- NIH VideoCast - Summer Lecture Series II - Individualizing Transplant Care with Genomic Tools
- - Hannah A. Valantine, MD, Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity, NIH (2015/08/05)
- - Category : Career Development/OITE
- Second in the series of lectures specifically arranged for the NIH Summer Internship Program
Dr. Valantine will tell the story of her cardiology research career, highlighting discoveries along the way that have advanced care in the field of organ transplantation. In addition to presenting her novel genomic approaches to transplantation, she will also describe why diversity and inclusion are important in science and medicine.
Hannah Valantine is the National Institutes of Health (NIH) inaugural Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity, and a Senior Investigator in the Intramural Research Program at NHLBI. Prior to starting this position in April 2014, Dr. Valantine was Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine and the Senior Associate Dean for Diversity and Leadership at the Stanford University School of Medicine (CA), a leadership position she held since November 2004. She is nationally recognized for her transformative approaches to diversity, and is a recipient of the NIH Director`s Pathfinder Award for Diversity in the Scientific Workforce. While at Stanford, she also pioneered the Academic Biomedical Career Customization model to better align the academic workplace with the needs of faculty in the twenty-first century, for which Stanford gained national recognition as the recipient of the Alfred P. Sloan Award for Faculty Career Flexibility.
Dr. Valantine has maintained an active clinical research program that continues to yield high impact transformations in patient care. She was the PI for an NIH-funded study in which she proposed (and confirmed) that the organ transplant is essentially a genome transplant, and that monitoring the level of donor DNA in the recipient`s blood as a marker of organ damage will detect early stages of rejection, published in Science Translational Medicine (June, 2014).
Dr. Valantine has been the recipient of several research grants from the NIH and AHA, and has authored over 160 peer-reviewed publications in high impact journals including NEJM, PNAS, Cell, Science Translational Medicine, Circulation, Transplantation, and the Journal of Heart & Lung Transplant and 10 book chapters. She has been invited to present over 100 lectures and has served on many editorial boards including those of Journal of Heart & Lung Transplant, Transplantation, and Circulation.
For more information go to https://www.training.nih.gov
NIH VideoCast - Summer Lecture Series II - Individualizing Transplant Care with Genomic Tools
- NIH VideoCast - Mobile and Personal Technologies in Precision Medicine (Day 1)
- - NIH Office of the Director (2015/08/04)
- - Category : Conferences
- The Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI) Working Group of the Advisory Committee to the NIH Director (ACD) is hosting a public workshop on the scientific, methodological and practical considerations to inform the incorporation of mobile and personal technologies in the national research cohort of one million or more volunteers. The workshop will be held at the Intel Corporation campus in Santa Clara, California.
This workshop builds on the unique scientific questions developed during the April 28???29 workshop, digital health data perspectives shared during the May 28-29 workshop, and the participant engagement and health equity discussions at the July 1-2 workshop.
For more information on the event, visit: http://www.nih.gov/precisionmedicine/workshop-20150727.htm
NIH VideoCast - Mobile and Personal Technologies in Precision Medicine (Day 1)
- NIH VideoCast - Stakeholder Engagement Workshop on the USG Policy for Institutional Oversight of Life Science`s Dual Use Research of Concern
- - NIH Office of Science Policy and the White House (2015/07/29)
- - Category : Conferences
- On September 24, 2014, the USG released the United States Government Policy for Institutional Oversight of Life Sciences Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC) [FR Doc No: 2014-22770]. The Policy addresses institutional oversight of DURC, which includes policies, practices, and procedures to ensure DURC is identified and risk mitigation measures are implemented, where applicable. Institutional oversight of DURC is a critical component of a comprehensive oversight system since institutions are the most familiar with the life sciences research conducted in their facilities and are in the best position to promote and strengthen the responsible conduct and communication of DURC.
