전체 8345
  • NIH VideoCast - ACHDNC Meeting - May 2016 (Day 2)
    • - HRSA (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : Advisory Board Meetings and Workshops
    ACHDNC provides expert advice and recommendations to the Secretary about the development of newborn screening activities, technologies, policies, guidelines, and programs for effectively reducing morbidity and mortality in newborns and children having, or at risk for, heritable disorders. In addition, the Committee?? recommendations regarding additional conditions/heritable disorders for screening that have been adopted by the Secretary are included in the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP) and constitute part of the comprehensive guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration. The committee is composed of 15 voting members. The Committee will hear presentations and discussions on topics including newborn screening long-term follow-up and prenatal education regarding newborn screening bloodspots. The Committee will also review draft reports from the Pilot Study and Cost Analysis workgroups and hear updates from the Committee?? subcommittees on Laboratory Standards and Procedures, Follow-up and Treatment, and Education and Training. Tentatively, the Committee is expected to review and/or vote on whether or not the nominated condition Guanidinoacetate Methyltransferase deficiency should be referred for a full evidence-based review

    For more information go to http://www.hrsa.gov/advisorycommittees/mchbadvisory/heritabledisorders/

    NIH VideoCast - ACHDNC Meeting - May 2016 (Day 2)

  • NIH VideoCast - National Advisory Council on Aging - May 2016
    • - NIA, NIH (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : Advisory Board Meetings and Workshops
    The National Advisory Council on Aging (NACA) advises the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Director of NIH, and the Director of NIA on its mission. The Council meets three times a year to consider applications for research and training and to recommend funding for promising

    NIH VideoCast - National Advisory Council on Aging - May 2016

  • NIH VideoCast - Frederick National Laboratory Advisory Committee - May 2016
    • - NCI, NIH (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : Advisory Board Meetings and Workshops
    10th Meeting of the Frederick National Laboratory Advisory Committee

    The Frederick National Laboratory Advisory Committee (FNLAC) provides advice to the Director, NCI and the Associate Director, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR) on the optimal use of the Laboratory to meet the most urgent needs of the Institute. The Frederick National Lab. is designated as a Federally Funded Research and Development Center that provides a unique national research within the biomedical research community for the development of new technologies and the translation of basic science discoveries into novel agents for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer and AIDS.

    As such, the FNLAC reviews the state of research at the FNLCR and makes recommendations for the best use of its capabilities and infrastructure. The committee reviews major new projects proposed to be performed, the existing portfolio of projects and evaluation of their productivity, and helps to determine which of these projects should be transitioned to more conventional mechanisms of support and which should be considered for termination.

    NIH VideoCast - Frederick National Laboratory Advisory Committee - May 2016

  • NIH VideoCast - CC Grand Rounds: Great Teachers: The Role of Comparative Effectiveness Research
    • - Joe V. Selby, MD, MPH Executive Director, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, Washington, DC (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    Grand Rounds: Great Teachers: The Role of Comparative Effectiveness Research

    For more information go to http://www.cc.nih.gov/about/news/grcurrent.html

    NIH VideoCast - CC Grand Rounds: Great Teachers: The Role of Comparative Effectiveness Research

  • NIH VideoCast - Making a Successful Transition for Your Next Move
    • - Sharon Milgram, PhD, Director, OITE, NIH (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : Career Development/OITE
    NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education

    Unlike undergraduate education, graduate/professional school is often unstructured. You will be deciding how to spend your time, what lines of investigation to follow, and what skills you need to develop. You may have to create opportunities for yourself. This workshop will discuss strategies for thriving and achieving your goals in graduate school/professional school.

    For more information go to https://www.training.nih.gov

    NIH VideoCast - Making a Successful Transition for Your Next Move

  • NIH VideoCast - Secretary?? Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections - May 2016 (Day 1)
    • - SACHRP (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : Secretary`s Advisory Committees
    SACHRP provides expert advice and recommendations to the Secretary, through the Assistant Secretary for Health, on issues and topics pertaining to or associated with the protection of human research subjects. The committee is composed of 11 appointed voting members, with additional ex-officio members from Common Rule government agencies. SACHRP presently has two working subcommittees, the Subpart A Subcommittee (SAS) and the Subcommittee on Harmonization (SOH). The May 2016 meeting will include a summary of NPRM public comment, as well as reports from both subcommittees. Topics include the following draft recommendations: Considerations for Single IRB Review, Minimal Risk Informed Consent Models, Return of Individual Research Results, ??enchmarking??in Human Subjects Research, Waiver of Consent in Cluster Randomized Trials. Time is allotted on both days for public comment

