
KOREA-EU Cooperation : Moving to the Next Level (ENG/KOR)








KF-VUB가 지난 4월 발간한 보고서는 한국과 EU 양자 간 협력을 강화하기 위해 집중해야 할 네 가지 분야를 선별하고 이에 대한 17가지 실행 가능한 정책 제언을 제시한다.

네 분야에는 녹색 전략적 동반자관계, 디지털 협력, 양자 FTA 현대화, 지정학적 경쟁 대응이 포함되어 있다.

녹색 분야와 관련하여는 특히 호라이즌 유럽의 틀 내에서 공동 과학기술 연구사업을 실시할 것과, 녹색수소의 생산설비, 해외 생산을 위한 운송 수단 기술의 공동 개발 등을 제시하며, 디지털 협력에 있어서는 사이버보안, 데이터 보호 통일과 전자정부 개방 분야에서의 우수 사례 경험 공유, 특히 뜻이 같은 파트너들과 함께 국제 규범과 기준 개발을 주도하고 지원하도록 제언한다.

양자 FTA 현대화에서는 디지털 무역, 신기술, 공급망, 디지털 분야 투자, 문화 콘텐츠 등 업그레이드가 시급한 핵심 분야에 집중할 것을 권고한다.


[보고서 다운로드(pdf) / Download the Report(pdf)] 

The Republic of Korea and the European Union are key strategic partners sharing values, interests, and goals. It is no exaggeration to say that the EU sees South Korea, together with Japan, as its most valued partner in Asia and the Indo-Pacific. However, in these demanding times, there is no time for complacency: South Korea and the EU could and should do more to strengthen bilateral cooperation.

The time has come to move relations to the next level. The inauguration of new ROK President Yoon Suk-yeol offers the opportunity to build on the successes of previous administrations, both conservative and liberal, and make the South Korea?EU relations a model that other bilateral partnerships could aspire to achieve.

This report aims at initiating a positive reflection process within the new South Korean government and EU institutions to boost bilateral political, economic, and security cooperation. Korean and European experts with experience in politics, think tanks, and academia make the case in this report for closer South Korea?EU cooperation in analysing common interests.

By focusing on four areas, South Korea and the EU can strengthen their bilateral relationship, which will in turn offer them the opportunity for wider future collaboration; (1) Green strategic partnership; including green growth, green tech, and sustainable supply chains; (2) Digital cooperation; including resilience against cyber threats, rule and standard setting, and next generation networks; (3) Bilateral FTA modernisation; including digital trade; and (4) Facing together geopolitical challenges from US?China competition in the context of Beijing’s assertiveness, inter-Korean relations, and the need to deal with a Russia that has chosen to confront the existing international order and law.

The report contains a summary of the key points as well as policy recommendations. Read the full report below.

This report was generously sponsored by the Korea Foundation.


SOURCE : Brussels School of Governance

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