
Gas sensing using porous materials for automotive applications




Dominic J. Wales, Julien Grand, Valeska P. Ting, Richard D. Burke, Karen J. Edler, Chris R. Bowen,


2015년 5월 18일


Improvements in the efficiency of combustion within a vehicle can lead to reductions in the emission of harmful pollutants and increased fuel efficiency. Gas sensors have a role to play in this process, since they can provide real time feedback to vehicular fuel and emissions management systems as well as reducing the discrepancy between emissions observed in factory tests and ‘real world’ scenarios. In this review we survey the current state-of-the-art in using porous materials for sensing the gases relevant to automotive emissions. Two broad classes of porous material ? zeolites and metal?organic frameworks (MOFs) ? are introduced, and their potential for gas sensing is discussed.

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