- Great Teachers - International Studies of HIV Transmission and Prevention in Africa
- - Thomas C. Quinn, MD (2010/11/18)
- - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
- Contemporary Clinical Medicine: Great Teachers
Thomas C. Quinn, MD
Associate Director for International Research, Division of Intramural Research, NIAID
Senior Investigator, Section of International HIV/STD Research, Laboratory of Immunoregulation, NIAID
For more information, visit
Great Teachers - International Studies of HIV Transmission and Prevention in Africa
- Lunch and Learn: How to Inspire Healthy Eating Habits for Children
- - Ann Gerber (2010/11/18)
- - Category : Parenting
- NIH Child Care Programs and Services
Is your child a picky eater? Need ideas on what to pack for your child???s lunch?
If you are pondering these questions or if you have concerns about your child???s healthy eating habits, please bring your lunch and join us for this FREE informative seminar.
The Parenting Seminar is sponsored by the NIH Child Care Board and the Office of Research Services, Division of Amenities and Transportation Services (DATS). For questions, please contact DATS at 301-402-8180.
For more information, visit http://does.ors.od.nih.gov/childcare/index.htm
Acrobat Slides
Lunch and Learn: How to Inspire Healthy Eating Habits for Children
- ASA All Hands Meeting - November 2009 (HHS-Only)
- - E.J. (Ned) Holland, Jr. (2010/11/18)
- - Category : HHS Only
- The Assistant Secretary for Administration is hosting an meeting for STAFFDiv personnel to provide latest departmental information
ASA All Hands Meeting - November 2009 (HHS-Only)
- CTSA Pre-Submission Meeting - November 2009
- - Anthony Hayward, NCRR, NIH (2010/11/18)
- - Category : Special
- NCRR and other NIH staff will explain the goals and objectives of the CTSA program and answer questions. The current CTSA RFA (RM-09-019) has several changes compared with the previous RFA, RFA-RM-09-004, which was released January 7, 2009. All prospective applicants are invited to submit questions in advance, and to view the meeting through VideoCast. Questions may be submitted by using the live event feedback form.
CTSA Pre-Submission Meeting - November 2009
- Machine learning methods for identifying peptides and proteins from shotgun proteomics data
- - Noble, William Stafford.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Proteomics Interest Group. (2010/11/18) - - Category : Proteomics
- - Noble, William Stafford.
- Shotgun proteomics coupled with database search software allows the identification of a large number of peptides or proteins from a single biological sample. In this talk, I will describe a series of computational methods that use machine learning techniques to improve our ability to map observed fragmentation spectra to peptides and proteins. These methods combine prior knowledge about peptide fragmentation and mass spectrometry with observed properties of a collection of related spectra, thereby identifying larger sets of peptides and proteins at low false discovery rates.
Machine learning methods for identifying peptides and proteins from shotgun proteomics data
- Alzheimer???s disease and stem cell therapy
- - LaFerla, Frank M.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/11/18) - - Category : Neuroscience
- - LaFerla, Frank M.
- Frank M. LaFerla, Director of the Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders, and Professor in the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior at UC Irvine, is a neuroscientist whose major focus of research is Alzheimer???s disease and related dementias. His laboratory developed the first mouse model of Alzheimer???s disease with both plaques and tangles, and is currently involved in translational research to evaluate several drug candidates for potential human clinical trials.
Selected Publications:
Oddo, S., Caccamo, A., Shepherd, J. D., Murphy, M. P., Golde, T.E., Kayed, R., Metherate, R., Mattson, M. P., Akbari, Y., & LaFerla, F. M. (2003). Triple transgenic model of Alzheimer???s disease with plaques and tangles: intracellular Aß and synaptic dysfunction. Neuron 39, 409-421.
LaFerla, F. M., Green, K. N., and Oddo, S. (2007). Intracellular amyloid-ß in Alzheimer???s disease. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 8, 499-509.
Blurton-Jones, M., Kitazawa, M., Martinez-Coria, H., Castello, N.A., Müller, F.J., Loring, J.F., Yamasaki, T.R., Poon, W.W., Green, K.N., LaFerla, F.M. (2009). Neural stem cells improve cognition via BDNF in a transgenic model of Alzheimer disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 106:13594-9.
For more information see our website - http://neuroseries.info.nih.gov
Alzheimer???s disease and stem cell therapy
- TRACO: Radiation Oncology and Breast Cancer
- - Camphausen, Kevin.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/11/18) - - Category : TRACO
- - Camphausen, Kevin.
- For more information, visit
TRACO: Radiation Oncology and Breast Cancer
- Mapping Dysregulated Metabolic Pathways in Cancer by Integrated Proteomics and Metabolomics (NIH-Only)
- - Cravatt, Benjamin F.
