hybridsystems of MDprocesses
4.1. Applications o fMDprocesses
4.1.1. Seawater/brackishwater desalination
4.1.2. Removal of smallmoleculecontaminants
4.1.3. Recoveryofvaluablecomponents
4.2. MD based Hybrid separationprocesses
4.2.1. Integration with the existing desalinationprocess
4.2.2. Forward osmosis-membrane distillation(FO-MD)
4.2.3. Membrane distillation-crystallizer(MD-C)
4.2.4. Membrane distillation-bioreactor(MDBR)
4.2.5. Renewable/waste energy driven membrane distillation
5. Conclusions and future directions
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