Learn More >> The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Institutes of Health will co-host a public workshop on July 22, 2015, for interested stakeholders to discuss implementation of the U.S. Government Policy for Institutional Oversight of Life Sciences Dual Use Research of Concern. The purpose of the meeting is to inform and engage stakeholders; collect feedback about resources needed to effectively implement the policy; and discuss stakeholder experiences, challenges, and innovative practices. The workshop will include the sessions below: An interactive case study that will illustrate factors that investigators and institutions consider when determining whether research is subject to the Policy. A series of panels comprised of institutional representatives to share their respective approaches to identifying research subject to the policy, developing risk mitigation plans, and raising awareness and education about DURC. An open forum for participants to share individual stakeholder input on issues relating to interpretation and implementation of the policy.
For more information go to http://www.phe.gov/about/OPP/DURCworkshop/Pages/overview.aspx
NIH VideoCast - Stakeholder Engagement Workshop on the USG Policy for Institutional Oversight of Life Science`s Dual Use Research of Concern
- NIH VideoCast - 2015 Annual Advances in Cancer Prevention Lecture - "HPV Vaccination: Preventing More with Less"
- - Douglas R. Lowy, M.D., Acting Director National Cancer Institute, NIH (2015/07/29)
- - Category : Special
- The Annual Advances in Cancer Prevention Lecture is sponsored by the Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program within the Division of Cancer Prevention at NCI. It is also part the course offerings of the annual NCI Summer Curriculum in Cancer Prevention but is open to the entire NIH community and the general public. This annual lecture addresses current challenges and/or approaches used by investigators to address gaps, advance science, and promote the application of successful strategies in the field of cancer prevention and control. Dr. Lowy will be presenting the 2015 annual lecture on the impact of HPV vaccination in cancer prevention.
Douglas Lowy is acting director of the National Cancer Institute and Chief of the intramural Laboratory of Cellular Oncology in the Center for Cancer Research at the NCI. He received his medical degree from New York University School of Medicine, and trained in internal medicine at Stanford University and dermatology at Yale University. His research includes papillomaviruses and the regulation of normal and neoplastic growth. The papillomavirus research is carried out in close collaboration with John Schiller, with whom he has co-authored more than 100 papers over the past 25 years.
In the 1980s, he studied the genetic organization of papillomaviruses and identified the oncogenes encoded by the virus. More recently, he has worked on papillomavirus vaccines and the papillomavirus life cycle. His laboratory was involved in the initial development, characterization, and clinical testing of the preventive virus-like particle-based HPV vaccines that have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and many other countries. It is for this body of work that Dr. Lowy and Dr. John T. Schiller, a Senior Investigator in the Laboratory of Cellular Oncology, received the 2007 Federal Employee of the Year Award from the Partnership for Public Service, the 2007 Dorothy P. Landon-American Association for Cancer Research Prize for Translational Cancer Research, the Sabin Gold Medal in 2011, and the National Medal of Technology and Innovation from President Obama in 2014. Dr. Lowy also received the 2007 Medal of Honor for basic research from the American Cancer Society.
He is listed by the Institute for Scientific Information as one of the most highly cited authors in microbiology, and is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine of the NAS.
For more information go to http://videocast.nih.gov
NIH VideoCast - 2015 Annual Advances in Cancer Prevention Lecture - "HPV Vaccination: Preventing More with Less"
- NIH VideoCast - Drupal GovCon 2015 Keynote (Day 3)
- - Darrell Hurt, Ph.D., Acting Branch Chief, Bioinformatics and Computational Biosciences Branch, NIAID, NIH (2015/07/28)
- - Category : Conferences
- Drupal GovCon is an event sponsored by the Drupal4Gov community and brings together people from all over the country (and a few international locations as well) who use, develop, design, and support the Drupal platform. Drupal is an open access content management system used to drive many government and commercial websites. Drupal GovCon is the largest event in the U.S. Government Drupal community. Although there is a focus on government, there is also a heavy representation of attendees from the private sector as well. We come together for three days every year to learn, improve, and innovate as a community. Drupal GovCon features a full schedule of educational, contribution, and networking opportunities. The keynote will feature speakers from the Australian government on their Drupal experiences.