Center for Cancer Research (National Cancer Institute (U.S.)) (2010/11/18) - - Category : NCI CCR Grand Rounds (NIH Only)
- - Cravatt, Benjamin F.
- Dr. Cravatt received his Ph.D. in macromolecular and cellular structure and chemistry from The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI). He became assistant professor at The Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology and in the department of cell biology at TSRI. He continued to move through the ranks at TSRI as an assistant professor in the department of chemistry and later as an associate professor and then professor in the departments of cell biology and chemistry. In addition to being a professor and chair in the department of chemical physiology at TSRI, Dr. Cravatt is also the director of the Helen L.
Dorris Child and Adolescent Neuro-Psychiatric Disorder Institute. Dr. Cravatt???s research group aims to understand the roles that mammalian enzymes play in physiological and pathological processes and to use this knowledge to identify novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of human disease. To achieve these goals, his group develops and applies new technologies that bridge the fields of chemistry and biology, ascribing to the philosophy that the most significant biomedical problems require creative multidisciplinary approaches for their solution.
NCI???s Center for Cancer Research (CCR) Grand Rounds is a weekly lecture series addressing current research in clinical and molecular oncology. Speakers are leading national and international researchers and clinicians proposed by members of the CCR Grand Rounds Planning Committee and others within the CCR community and approved by the CCR Office of the Director. Lectures occur every Tuesday from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. in Lipsett Amphitheater in the Clinical Center building on the NIH campus September through July with exceptions around holidays and major cancer meetings. The lecture schedule is posted on various calendars of events, including at the following link:
Mapping Dysregulated Metabolic Pathways in Cancer by Integrated Proteomics and Metabolomics (NIH-Only)
- Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee
- - Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (U.S.) (2010/11/18)
- - Category : Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee
- The Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) coordinates all efforts within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) concerning autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Through its inclusion of both Federal and public members, the IACC helps to ensure that a wide range of ideas and perspectives are represented and discussed in a public forum.
The IACC mission is to:- Facilitate the efficient and effective exchange of information on ASD activities among the member agencies
- Coordinate ASD-related activities
- Increase public understanding of the member agencies activities, programs, policies, and research by providing a public forum for discussions related to ASD research, screening, education, and interventions
IACC meetings are open to the public and include presentations and discussions about member activities and projects of the IACC. The meetings also include scientific presentations from investigators in the field of ASD research. A portion of each meeting is reserved for public comment. A summary of each meeting is posted on the meetings & events page of the IACC website.
Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee
- Mechanisms of Synaptic Structural Plasticity and Pathology
- - Penzes, Peter.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/11/18) - - Category : Special
- - Penzes, Peter.
- Candidate for Tenure Track Investigator in the NIMH-DIRP Genes, Cognition and Psychosis Program
Mechanisms of Synaptic Structural Plasticity and Pathology
- Curcumin/TRAIL Combination Therapy for Prostate Cancer
- - Gautam, Subhash.
National Cancer Institute (U.S.). Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (2010/11/18) - - Category : OCCAM Monthly Lecture Series
- - Gautam, Subhash.
- The NCIs Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (OCCAM) invites you to view its monthly lecture series.
With the goal of informing the National Cancer Institute (NCI) community about the variety of ongoing research in cancer and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), NCIs Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (OCCAM) has created a monthly lecture series on cancer CAM. These hour long lectures, occurring from 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. on the second Wednesday of each month, will feature a fifty minute presentation on a cancer CAM topic and allow ten minutes for questions.
For more information, visit
Curcumin/TRAIL Combination Therapy for Prostate Cancer
- Genes to Proteins: Decoding Genetic Information
- - Schechter, Alan N.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/11/18) - - Category : Conferences
- - Schechter, Alan N.
- The American Chemical Society will designate as a National Historic Chemical Landmark the deciphering of the genetic code by Marshall Nirenberg and co-workers at NIH.
Genes to Proteins: Decoding Genetic Information
- Hot Topics in Diabetes Research
- - Saudek, Christopher D.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Womens Health Special Interest Group. (2010/11/18) - - Category : Womens Health
- - Saudek, Christopher D.
- Womens Health Special Interest Group (WHSIG)
Hot Topics in Diabetes Research
Judith Fradkin, M.D., Panel Moderator, Director, Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, NIDDK
Approaches to a Cure for Diabetes: Opportunities and Controversies
Christopher Saudek, M.D., Hugh P. McCormick Professor of Endocrinology and Metabolism and Director, Johns Hopkins Comprehensive Diabetes Center, Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine
Defining Optimal Glucose Control
Jill Crandall, M.D., Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, Director, Diabetes Clinical Trials Unit and Director, Diabetes Research Training Center, Clinical Facilitation Core, Department of Medicine (Endocrinology), Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Come join your fellow NIH colleagues in a scientific exchange on issues related to the biology and pathology of sex and gender differences and effects on womens health.
