Executive Summary
As the information revolution intensified after the 1980s, it is now an era of digital transformation where it is difficult to perform business without software. Accordingly, the demand for specialized software developers has exploded, and the risk of manpower management, such as an increase in labor costs and intensification of recruitment difficulties, has increased, and various methods for promoting the productivity of software development have rapidly developed. In particular, by using tools such as low-code, no-code, and RPA, which have recently been in the spotlight, general business employees can easily solve problems that require software functions. This report summarizes the historical efforts to promote digital transformation by improving the productivity of software development, and examines the applicability and limitations of low-code, no-code, and RPA. Organizations that face digital transformation to survive are well worth a look at these problem-solving aids. Low-code, no-code and RPA can be used easily if they have a computational thinking, which is a basic ability such as reading and writing, but it is necessary to accurately recognize their uses and limitations in advance.
RPA, NoCode, LowCode
출처 : 소프트웨어정책연구소 이슈리포트
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