소프트웨어,기타 정보/통신
Zoi Kaoudi and Iona Manolescu
2015년 1월
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) pioneered by the W3C is increasingly being adopted to model data in a variety of scenarios, in particular data to be published or exchanged on the Web. Managing large volumes of RDF data is challenging, due to the sheer size, the heterogeneity, and the further complexity brought by RDF reasoning. To tackle the size challenge, distributed storage architectures are required. Cloud computing is an emerging paradigm massively adopted in many applications for the scalability, fault-tolerance, and elasticity feature it provides, enabling the easy deployment of distributed and parallel architectures. In this article, we survey RDF data management architectures and systems designed for a cloud environment, and more generally, those large-scale RDF data management systems that can be easily deployed therein. We first give the necessary background, then describe the existing systems and proposals in this area, and classify them according to dimensions related to their capabilities and implementation techniques. The survey ends with a discussion of open problems and perspectives.
DOI 10.1007/s00778-014-0364-z
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