- NIH VideoCast - Cortical and perceptual processing of visual form
- - Joseph Anthony Movshon, Ph.D., Center for Neural Science, New York University (2015/03/31)
- - Category : Neuroscience
- Neuroscience Seminar Series
Dr. Joseph Anthony Movshon received his doctorate from Cambridge University, where he studied visual neurophysiology and psychophysics. He joined the faculty of the Department of Psychology at New York University in 1975, and have remained here apart from a sabbatical year spent at Oxford University. In 1986, his laboratory moved to the newly-formed Center for Neural Science.
He is interested in how the brain encodes and decodes visual information, and in the mechanisms that put that information to use in the control of behavior. His research concerns the function and development of the primate visual system, especially the visual areas of the cerebral cortex. His laboratory supports work on neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, psychophysics, and imaging; the main experimental tool is electrophysiological recording from single neurons in monkeys. They stress analytical and quantitative approaches to the study of visual receptive fields. Conceptually, much of this research draws on related work in visual psychophysics, and on computational approaches to understanding brain organization and visual processing.
His laboratory works mostly in two broad areas. The first is concerned with analysis of the functions of the visual areas of the primate cerebral cortex, with special emphasis on the roles of those areas in processing information about visual motion, form, and color. He is particularly interested in the relationships between visual signals in these areas, and the perceptual decisions and motor activity they support. The second group of projects focuses on the functional development of the cortical visual system, and on the way that development is affected by forms of abnormal early visual experience that produce a visual system disorder known as amblyopia. Much of their work seeks to uncover the links between brain activity and behavior by studying the relationship between neural activity in the visual system and its perceptual and motor consequences.
NIH VideoCast - Cortical and perceptual processing of visual form
- NIH VideoCast - NIH K Grants for Intramural Fellows
- - Sharon Milgram, PhD, Director, OITE, NIH (2015/03/31)
- - Category : Career Development/OITE
- Transitional awards are available for NIH Trainees intending to enter academia. This session will discuss the K99 and K22 application process. We will discuss the stages of the application process and will cover topics including assessing whether the K99 or K22 is right for you. Intramural policies for applying, developing training and research plans, and optimizing your interacations with program directors and review officers.
For more information go to https://www.training.nih.gov
NIH VideoCast - NIH K Grants for Intramural Fellows
- NIH VideoCast - Focus on You Lecture - Cultivating Mindfulness at the Holidays
- - Dr. Rezvan Ameli, NIMH, NIH (2015/03/31)
- - Category : Focus on You Wellness
- Focus on You Wellness Lecture
The Office of Research Services (ORS) Division of Amenities and Transportation Services (DATS) in partnership with the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), the National Institutes of Nursing Research (NINR), and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) are proud to present the second of a special two-part Focus on You Lecture Series:
Cultivating Mindfulness at the Holidays
Speaker: Dr. Rezvan Ameli, NIMH, NIH
Dr. Rezvan Ameli will lead an interactive seminar that introduces the definition of mindfulness and explains its growth in popularity as well as the general trends behind it. She will also discuss how to reduce stress at the holidays and the topic of conscious consumption including conscious eating. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in mindfulness exercises in a group setting.
NIH VideoCast - Focus on You Lecture - Cultivating Mindfulness at the Holidays
- NIH VideoCast - Framework for Regulatory Oversight of Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs) - Day 1
- - Food and Drug Administration (2015/03/31)
- - Category : Conferences
- Public Workshop to discuss FDA???s proposal for a risk-based framework for addressing the regulatory oversight of a subset of in vitro diagnostic devices (IVDs) referred to as laboratory developed tests (LDTs).
For more information go to http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/NewsEvents/WorkshopsConferences/ucm423537.htm
NIH VideoCast - Framework for Regulatory Oversight of Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs) - Day 1
- NIH VideoCast - Framework for Regulatory Oversight of Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs) - Day 2
- - Food and Drug Administration (2015/03/31)
- - Category : Conferences
- Public Workshop to discuss FDA???s proposal for a risk-based framework for addressing the regulatory oversight of a subset of in vitro diagnostic devices (IVDs) referred to as laboratory developed tests (LDTs).
