- Properties of Transmitter Release at the Hair Cell Afferent Synapse
- - Glowatzki, Elisabeth.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/11/18) - - Category : Neuroscience
- - Glowatzki, Elisabeth.
- Cochlear hair cells convert sound signals into receptor potentials and subsequently, at their afferent synapses with auditory nerve fibers, into firing rates that are relayed to the central nervous system. Hair cell ribbon synapses, like retinal ribbon synapses, are highly specialized for fast and continuous glutamate release. The presynaptic ribbon???s role is poorly understood, however, it has been proposed to support the continuous release of vast numbers of vesicles. The activity pattern of auditory nerve fibers is quite diverse, firing rates at rest can vary from less than 1 AP per s to 150 APs per s, and in response to sound, fibers activate with different thresholds and show diverse rate level functions. Auditory nerve fibers with different response patterns can contact the same inner hair cell in the cochlea. Therefore, properties of the auditory nerve fiber activity must be set at the individual hair cell ribbon synapses.
The Glowatzki lab studies the pre- and postsynaptic properties at inner hair cell ribbon synapses that set and modulate auditory nerve fiber properties. Mostly dendritic whole cell recordings from auditory nerve fibers directly where they contact the hair cell are used in excised cochlear tissue, sometimes parallel with hair cell recordings. Lately we have characterized the calcium dependence of release at the hair cell synapse and found it to be linear (Goutman and Glowatzki, 2007). We are now investigating the mechanisms and role of multivesicular release at the hair cell ribbon synapse. In my talk I will elaborate on different modes of release at individual synapses that may play a role in setting auditory nerve fiber properties.
Selected Publications:
Glowatzki, E., Fuchs, P.A. Transmitter release at the hair cell ribbon synapse. (2002) Nature Neuroscience (5) 2:147-154.
Pyott, S., Glowatzki, E., Trimmer, J., Aldrich, R., (2004) Extrasynaptic localization of inactivating BK channels in mouse inner hair cells. Journal of Neuroscience 24(43):9469-9474.
Glowatzki, E., Chen, N., Hiel, H., Jin, L., Yi, E., Tanaka, K., Ellis-Davies, J.C.R., Rothstein, J.D., Bergles, D.E. (2006) The glutamate-aspartate transporter (GLAST) mediates glutamate uptake at inner hair cell afferent synapses in the mammalian cochlea. Journal of Neuroscience 26(29):7659-64.
Tritsch, NX, Yi, E, Gale, JE, Glowatzki, E, Bergles, DE. The origin of spontaneous activity in the developing auditory system. Nature 2007, 450:50-55.
Seal, RP, Akil, O, Yi, E, Weber, CM, Grant, L, Yoo, J, Clause, A, Kandler, K, Noebels, JL, Glowatzki, E, Lustig LR, Edwards, RH, Sensorineural deafness and seizures in mice lacking vesicular glutamate transporter 3. Neuron 2008, 57(2):263-75.
Martinez-Monedero, R, Yi, E, Oshima, K, Glowatzki, E, Edge, ASB (2008) Differentiation of inner ear stem cells to functional sensory neurons. Developmental Biology 68(5):669-84.
For more information see our website - http://neuroseries.info.nih.gov
Properties of Transmitter Release at the Hair Cell Afferent Synapse
- NAAIDC - National Advisory Allergy and Infectious Diseases Council - September 2009 (NIH Only)
- - National Advisory Allergy and Infectious Diseases Council (U.S.). Meeting (2010/11/18)
- - Category : NIH Only
- The NAAIDC provides second level peer review of grant applications and discusses concept clearances and other matters pertaining to grant applications for NIAID. Their website offers information about meeting dates, council members, and has an archive of past meeting minutes. At each meeting, Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIAID Director, presents information about the Institute, including new staff, status of the budget, status of research and other areas of interest to the council. A guest speaker also does a presentation. At the September 14, 2009 meeting Dr. Kathryn Zoon, Director, Division of Intramural Research, NIAID, will discuss the divisions research.
For more information, visit
NAAIDC - National Advisory Allergy and Infectious Diseases Council - September 2009 (NIH Only)
- CAT Tracks: Academic Overview
- - Sponsored by the NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education (2010/11/18)
- - Category : Career Development/OITE
- Objective: As you begin your search for an academic job, it is important to be aware of all the aspects of a well-planned job search. In this workshop, hear an overview of what you need to do to ensure a productive academic job search.
Sharon Milgram, PhD
CAT Tracks: Academic Overview
- NCCAM Complementary And Integrative Medicine Consult Service Lecture Series - September 2009
- - Tracy W. Gaudet, M.D., Duke University Medical Center (2010/11/18)
- - Category : NCCAM Lectures
- Tracy W. Gaudet, M.D.
Executive director of Duke Integrative Medicine, and assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Duke University Medical Center
NCCAM Complementary And Integrative Medicine Consult Service Lecture Series - September 2009
- TRACO: Introduction and Lung Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
- - Moody, Terry W.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/11/18) - - Category : TRACO
- - Moody, Terry W.