    NIH VideoCast - Secretary?? Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections - May 2016 (Day 1)

  • NIH VideoCast - Secretary?? Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections - May 2016 (Day 2)
    • - SACHRP (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : Secretary`s Advisory Committees
    SACHRP provides expert advice and recommendations to the Secretary, through the Assistant Secretary for Health, on issues and topics pertaining to or associated with the protection of human research subjects. The committee is composed of 11 appointed voting members, with additional ex-officio members from Common Rule government agencies. SACHRP presently has two working subcommittees, the Subpart A Subcommittee (SAS) and the Subcommittee on Harmonization (SOH). The May 2016 meeting will include a summary of NPRM public comment, as well as reports from both subcommittees. Topics include the following draft recommendations: Considerations for Single IRB Review, Minimal Risk Informed Consent Models, Return of Individual Research Results, ??enchmarking??in Human Subjects Research, Waiver of Consent in Cluster Randomized Trials. Time is allotted on both days for public comment.

    NIH VideoCast - Secretary?? Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections - May 2016 (Day 2)

  • NIH VideoCast - Council of Councils - May 2016
    • - NIH (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : Council of Councils
    The Council of Councils was created by the NIH Reform Act of 2006, and advises on matters related to the policies and activities of DPCPSI, including concept clearance of selected initiatives for Common Fund support and proposed Office of Research Infrastructure Program (ORIP) initiatives. The Council conducts second-level review for selected Common Fund and ORIP initiatives.

    For more information go to http://dpcpsi.nih.gov/council/index

    NIH VideoCast - Council of Councils - May 2016

  • NIH VideoCast - NIGMS Council Open session - May 2016
    • - NIGMS, NIH (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : Advisory Board Meetings and Workshops
    This is the public broadcast of the NIGMS May 2016 Open Session of Council.

    NIH VideoCast - NIGMS Council Open session - May 2016

  • NIH VideoCast - National Advisory Dental and Craniofacial Research Council - May 2016
    • - National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, NIH (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : National Advisory Dental and Craniofacial Research
    The mission of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) includes the support of basic, clinical and translational research as well as the support of research training and the development of research careers. To help achieve the goals of the NIDCR, the National Advisory Dental and Craniofacial Research Council (NADCRC) has the responsibility of advising, consulting with and making recommendations to the Secretary, DHHS, and the Director, NIDCR, on matters relating to the directions of research, research support, training and career development supported by the Institute. Included in this responsibility is the conduct of the secondary review of research grant applications with a focus on NIDCR scientific program priorities and program balance as well as the conduct of research by the Division of Intramural Research, NIDCR.

    NIH VideoCast - National Advisory Dental and Craniofacial Research Council - May 2016

  • NIH VideoCast - NSABB Board Meeting - May 2016
    • - NIH (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity
    Presentations and discussions regarding: (1) NSABB findings and draft recommendations on a conceptual approach to evaluating proposed gain-of-function (GOF) studies; (2) next steps for U.S. government policy development regarding GOF; and (3) other business of the Board.

    NIH VideoCast - NSABB Board Meeting - May 2016

  • NIH VideoCast - ICCVAM Public Forum - May 2016
    • - National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NIH (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : Advisory Board Meetings and Workshops
    The May 25 meeting will include presentations by NICEATM and ICCVAM members on current activities related to the development and validation of alternative test methods and approaches. Following each presentation, there will be an opportunity for participants to ask questions of the ICCVAM members. The agenda will also include periods dedicated to discussion of specific topics relevant to the ICCVAM mission, and time for participants to make public oral statements on topics relevant to the ICCVAM mission and current ICCVAM activities.