For more information go to https://www.drupalgovcon.org
NIH VideoCast - Drupal GovCon 2015 Keynote (Day 3)
- NIH VideoCast - Secretary`s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections - SACHRP - July 2015 (Day 2)
- - Secretary`s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections, HHS (2015/07/25)
- - Category : Advisory Board Meetings
- SACHRP provides expert advice and recommendations to the Secretary, through the Assistant Secretary for Health, on issues and topics pertaining to or associated with the protection of human research subjects. The committee is composed of 11 appointed voting members, with additional ex-officio members from Common Rule government agencies. SACHRP presently has two working subcommittees, the Subpart A Subcommittee (SAS) and the Subcommittee on Harmonization (SOH). The July 2015 meeting will include reports from both subcommittees, including discussion of the following topics: the Newborn Screening Saves Lives Reauthorization Act of 2014; the draft NIH Policy on the Use of a Single IRB for Multi-site Research; the draft FDA guidance, ???General Clinical Pharmacology Considerations for Pediatric Studies for Drugs and Biological Products???; CLIA and HIPPAA issues surrounding the return of research results; and informed consent. Time is allotted on both days for public
For more information go to http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/sachrp
NIH VideoCast - Secretary`s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections - SACHRP - July 2015 (Day 2)
- NIH VideoCast - Drupal GovCon 2015 Keynote (Day 2)
- - Michael Z. Daryabeygi, Developer and Principal Ginkgo Street Labs, Ryan Ozimek, CEO PICnet, Erin Braswell, ???Software Developer at Center for Open Science, Nneka Hector, Senior Web Developer DSFederal (2015/07/25)
- - Category : Conferences
- Drupal GovCon is an event sponsored by the Drupal4Gov community and brings together people from all over the country (and a few international locations as well) who use, develop, design, and support the Drupal platform. Drupal is an open access content management system used to drive many government and commercial websites. Drupal GovCon is the largest event in the U.S. Government Drupal community. Although there is a focus on government, there is also a heavy representation of attendees from the private sector as well. We come together for three days every year to learn, improve, and innovate as a community. Drupal GovCon features a full schedule of educational, contribution, and networking opportunities. The keynote will be composed of a panel of Open Source advocates.
For more information go to https://www.drupalgovcon.org
NIH VideoCast - Drupal GovCon 2015 Keynote (Day 2)
- NIH VideoCast - Secretary`s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections - SACHRP - July 2015 (Day 1)
- - Secretary`s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections, HHS (2015/07/24)
- - Category : Advisory Board Meetings
- SACHRP provides expert advice and recommendations to the Secretary, through the Assistant Secretary for Health, on issues and topics pertaining to or associated with the protection of human research subjects. The committee is composed of 11 appointed voting members, with additional ex-officio members from Common Rule government agencies. SACHRP presently has two working subcommittees, the Subpart A Subcommittee (SAS) and the Subcommittee on Harmonization (SOH). The July 2015 meeting will include reports from both subcommittees, including discussion of the following topics: the Newborn Screening Saves Lives Reauthorization Act of 2014; the draft NIH Policy on the Use of a Single IRB for Multi-site Research; the draft FDA guidance, ???General Clinical Pharmacology Considerations for Pediatric Studies for Drugs and Biological Products???; CLIA and HIPPAA issues surrounding the return of research results; and informed consent. Time is allotted on both days for public
For more information go to http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/sachrp
NIH VideoCast - Secretary`s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections - SACHRP - July 2015 (Day 1)
- NIH VideoCast - Drupal GovCon 2015 Keynote (Day 1)
- - Angela Byron, Director, Community Development, Acquia (2015/07/24)
- - Category : Conferences
- Drupal GovCon is an event sponsored by the Drupal4Gov community and brings together people from all over the country (and a few international locations as well) who use, develop, design, and support the Drupal platform. Drupal is an open access content management system used to drive many government and commercial websites. Drupal GovCon is the largest event in the U.S. Government Drupal community. Although there is a focus on government, there is also a heavy representation of attendees from the private sector as well. We come together for three days every year to learn, improve, and innovate as a community. Drupal GovCon features a full schedule of educational, contribution, and networking opportunities.