- For more information, visit
TRACO: Introduction and Lung Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
- AIDS Research Advisory Committee - September 2009 (NIH Only)
- - National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) (2010/11/18)
- - Category : AIDS Research Advisory Committee (NIH Only)
- For more information, visit
AIDS Research Advisory Committee - September 2009 (NIH Only)
- Consortium of Universities for Global Health Meeting (Day 1)
- - Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Meeting
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/11/18) - - Category : Conferences
- - Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Meeting
- The Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) 2009 Annual Meeting will bring key stakeholders together to define and articulate the important role that universities should play in global health worldwide. The meeting is expected to draw over 250 invited participants, representing more than 50 North American university programs in global health and their partners from more than ten countries, along with representatives from NIH Fogarty Framework program, NGOs, foundations, and government. It is co-sponsored by CUGH, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and The Fogarty International Center.
For more information, visit
Consortium of Universities for Global Health Meeting (Day 1)
- National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) Meeting (Day 1)
- - National Vaccine Advisory Committee (National Vaccine Program) (2010/11/18)
- - Category : National Vaccine Advisory Committee
- The National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) Meeting
Chair: Dr. Gus Birkhead
Designated Federal Official: Dr. Bruce Gellin (National Vaccine Program Office)
This is a regularly scheduled meeting of the NVAC. The first day of the meeting will focus on implementation plans for previously approved NVAC recommendations as well as an update on the status of the draft strategic National Vaccine Plan. The second day of the meeting will focus entirely on activities related to planning and implementation for the 2009 (novel) H1N1 influenza vaccination program.
For more information to include the current agenda, visit http://www.hhs.gov/nvpo/nvac/.
National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) Meeting (Day 1)
- National Cancer Advisory Board - September 2009 (Day 1)
- - United States. National Cancer Advisory Board. Meeting (2010/11/18)
- - Category : National Cancer Advisory Board
- This is a regularly scheduled meeting of the National Cancer Advisory Board (NCAB).
National Cancer Advisory Board - September 2009 (Day 1)
- Damage Induced Localized Hypermutability
- - Gordenin, Dmitry.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.). DNA Repair Interest Group. (2010/11/18) - - Category : DNA Repair
- - Gordenin, Dmitry.
- The DNA Repair Interest Group is concerned with all forms of DNA damage and repair. As a major defense against environmental damage to cells DNA repair is present in all organisms examined including bacteria, yeast, drosophila, fish, amphibians, rodents and humans. The members of the DNA Repair Interest Group perform research in areas including DNA repair enzymology and fine structure, mutagenesis, gene and cell cycle regulation, protein structure, and human disease.
For more information, visit the
DNA Repair Interest Group
Acrobat Slides
Damage Induced Localized Hypermutability
- Town Hall Meeting and Information Session: BTRIS, the NIH Biomedical Translational Research Information System
- - Cimino, James J.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/11/18) - - Category : Special
- - Cimino, James J.
- James Cimino, M.D., Chief, Laboratory for Informatics Development, NIH Clinical Center and Program Manager for the Biomedical Translational Research Information System or BTRIS will present a demonstration of this new system to support the work of intramural clinical researchers. All members of the NIH research community are welcome to attend and see how BTRIS can provide identified data from active clinical protocols from CRIS as well as access to de-identified data for hypothesis generation.
The Biomedical Translational Research Information System (BTRIS) team invites you to a series of lectures focused on informatics in biomedical and translational research. This series brings leading 詮?gures in the study and use of translational information systems from academic centers across the U.S. and will promote discussion about the future of informatics at the Clinical Center.
Learn more about how BTRIS will be developed, opportunities for investigators to participate in its design, and project goals.
For more information, visit http://btris.nih.gov
Town Hall Meeting and Information Session: BTRIS, the NIH Biomedical Translational Research Information System
- Control of Tumor Promotion and Metastatic Progression by Inflammatory Signaling
- - Karin, Michael.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/11/18) - - Category : Special
- - Karin, Michael.
- UC San Diego???s Dr. Michael Karin will describe his recent work on the role of inflammatory processes in the development of tumor metastasis. His research in prostate and lung cancer models supports the hypothesis that metastasis is driven not only by genetic alterations in cancer cells, as previously thought, but is also highly dependent on dynamic and reciprocal interactions between cancer cells and inflammatory cells. Inflammatory cells are recruited into tumors to produce pro-metastatic cytokines, which activate critical signaling pathways required for metastasis.
For additional information, visit: http://www.nidcr.nih.gov/NewsAndFeatures/Announcements/Karin.htm
Control of Tumor Promotion and Metastatic Progression by Inflammatory Signaling
- National Advisory Research Resources Council - September 2009
- - National Advisory Research Resources Council. (2010/11/18)
- - Category : National Advisory Research Resources Council
- National Advisory Research Resources Council
During the September 15, 2009, meeting of the National Advisory Research Resources Council, NCRR staff will provide an update on activities related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Other presentations will focus on challenges and opportunities for clinical/translational career development, the Biomedical Informatics Research Network, the Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI) program, and the RCMI Translational Research Network.