For more information, visit
Hot Topics in Diabetes Research
- Philip S. Chen, Jr. Lecture - Viral Hepatitis and the NIH: A Jaundiced View of History
- - Alter, Harvey J.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/11/18) - - Category : Philip S. Chen
- - Alter, Harvey J.
- Fourth Annual Philip S. Chen, Jr., Ph.D. Distinguished Lecture on Innovation and Technology Transfer
Drs. Harvey Alter and Robert Purcell will present Viral Hepatitis and the NIH: A Jaundiced View of History. Dr. Alter is the Chief, Infectious Disease, Department of Transfusion Medicine, in the NIH Clinical Research Center. Dr. Purcell is the Co-chief, Laboratory of Infectious Diseases in the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Philip S. Chen, Jr. Lecture - Viral Hepatitis and the NIH: A Jaundiced View of History
- Scientific Management Review Board Meeting
- - National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Scientific Management Review Board. (2010/11/18)
- - Category : Scientific Management Review Board
- The Scientific Management Review Board was authorized by the NIH Reform Act of 2006 and signed into law by the President in January 2007. The NIH Reform Act provides certain organizational authorities to HHS and NIH officials regarding NIH institutes and centers and the Office of the Director. The purpose of the Scientific Management Review Board is to advise HHS and NIH officials on the use of those organizational authorities.
This Working Group of the SMRB is convened to recommend to the full Board whether organizational change within NIH could further optimize research into substance use, abuse, and addiction and maximize human health and/or patient well being. In addressing this issue, the SUAA Working Group will consider the scientific opportunities, public health needs, and research technologies in substance use, abuse, and addiction, in addition to research in these areas under the existing NIH structure.
For more information, visit http://smrb.od.nih.gov
Scientific Management Review Board Meeting
- Has brain imaging discovered anything new?
- - Passingham, R E.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/11/18) - - Category : Neuroscience
- - Passingham, R E.
- Dr. Passinghams main research interests are in the brain mechanisms that underlie consciousness and the brain mechanisms for the attentional control of cognitive performance. The studies use a combination of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure brain activity in human subjects and transcranial brain stimulation (TMS) to disrupt it. A recent study has shown that one can read brain images so as to tell what the subjects are intending to do, in the specific case whether they are intending to add or subtract numbers before they are presented.
NIH Neuroscience Seminar Series
Has brain imaging discovered anything new?
- TRACO: Lymphoma and Immunology
- - Wilson, Wyndham Hopkins.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/11/18) - - Category : TRACO
- - Wilson, Wyndham Hopkins.
- For more information, visit
TRACO: Lymphoma and Immunology
- FELCOM Workshop: Administrative Jobs at the NIH
- - Sponsored by the NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education & FELCOM (2010/11/18)
- - Category : Career Development/OITE
- Ovjective: Learn about career opportunities for PhD scientists away from the bench here at the NIH
- Claire Driscoll, PHD, Office of Technology Transfer, NHGRI;
- David Kosub, PhD, Public Health Analyst, Strategic Planning and Evaluations Branch, NIAID;
- DaviD Vaier, PhD, Office of Science Education;
- Susan Daniels, PhD, Health Science Administrator, Office of Autism Research Coordination, NIMH
FELCOM Workshop: Administrative Jobs at the NIH
- NCI Communication Roundtable Seminar: Personalized medicine for the mind - The role of tailored communication
- - NCI Communications Strategy Roundtable. (2010/11/18)
- - Category : Special
- Personalized medicine has traditionally focused on tailoring interventions to biological characteristics, but psychological, social and cognitive characteristics play an important role in health behavior and health status. At this seminar, researchers from the NCI-funded University of Michigan Center for Communications Research will present findings, ready-to-use tools, and practical, evidence-based guidelines to address numeracy skills in designing risk communications, elicit patient preferences for cancer screening and treatment, measure and tailor to patient communication styles, and use social media to deliver tailored behavior change interventions.
Speakers:- Ken Resnicow
- Larry An
- Ed Saunders
- Sarah Hawley
- Angie Fagerlin, University of Michigan Center for Communications Research
NCI Communication Roundtable Seminar: Personalized medicine for the mind - The role of tailored communication
- GMAC Seminar - NIH Update (HHS Only)
- - Scott Cooper; Dave Curren (2010/11/18)
- - Category : GMAC (HHS Only)
- GMAC Subcommittee on Training
GMAC Seminar - NIH Update (HHS Only)