For more information go to https://www.drupalgovcon.org
NIH VideoCast - Drupal GovCon 2015 Keynote (Day 1)
- NIH VideoCast - NINR Big Data in Symptoms Research Methodologies Boot Camp
- - National Institute of Nursing Research, NIH and Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences (2015/07/22)
- - Category : Conferences
- The NINR Big Data in Symptoms Research Boot Camp, part of the NINR Symptom Research Methodologies Series, is a one-week intensive research training course at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland. Sponsored by the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), the course is administered by the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences (FAES).
NINR`s 2015 Boot Camp will provide a foundation in methodologies for using Big Data in research. The purpose of the course is to increase the research capability of graduate students and faculty. The course will feature lectures by distinguished guest speakers, classroom discussion, and hands-on training with real-world Big Data.
NIH VideoCast - NINR Big Data in Symptoms Research Methodologies Boot Camp
- NIH VideoCast - 1) Not all extracellular are created equal: Analysis of individual proteins on individual vesicles and its implication for human diseases 2) Modulation of immune responses by retinal pigment epithelium-derived extracellular vesicles
- - Dr. Anush Arakelyan, NICHD, NIH and Dr. Jared Knickelbein, NEI, NIH (2015/07/17)
- - Category : Special
- CHI Wednesday Lecture
Dr. Anush Arakelyan will present his lecture, "Not all extracellular are created equal: Analysis of individual proteins on individual vesicles and its implication for human diseases," and Dr. Jared Knickelbein will present his lecture, "Modulation of immune responses by retinal pigment epithelium-derived extracellular vesicles."
NIH VideoCast - 1) Not all extracellular are created equal: Analysis of individual proteins on individual vesicles and its implication for human diseases 2) Modulation of immune responses by retinal pigment epithelium-derived extracellular vesicles
- NIH VideoCast - Harnessing "Big Data" to Stop HIV (Day 1)
- - David Burns, NIAID, NIH, Carlie Williams, NIAID, NIH, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and BD2K, NIH (2015/07/16)
- - Category : Conferences
- Meeting Objectives
??? Identify types and sources of data that can be used to optimize HIV treatment and prevention strategies
??? Consider ethical challenges to using ???big data??? sources
??? Examine methods for collecting, integrating, and analyzing large databases and how they can be optimized for HIV epidemiology, treatment, and prevention
??? Generate recommendations for advancing the use of large data sources to develop increasingly effective HIV treatment and prevention strategies
NIH VideoCast - Harnessing "Big Data" to Stop HIV (Day 1)
- NIH VideoCast - Harnessing "Big Data" to Stop HIV (Day 2)
- - David Burns, NIAID, NIH, Carlie Williams, NIAID, NIH, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and BD2K, NIH (2015/07/16)
- - Category : Conferences
- Meeting Objectives
??? Identify types and sources of data that can be used to optimize HIV treatment and prevention strategies
??? Consider ethical challenges to using ???big data??? sources
??? Examine methods for collecting, integrating, and analyzing large databases and how they can be optimized for HIV epidemiology, treatment, and prevention
??? Generate recommendations for advancing the use of large data sources to develop increasingly effective HIV treatment and prevention strategies
NIH VideoCast - Harnessing "Big Data" to Stop HIV (Day 2)
- NIH VideoCast - Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP) Strategic Planning Conference (Day 2)
- - Office of Research Infrastructure Programs, NIH (2015/07/15)
- - Category : Conferences
- Workforce Training and Biomedical Instrumentation
The recently formed (December 2011) Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP) is engaged in a year-long strategic planning process to ensure that its programs meet the needs of both intramural and extramural stakeholders. After a series of focus groups with intramural stakeholders, and an RFI to solicit extramural opinions, ORIP is inviting a select group of extramural stakeholders to present at a strategic planning conference. These biomedical researchers will present their anticipated requirements cutting edge biomedical instrumentation as well as views on research training for veterinarians and programs that target K-12 students as a means of increasing the diversity of the biomedical workforce.
