전체 8345
  • Great Teachers - An Internist Encounters Addiction
    • - Jonathan Samet, Director at the USC Institute of Global Health at the University of Southern California (2014/08/17)
    • - Category : Special
    NCI Laboratory of Human Carcinogenesis

    Great Teachers - An Internist Encounters Addiction

  • Professional Development Workshop: Using Data Systems to Improve Hispanic Health Outcomes (Day 2)
    • - NIH OD Equity Diversity and Inclusion, Hispanic Portfolio Strategist (2014/08/17)
    • - Category : Hispanic Heritage
    Funded by the HHS Office of Minority Health through the National Umbrella Cooperative Agreement II Grant and in collaboration by the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, this two-day workshop aims to help prepare scholars interested in Hispanic health research.

    Professional Development Workshop: Using Data Systems to Improve Hispanic Health Outcomes (Day 2)

  • Dying Young as Late as Possible: Planarians, Regeneration and Stem Cells
    • - NIH OD Office of Equity Diversity and Inclusion, Hispanic Portfolio Strategist (2014/08/17)
    • - Category : Hispanic Heritage
    Funded by the HHS Office of Minority Health through the National Umbrella Cooperative Agreement II Grant and in collaboration by the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, this two-day workshop aims to help prepare scholars interested in Hispanic health research.

    Dying Young as Late as Possible: Planarians, Regeneration and Stem Cells

  • Frontiers in Live Cell Imaging (Day 2)
    • - NIH and FDA (2014/08/17)
    • - Category : Conferences
    The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and FDA will host a two-day workshop to explore key issues and challenges related to antibacterial product development and discuss the development of streamlined regulatory pathways for bringing new antibacterial drugs to market.

    Frontiers in Live Cell Imaging (Day 2)

  • CC Grand Rounds: Contemporary Issues in Graduate Medical Education: Science Communication and Public Engagement
    • - Teri Manolio, MD, PhD, Director, Division of Genomic Medicine, National Human Genome Research Institute (2014/08/17)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    CC Grand Rounds: Contemporary Issues in Graduate Medical Education: New Models for Large Prospective Studies Involving Genomics

    CC Grand Rounds: Contemporary Issues in Graduate Medical Education: Science Communication and Public Engagement

  • Leadership Group for a Clinical Research Network on Antibacterial Resistance: Information Session
    • - NIH and FDA (2014/08/16)
    • - Category : Conferences
    The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and FDA will host a two-day workshop to explore key issues and challenges related to antibacterial product development and discuss the development of streamlined regulatory pathways for bringing new antibacterial drugs to market.

    Leadership Group for a Clinical Research Network on Antibacterial Resistance: Information Session

  • An Economists View of Health Inequalities
    • - Teri Manolio, MD, PhD, Director, Division of Genomic Medicine, National Human Genome Research Institute (2014/08/16)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    CC Grand Rounds: Contemporary Issues in Graduate Medical Education: New Models for Large Prospective Studies Involving Genomics

    An Economists View of Health Inequalities

  • Academic CAT Track: Job Interviews
    • - Dr. Sharon L. Milgram, Director, NIH Office of Intramural Traning & Education (2014/08/16)
    • - Category : Career Development/OITE
    As you begin your search for an academic job, it is important to be aware of all the aspects of this complex process. This workshop provides an overview of what you need to do to ensure a productive academic job search. Topics covered in this session include: finding job opportunities, assessing your goals, preparing your application packet, and preparing for interviews.

    Academic CAT Track: Job Interviews

  • DDM - Sustaining Resonant Leadership in Challenging Times
    • - NIH and FDA (2014/08/15)
    • - Category : Conferences
    The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and FDA will host a two-day workshop to explore key issues and challenges related to antibacterial product development and discuss the development of streamlined regulatory pathways for bringing new antibacterial drugs to market.

    DDM - Sustaining Resonant Leadership in Challenging Times

  • Frontiers in Live Cell Imaging (Day 3)
    • - NIH and FDA (2014/08/15)
    • - Category : Conferences
    The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and FDA will host a two-day workshop to explore key issues and challenges related to antibacterial product development and discuss the development of streamlined regulatory pathways for bringing new antibacterial drugs to market.