For more information go to http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/NewsEvents/WorkshopsConferences/ucm423537.htm
NIH VideoCast - Framework for Regulatory Oversight of Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs) - Day 2
- NIH VideoCast - Microbiota-Mediated Defense Against Intestinal Infections
- - Dr. Eric Pamer, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (2015/03/31)
- - Category : Immunology
- Immunology Interest Group
For more information go to http://sigs.nih.gov/immunology/Pages/default.aspx
NIH VideoCast - Microbiota-Mediated Defense Against Intestinal Infections
- NIH VideoCast - National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Advisory Council/Cures Acceleration Network Review Board - January 2015
- - National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, NIH (2015/03/31)
- - Category : NCATS Council
- The January 15, 2015, joint meeting of the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Advisory Council and the Cures Acceleration Network (CAN) Review Board will feature presentations by NCATS leadership, members of the CAN Review Board, and invited guests. Presentations will feature in part new information about the NCATS Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network and CTSA program. The Council subcommittee on medical technologies also will provide an update. For more information, visit: http://www.ncats.nih.gov/about/ncats-council/council.html and http://www.ncats.nih.gov/about/can-board/can-board.html.
NIH VideoCast - National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Advisory Council/Cures Acceleration Network Review Board - January 2015
- NIH VideoCast - NBBTP Award Event Celebration 2015
- - Deborah Wilson, DrPH, CBSP, RADM USPHS, Director Division of Occupational Health and Safety, Marcus Hodges, PhD. Fellowship Director (2015/03/31)
- - Category : Special
- This event will celebrate the completion of the NBBTP program by three senior fellows: Sabena Blakeney, PhD.
Althea Capul, PhD. and Sarah Ziegler, PhD. Each Fellow will receive a certificate of completion. The event will also recognize the dedication of DOHS mentors to the fellowship program.
NIH VideoCast - NBBTP Award Event Celebration 2015
- NIH VideoCast - Demystifying Medicine 2015 - New Advances in Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment (Immunotoxins)
- - Raffit Hassan, MD, NCI, NIH and Paul Meltzer, MD, PhD, NCI, NIH (2015/03/31)
- - Category : Demystifying Medicine
- The 2015 Demystifying Medicine Series, which is jointly sponsored by FAES and NIH, will begin January 6th and includes the presentation of patients, pathology, diagnosis and therapy in the context of major disease problems and current research. Primarily directed toward Ph.D. students, clinicians and program managers, the course is designed to help bridge the gap between advances in biology and their application to major human diseases. Each session includes clinical and basic science components presented by NIH staff and invitees. All students, fellows and staff are welcome, as well.
For more information go to http://demystifyingmedicine.od.nih.gov/
NIH VideoCast - Demystifying Medicine 2015 - New Advances in Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment (Immunotoxins)
- NIH VideoCast - CC Grand Rounds: (1) Myelokathectic Immunodeficiency Disorders: Tales from the Clinic (2) Ulcerative Colitis: An Atypical Th2 Disorder Mediated by NKT Cells
- - (1) Philip M. Murphy, MD, Chief, Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, NIAID, NIH (2) Warren Strober, MD, Chief, Mucosal Immunity Section, Laboratory of Host Defenses, NIAID, NIH (2015/03/31)
- - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
- CC Grand Rounds: (1) Myelokathectic Immunodeficiency Disorders: Tales from the Clinic (2) Ulcerative Colitis: An Atypical Th2 Disorder Mediated by NKT Cells
For more information go to http://www.cc.nih.gov/about/news/grcurrent.html
NIH VideoCast - CC Grand Rounds: (1) Myelokathectic Immunodeficiency Disorders: Tales from the Clinic (2) Ulcerative Colitis: An Atypical Th2 Disorder Mediated by NKT Cells
- NIH VideoCast - NIH Academy Roundtable 2 - Cancer Around the Globe
- - Dr. Thomas Gross, NCI, NIH (2015/03/31)
- - Category : Career Development/OITE
- The NIH Academy provides trainees with an overview of the scientific, social, economic, cultural environmental, and policy factors that contribute to health disparities. This lecture focuses on inequities around the world.
For more information go to https://www.training.nih.gov
NIH VideoCast - NIH Academy Roundtable 2 - Cancer Around the Globe
- NIH VideoCast - NICHD Advisory Council - January 2015
- - NICHD, NIH (2015/03/31)
- - Category : National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
- To help achieve the goals of the Institute, the NACHHD Council is charged with advising, consulting with, and making recommendations to the NICHD director on matters relating to the research and research support activities and functions of the Institute.