For more information go to https://dpcpsi.nih.gov/orip/StrategicJuly9
NIH VideoCast - Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP) Strategic Planning Conference (Day 2)
- NIH VideoCast - From HIV to Ebola: Reflections on a Career at the National Institutes of Health
- - Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director, NIAID, NIH (2015/07/15)
- - Category : Career Development/OITE
- NIH Summer Lecture Series
First in the series of lectures specifically arranged for the NIH Summer Internship Program.
NIH VideoCast - From HIV to Ebola: Reflections on a Career at the National Institutes of Health
- NIH VideoCast - The NICHD-NCI Pediatric Terminology Conference
- - NICHD-NCI, NIH (2015/07/15)
- - Category : Conferences
- Goals:
1. Provide an update on the progress of the pediatric terminology initiative since 2012
2. Illustrate utility and develop specifications of terms through use cases
3. Discuss dissemination and uptake opportunities
4. Plan for next steps
NIH VideoCast - The NICHD-NCI Pediatric Terminology Conference
- NIH VideoCast - NIH Biowulf Cluster: Upgrade Info Session
- - NIH Biowulf staff (2015/07/14)
- - Category : Special
- On July 9, 2015, the NIH Biowulf2 cluster expansion will become accessible to all Biowulf users. This training session will provide information to current Biowulf users on how to use the new cluster.
For more information go to http://hpc.nih.gov
NIH VideoCast - NIH Biowulf Cluster: Upgrade Info Session
- NIH VideoCast - NCI Clinical Trials and Translational Research Advisory Committee (CTAC) - July 2015
- - Coordinating Center for Clinical Trials (CCCT), NCI, NIH (2015/07/11)
- - Category : Clinical Trials and Translational Research
- The CTAC makes recommendations on the NCI-supported national clinical trials enterprise to build a strong scientific infrastructure by bringing together a broadly developed and engaged coalition of stakeholders involved in the clinical trial process.
For more information go to http://deainfo.nci.nih.gov/advisory/ctac/ctacmeetings.htm
NIH VideoCast - NCI Clinical Trials and Translational Research Advisory Committee (CTAC) - July 2015
- NIH VideoCast - Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP) Strategic Planning Conference (Day 1)
- - Office of Research Infrastructure Strategic Planning Conference, NIH (2015/07/10)
- - Category : Conferences
- Models of Human Disease
The recently formed (December 2011) Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP) is engaged in a year-long strategic planning process to ensure that its programs meet the needs of both intramural and extramural stakeholders. After a series of focus groups with intramural stakeholders, and an RFI to solicit extramural opinions, ORIP is inviting a select group of extramural stakeholders to present at a strategic planning conference. These researchers will present their anticipated requirements for specific biomedical research models of human disease as well as any technical or scientific opportunities to develop new models over the next five years.
For more information go to https://dpcpsi.nih.gov/orip/StrategicJuly8
NIH VideoCast - Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP) Strategic Planning Conference (Day 1)
- NIH VideoCast - Precision Medicine Initiative Working Group Meeting - July 2015 (Day 2)
- - Office of the Director, NIH (2015/07/07)
- - Category : Conferences
- Day 2 of a two-day public workshop, hosted by the Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI) Working Group of the Advisory Committee to the NIH Director (ACD), on participant engagement and health equity as they relate to the proposed PMI national research cohort. The workshop will focus on the design of an inclusive cohort, building and sustaining public trust, direct-from-participant data provision, and effective and active participant engagement characteristics of a national research cohort of one million or more volunteers. For more information about this workshop, please go to the workshop page on the PMI website:http://www.nih.gov/precisionmedicine/workshop-20150701.htm
NIH VideoCast - Precision Medicine Initiative Working Group Meeting - July 2015 (Day 2)