- 초록
- Smart window technology has become a major component of smart buildings, leading to energy savings and enhanced functionality. Smart windows work like curtains or blind screens, blocking external light sources. Smart window components employ electrochromic or photochromic materials that can selectively block sunlight when electricity is applied. The installation of low-E glass and building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) is being encouraged in accordance with the policy on saving building energy. To incorporate BIPV into smart windows, the transparency and colors of transparent photovoltaics must be optimized. The power sources required to operate these smart windows take advantage of the transparent color of the solar cells, which also facilitates aesthetics. Self-powered smart windows that combine electrochromic or photochromic screens with transparent solar cells suggest a promising convergent technology.
- 저자
- 이규성신소재연구실kyusung.lee@etri.re.kr
추천 리포트
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