NIH VideoCast - NICHD Advisory Council - January 2015
- NIH VideoCast - NIGMS Council Open Session - January 2015
- - Jon Lorsch, PhD, NIGMS, NIH (2015/03/31)
- - Category : Advisory Board Meetings
- This is a videocast of the NIGMS January 2015 Council open session
NIH VideoCast - NIGMS Council Open Session - January 2015
- NIH VideoCast - NIAID Advisory Committee Meeting - January 2015
- - Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director, NIAID, NIH (2015/03/31)
- - Category : National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
- Dr. Anthony S. Fauci will address the full council. Dr. Jon Lorch will address the full council.
NIH VideoCast - NIAID Advisory Committee Meeting - January 2015
- NIH VideoCast - CNVs conferring risk of autism or schizophrenia affect cognition in controls
- - Hreinn Stefansson, Ph.D., Head of CNS Division, deCODE Genetics (2015/03/31)
- - Category : Neuroscience
- Neuroscience Seminar Series
Dr. Stefansson has a PhD in biochemistry from the University of Lund, Sweden and has worked on the genetics of psychiatric disorders as Head of the CNS Division at deCODE since 2000. His work has included large scale sequencing projects, expression analysis and analysis of structural variants and rearrangements. Dr. Stefansson is the IC Chairperson (Exploitation Manager) of the Neuromics project.
NIH VideoCast - CNVs conferring risk of autism or schizophrenia affect cognition in controls
- NIH VideoCast - DMID Subcommittee - January 2015
- - Dr. Irene Glowinski, NIAID, NIH (2015/03/31)
- - Category : National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
- Report from Division Director and Division Staff (Room F1&F2)
NIH VideoCast - DMID Subcommittee - January 2015
- NIH VideoCast - DAIT Subcommittee - January 2015
- - Dr. Daniel Rotrosen, NIAID, NIH (2015/03/31)
- - Category : National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
- Report from Division Director and Division Staff (Room D)
NIH VideoCast - DAIT Subcommittee - January 2015
- NIH VideoCast - AIDS Research Advisory Committee - January 2015
- - Division of AIDS, NIAID, NIH (2015/03/31)
- - Category : AIDS Research Advisory Committee
- January 26, 2015 AIDS Research Advisory Committee Meeting
NIH VideoCast - AIDS Research Advisory Committee - January 2015
- NIH VideoCast - National Advisory Dental and Craniofacial - January 2015
- - Alicia Dombroski, PhD, NIDCR, NIH (2015/03/31)
- - Category : Advisory Board Meetings
- The mission of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) includes the support of basic, clinical and translational research as well as the support of research training and the development of research careers. To help achieve the goals of the NIDCR, the National Advisory Dental and Craniofacial Research Council (NADCRC) has the responsibility of advising, consulting with and making recommendations to the Secretary, DHHS, and the Director, NIDCR, on matters relating to the directions of research, research support, training and career development supported by the Institute. Included in this responsibility is the conduct of the secondary review of research grant applications with a focus on NIDCR scientific program priorities and program balance as well as the conduct of research by the Division of Intramural Research, NIDCR.
NIH VideoCast - National Advisory Dental and Craniofacial - January 2015
- NIH VideoCast - Demystifying Medicine 2015 - Ebola: A Terrifying Challenge
- - Peter Jahrling, Ph.D. NIAID, NIH and Nancy Sullivan, Ph.D. NIAID, NIH (2015/03/31)
- - Category : Demystifying Medicine
- The 2015 Demystifying Medicine Series, which is jointly sponsored by FAES and NIH, will begin January 6th and includes the presentation of patients, pathology, diagnosis and therapy in the context of major disease problems and current research. Primarily directed toward Ph.D. students, clinicians and program managers, the course is designed to help bridge the gap between advances in biology and their application to major human diseases. Each session includes clinical and basic science components presented by NIH staff and invitees. All students, fellows and staff are welcome, as well.
For more information go to http://demystifyingmedicine.od.nih.gov/
NIH VideoCast - Demystifying Medicine 2015 - Ebola: A Terrifying Challenge