    Frontiers in Live Cell Imaging (Day 3)

  • Contemporary Clinical Medicine: Great Teachers: Medical Education Research as Translational Science
    • - Jeanne Braha, MEM, Public Engagement Manager American Association for the Advancement of Science (2014/08/15)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    Grand Rounds: Contemporary Issues in Graduate Medical Education: Science Communication and Public Engagement

    Contemporary Clinical Medicine: Great Teachers: Medical Education Research as Translational Science

  • Tenofovir Gel: New Hope for HIV Prevention in Women
    • - Lut Van Damme MD, PhD (The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation); Amy Corneli, PhD, MPH (Family Health International (FHI) 360); Jennifer Deese, MPH (FHI 360) (2014/08/15)
    • - Category : Special
    NIH Global Health Interest Group

    Tenofovir Gel: New Hope for HIV Prevention in Women

  • Great Teachers Series - Fluid Electrolytes: Practical Cases
    • - Teri Manolio, MD, PhD, Director, Division of Genomic Medicine, National Human Genome Research Institute (2014/08/15)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    CC Grand Rounds: Contemporary Issues in Graduate Medical Education: New Models for Large Prospective Studies Involving Genomics

    Great Teachers Series - Fluid Electrolytes: Practical Cases

  • A Case Study Clinical Trial Management in Africa: HPTN 035, A phase 2/2b trial to evaluate topical microbidices
    • - Lut Van Damme MD, PhD (The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation); Amy Corneli, PhD, MPH (Family Health International (FHI) 360); Jennifer Deese, MPH (FHI 360) (2014/08/14)
    • - Category : Special
    NIH Global Health Interest Group

    A Case Study Clinical Trial Management in Africa: HPTN 035, A phase 2/2b trial to evaluate topical microbidices

  • American Health Information Community - May 2006
    • - Jerry Menikoff, MD, OHRP Director (2014/08/13)
    • - Category : Advisory
    SACHRP provides expert advice and recommendations to the Secretary, HHS, on issues and topics pertaining to the protection of human research subjects. The committee is composed of 11 appointed voting members, with additional ex-officio representation from Common Rule agencies. SACHRP presently has two working subcommittees, the Subpart A Subcommittee and the Subcommittee on Harmonization. The July 2014 meeting will include reports from both subcommittees, as well as special panel reports focusing on comprehension and informed consent, regulatory issues concerning big data, and the return of general results to research subjects; there will also be a discussion of ethical and regulatory issues in interventional social media research. The meeting is open to the public and time is allotted on both days for public comment.

    American Health Information Community - May 2006

  • American Health Information Community - July 2008
    • - Jerry Menikoff, M.D., J.D., OHRP Director (2014/08/13)
    • - Category : Advisory
    SACHRP provides expert advice and recommendations to the Secretary, HHS, on issues and topics pertaining to the protection of human research subjects. The committee is composed of 11 appointed voting members, with additional ex-officio representation from Common Rule agencies. SACHRP presently has two working subcommittees, the Subpart A Subcommittee and the Subcommittee on Harmonization. The July 2014 meeting will include reports from both subcommittees, as well as special panel reports focusing on comprehension and informed consent, regulatory issues concerning big data, and the return of general results to research subjects; there will also be a discussion of ethical and regulatory issues in interventional social media research. The meeting is open to the public and time is allotted on both days for public comment.

    American Health Information Community - July 2008

  • The National Eye Institutes 40th Anniversary Symposium: Genetics and Genomics in Vision
    • - Jonathan Samet, Director at the USC Institute of Global Health at the University of Southern California (2014/08/13)
    • - Category : Special
    NCI Laboratory of Human Carcinogenesis

    The National Eye Institutes 40th Anniversary Symposium: Genetics and Genomics in Vision

  • Medicine: Mind the Gap - Helping Smokers With Behavioral Health Comorbidity Requires a National Effort
    • - John Pierce, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Family and Prevention Medicine, University of California, San Diego and Director of Population Science at Moores Cancer Center (2014/08/13)
    • - Category : Special
    Annual Advances in Cancer Prevention Lecture

    Medicine: Mind the Gap - Helping Smokers With Behavioral Health Comorbidity Requires a National Effort

  • Training on Human Subjects Protections: Part 2
    • - Kristina Borror, Ph.D., Office for Human Research Protections, HHS (2014/08/13)
    • - Category : Special
    The current HHS regulations for the protection of human subjects in research state that institutions are required to have written procedures for ensuring prompt reporting to the IRB, appropriate institutional officials, OHRP, and the department or agency head of any unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects or others, any serious or continuing noncompliance with the regulations or the requirements or determinations of the IRB, and any suspension or termination of IRB approval.

    Training on Human Subjects Protections: Part 2

  • HSHPS Graduate Student Visit
    • - NIH OD Office of Equity Diversity and Inclusion, Hispanic Portfolio Strategist (2014/08/13)
    • - Category : Hispanic Heritage
    Funded by the HHS Office of Minority Health through the National Umbrella Cooperative Agreement II Grant and in collaboration by the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, this two-day workshop aims to help prepare scholars interested in Hispanic health research.

    HSHPS Graduate Student Visit