
Solid sorbents for in-situ CO2 removal during sorption-enhanced steam reforming process: A review


온실가스 처리


Binlin Dou et.al.


January 2016


Integrating in-situ CO2 removal at high temperature by solid sorbents during sorption-enhanced steam reforming process for high-purity hydrogen production has been considered to change the normal equilibrium limits of shift reactions and increase hydrocarbon conversion as well as reduce CO2 emissions. However, a difficulty by integrating these reaction steps in a single and integrated process involves selecting suitable sorbents and reaction conditions under which all of the processes can be carried out. Due to the difficulty in application of solid sorbents in SERP, the improvement of their performance is crucial to make the process important for industrial applications. This study discussed the performances of CaO, MgO, hydrotalcite and Li2ZrO3 based sorbents during sorption-enhanced steam reforming for high-purity hydrogen production, while different methods for enhancing these sorbents activities were summarized.

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