The meeting also will feature an update on RCMI collaborations with NCRR and other NIH programs. Additional highlights will include discussion of the National Primate Research Center guidelines, as well as updates on NCRR meetings.
For more information, visit
National Advisory Research Resources Council - September 2009
- Consortium of Universities for Global Health Meeting (Day 2)
- - Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Meeting
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/11/18) - - Category : Conferences
- - Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Meeting
- The Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) 2009 Annual Meeting will bring key stakeholders together to define and articulate the important role that universities should play in global health worldwide. The meeting is expected to draw over 250 invited participants, representing more than 50 North American university programs in global health and their partners from more than ten countries, along with representatives from NIH Fogarty Framework program, NGOs, foundations, and government. It is co-sponsored by CUGH, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and The Fogarty International Center.
For more information, visit
Consortium of Universities for Global Health Meeting (Day 2)
- NHLBI Proteomics Capstone Meeting
- - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) - Pothur Srinivas (2010/11/18)
- - Category : Conferences
- Members of the biomedical and proteomics community are invited to attend the Capstone Meeting of the NHLBI Proteomics Technology Innovation Centers.
The meeting will feature advances in proteomic technologies and their application to significant biomedical questions made by scientists affiliated with 10 research centers across the U.S. In this open forum, investigators will highlight results and opportunities culminating from work performed within a network of 7-year research contracts funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) starting in 2002.
NHLBI Proteomics Capstone Meeting
- Tracking Cytokine Expression in Allergic Immunity
- - Locksley, Richard M.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/11/18) - - Category : Immunology
- - Locksley, Richard M.
- Dr. Locksley received his MD from the University of Rochester and did post-graduate training at UCSF as well as the University of Washington. He is a leading authority on the differentiation and function of CD4+ T lymphocytes in the context of both infection and allergy. Rich co-discovered the dichotomy in Th1/Th2 function that determines the outcome of Leishmania major infection and elucidated the critical regulatory role of Th2 derived IL-4 in disease exacerbation in this model. He and his colleagues at UCSF went on to describe the factors determining the development of Th1 vs Th2 responses in resistant vs susceptible mouse strains and helped identify the immunodominant LACK Ag, an important target for protective immunity in the L. major model. Rich and his group have also made fundamental discoveries concerning the regulation of the genes encoding IL-4 and the other Th2 cytokine family members and the basis of their co-ordinate regulation. This work led naturally to a major interest in cellular factors involved in the induction of Th2 inflammation and the recent discovery of the role of chitin and chitinases in the allergic response. Such studies have benefited enormously from the use of cytokine reporter mice, a tool co-pioneered by the Locksley group. Rich has enormous insights concerning the genetic basis and functional significance of CD4+ T cell subsets and in his role as director of the Sandler Center at UCSF has become a leading authority on immunologic approaches for intervention in Th2 inflammatory disease. Dont miss his exciting IIG seminar on Tracking Cytokine Expression in Allergic Immunity
The Immunology Interest Group
Tracking Cytokine Expression in Allergic Immunity
- Targeting Chk1 in Breast Cancer
- - Piwnica-Worms, Helen Margaret. (2010/11/18)
- - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
- The NIH Directors Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series includes weekly scientific talks by some of the top researchers in the biomedical sciences worldwide.
Targeting Chk1 in Breast Cancer
- National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) Meeting (Day 2)
- - National Vaccine Advisory Committee (National Vaccine Program) (2010/11/18)
- - Category : National Vaccine Advisory Committee
- The National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) Meeting
Chair: Dr. Gus Birkhead
Designated Federal Official: Dr. Bruce Gellin (National Vaccine Program Office)
This is a regularly scheduled meeting of the NVAC. The first day of the meeting will focus on implementation plans for previously approved NVAC recommendations as well as an update on the status of the draft strategic National Vaccine Plan. The second day of the meeting will focus entirely on activities related to planning and implementation for the 2009 (novel) H1N1 influenza vaccination program.
For more information to include the current agenda, visit http://www.hhs.gov/nvpo/nvac/.
National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) Meeting (Day 2)
- CC Grand Rounds: (1) Epidemiology and Immunologic Risk Factors for Age-Related Macular Degeneration (2) New Evidence that Age-Related Macular Degeneration is an Immunologic Disease
- - Chew, Emily.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/11/18) - - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
- - Chew, Emily.
- Clinical Center Grand Rounds
Emily Chew, MD
Deputy Director, Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Research, NEI
Robert Nussenblatt, MD, MPH
Chief, Laboratory of Immunology, NEI
Acting Scientific Director, NCCAM
For more information, visit
CC Grand Rounds: (1) Epidemiology and Immunologic Risk Factors for Age-Related Macular Degeneration (2) New Evidence that Age-Related Macular Degeneration is an Immunologic Disease
- National Cancer Advisory Board - September 2009 (Day 2)
- - United States. National Cancer Advisory Board. Meeting (2010/11/18)
- - Category : National Cancer Advisory Board
- This is a regularly scheduled meeting of the National Cancer Advisory Board (NCAB).
National Cancer Advisory Board - September 2009 (Day 2)