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전체 46815

전체 46815

(Meeting the Challenge:U.S. Industry Faces the 21st Century)The U.S.Automobile Manufacturing Industry 스크랩

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This report discussed the U.S. automotive manufacturing industry in the context of the world industry. the First section discusses the status of the U.S. automobile manufactuing industry, concentrating on the performance of the Big 3. Then market forces and procuction trends in the industry are adressed , focusing primarily on the geography of automotive production.


Monthly Bulletin of Statistics (Vol.L1 No.1):Bulletin mensuel de statistique 스크랩

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Monthly Bulletin of Statistics (Vol.L1 No.1)은 UN에서 발간했다. 수록 내용을 보면, 1. World Shipbuilding-Constructions navales Mondiales 2. Total exports and imports : Index numbers of quantum 3. civil aviation traffic:passanger-km and cargo net ton-km 4. Gross domestic product : National currency at curren and constant prices 5. Indexeds numbers of world industrial production : By branches of Industry 6. Construction of new buildings 7. Export price index of machinery and transport equipmentfor selected countries 8. Earnings in manufacturing



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Financial Times Survey : BIOTECHNOLOGY는 연간 산업 리포트이다. 포함 내용을 보면 다음과 같다. 1. Through the looking glass into wonderland After a tough year, the industry is maruring, slowly abandoning talk of blockbusters in favour, says David Pilling, of real products and real earnings N:5913 http://www.FT.com 2. Close up the horizon is expanding From genomics to xenotraspolatation, biotechnology is a widing universe 3. Small but with big ideas Enterpreneurship allied to good business sense is the key to making reality and money, out of scientific theory 4.Complementary without being complimentary Though often scating of each other in public, biotech companies and big phamaceutical companies need each other 5. Financial clout is beauty of ties that do not bind The compacy's merger with Roche has left it free to concentrate on what dose best - develop products 6. A can of ( cloned ) worms As the industry expands, effective supervision is essestial in maintaining public confidence 7. Drawn to frontierland promising a gold rush California's will-do mntality, combined with a potent mix of science, entrepreneurship and capital, makes it the ideal home for the industry 8. Community prospering in centres of excellence 9. Stronger animal comes out of the shadows The gloom cast by the British Biotech affair, and compoundered by poor permance across the sector, is beginning to lift


NASDA REPORT (November 1997 No.65) 스크랩

출판사: NASDA(National Space Development Agency of Japan) 목차 1. Space Shuttle Mission Of Dr. Takao Doi The first Japanese Astronaut to Conduct a Spacework 2. Manipulator Flight Demonstration Conducted Aboard Space Shuttle - All scheduled tests and experiments in space using the space shuttle cargo bay ended, producing excellent results. Postflight analyses will be perforned in due time 3. Study of Space Laser Power Transmission to the LunerSurface -The basic idea of the space laser power transmission system is to generate electric power by solar arrays and cenvert it to laser beqam for power supply to the Moon. Future advances in thes technology field are expected to overcome manu difficult problems of this systems 4. The Day The Blue Earth Is Observed From the Moon(Part 8)


Quarterly Report of RTRI('97 VOL.38, NO.4) 스크랩

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Special Features : High-Speed Technologies 수록내용 1. 메시지 : Latest Development in Railway Speedup and the Railway Technical Research institute - I.OKAMOTO 2. 뉴스 : 1894 Visitors Come To Join "RTRI Techno Forum '97" 3. 리뷰 : Research and Development Activities of Speedup Projectfffor Shinkansen and Conventional Lines - N.KUMAGAI 4. 논문: a. A Methods to Control the Short Wave Track Irregularities Utilising Axlebox Acceleration b. Track Maintenance Method for Tilting car Operating on Sharp Curves c. A Study of Pneumatic and Hydraulic Active Suspension of Railway Vehicle ................. d. Development of State Voltage Fluctuation Compensator for AC Elecric Railway Using Self-commutated Inverters 5. Summaries : Summaries of RTRI REPORT (in Japanes) 출판사 : RTRI(RAILWAY TECHNICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE)