    For more information go to http://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/pubhealth/evalatm/index.html

    NIH VideoCast - ICCVAM Public Forum - May 2016

  • NIH VideoCast - Telling Our Stories: Heeding the ManDate Pride 2016
    • - Preston D. Mitchum, J.D., Policy Research Analyst at the Center for Health and Gender Equity; Leo Moore, M.D., Clinical Scholar, The Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program at the University of California, Los Angeles; Darryl Moch, The ManDate Initiative; Terrance Payton, The ManDate Initiative; and, Joseph Reeves, The ManDate Initiative (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : Diversity
    Join NIH in celebrating Pride Month 2016. With this year?? theme, ??elling Our Stories, Claiming Our Power and Standing in Our Truth??NIH recognizes the contributions of sexual and gender minority people in every field of human endeavor.

    In honor of DC Black Pride, join NIH for a frank discussion on HIV, sexual health, resiliency, and other issues that impact black gay, bisexual and men who have sex with men (MSM).

    For more information go to http://edi.nih.gov

    NIH VideoCast - Telling Our Stories: Heeding the ManDate Pride 2016

  • NIH VideoCast - National Advisory Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NANDS) Council - May 2016
    • - National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
    The 196th meeting of the National Advisory Neurological Disorders and Stroke Council on May 26, 2016.

    For more information go to http://www.ninds.nih.gov/find_people/nands/index.htm

    NIH VideoCast - National Advisory Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NANDS) Council - May 2016

  • NIH VideoCast - Sickle Cell in Focus Conference 2016 - Day 1
    • - NHLBI, NIH (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : Conferences
    A two day intensive educational conference to highlight and discuss emerging clinical complications and management of sickle cell disease.

    For more information go to https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/news/events/sickle-cell-focus-conference-2016

    NIH VideoCast - Sickle Cell in Focus Conference 2016 - Day 1

  • NIH VideoCast - NCI CPTAC 3 Biospeciman Kickoff Meeting - June 2016
    • - Office of Cancer Clinical Proteomic Research, NCI, NIH (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : Conferences
    The NCI CPTAC 3 Biospecimen Kickoff Meeting will bring together several individuals involved in the collection, procurement, processing, and analysis of biospecimens for the third phase of the Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC). Topics for discussion will include: optimal methods for processing biospecimens for proteomic and genomic analysis; the CPTAC Quality Management System; the Comprehensive Data Resource; ethical, legal, and social considerations; and logistics for sample and data transfer.

    NIH VideoCast - NCI CPTAC 3 Biospeciman Kickoff Meeting - June 2016

  • NIH VideoCast - Sickle Cell in Focus Conference 2016 - Day 2
    • - NHLBI, NIH (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : Conferences
    a two day intensive educational conference to highlight and discuss emerging clinical complications and management of sickle cell disease

    For more information go to https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/news/events/sickle-cell-focus-conference-2016

    NIH VideoCast - Sickle Cell in Focus Conference 2016 - Day 2

  • NIH VideoCast - Novel concepts in radiation-induced normal tissue injury
    • - Deborah E. Citrin, M.D., Senior Investigator, Radiation Oncology Branch, NCI, NIH (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : NIH Director`s Seminars
    NIH Director`s Seminar Series

    Radiation therapy is delivered to over one half of all cancer patients. Efforts to enhance the efficacy of radiation have centered on technologic improvements in radiation delivery and leveraging a growing understanding of tumor radiobiology. Despite numerous recent advances in radiation delivery techniques, radiation exposure of normal tissues within the treatment volume can result in chronic injury, such as fibrosis and organ dysfunction. The study of radiation injury models has provided insight into the molecular events leading to radiation injury. Chronic oxidative stress after exposure of normal tissues to irradiation can result in progressive inflammation and fibrosis characterized by a predominance of macrophages. Irradiated organs, such as lung, exhibit a dose dependent senescence of resident stem cells, resulting in parenchymal depletion and organ dysfunction. Targeting senescence and associated changes in tissue after exposure to irradiation provides a unique opportunity to prevent and mitigate chronic injury from radiation.

    NIH VideoCast - Novel concepts in radiation-induced normal tissue injury

  • NIH VideoCast - NIAID Advisory Council - June 2016
    • - Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director, NIAID, NIH (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
    Dr. Anthony S. Fauci will address the full council. Dr. John Mascola will address the full council.

    NIH VideoCast - NIAID Advisory Council - June 2016

  • NIH VideoCast - Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Subcommittee - June 2016
    • - NIAID, NIH (2016/11/24)
    • - Category : National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
    Acting Division Director will address the subcommittee

    NIH VideoCast - Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Subcommittee - June 2016