- 1) 1. Tackling COVID_19.pdf (2.64 MB)
- 2) 2. Flattening the curve on COVID-19(0511).pdf (5.99 MB)
- 3) 3. Testing time for resilience(0511).pdf (7.57 MB)
- 4) Analytics www.kaggle.com Pages 20200316-20200331.pdf (107.17 KB)
- 5) Nafamostat_A strong candidate case for clinical therapy against COVID-19_Summary.pdf (759.38 KB)
- 6) Results of the Korean Special Webinar on International Collaboration in Response to COVID-19.pdf (70.67 KB)
1) 1. Tackling COVID_19.pdf
(2.64 MB)
2) 2. Flattening the curve on COVID-19(0511).pdf
(5.99 MB)
3) 3. Testing time for resilience(0511).pdf
(7.57 MB)
4) Analytics www.kaggle.com Pages 20200316-20200331.pdf
(107.17 KB)
5) Nafamostat_A strong candidate case for clinical therapy against COVID-19_Summary.pdf
(759.38 KB)
- 6) Results of the Korean Special Webinar on International Collaboration in Response to COVID-19.pdf (70.67 KB)
1. Tackling COVID_19
2. Flattening the curve on COVID-19(0511)
3. Testing time for resilience(0511)
4. Analytics www.kaggle.com Pages 20200316-20200331
5. Nafamostat_A strong candidate case for clinical therapy against COVID-19_Summary
6. Results of the Korean Special Webinar on International Collaboration in Response to COVID-19
* 첨부파일을 참조해주시기 바랍니다.
출처 : 과학기술정보통신부 / 미주아시아협력담당관
추천 리포트
[동향보고서] 알츠하이머와 관련된 새로운 42개 유전자 발견
[동향보고서] 정밀의료 기술의 미래(2020년 기술영향평가 결과)
[동향보고서] 대한민국 과학기술 미래전략 2045 책자발간
[동향보고서] 과학기술 · ICT를 활용한 코로나 19 대응 사례집
[동향보고서] 글로벌 보건산업 동향 Vol.366(2020.10.05)
[동향보고서] 글로벌 보건산업 동향 Vol.346 (2020.05.18)
[코센리포트] 최신 비대면 인증 기술의 현황 및 보안 고려사항
리포트 평점
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