
AGV의 주행기구 및 주행알고리즘에 대하여

무인반송차량(AGV : Automated Guided Vehicle)의 주행기구에 대하여 종류 및 주행특성, dynamic등을 비교해서 알고 싶구요, 또 보편적으로 많이 적용되는 path trajectory 알고리즘에 대한 논문 및 연구자료를 얻고 싶습니다. (참고로 제가 알고 있는 주행기구의 구조로는 세개의 바퀴를 사용하는 삼륜구조(보통 세발자전거라 얘기함), 4개바퀴를 사용한 Car-like구조, 특수 형태의 바퀴를 사용한 Omni-directional wheel구조 등이 있습니다. 이들의 다이나믹 특성 및 주행 알고리즘 등이 나온 논문을 찾고 있습니다)
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    김은정님의 답변

    아래의 자료들은 산업기술정보원(KINITI)의 웹(http://www.kiniti.re.kr)을 통해 원문신청이 가능한 자료입니다. * AGV 와 그 종류, 扇子健; 靑木實仁;, 省力と自動化 (JPN) 25(12); P33-36; 1994 * 특집 로지스틱 시스템: 신기술 실용화로 용도가 넓어진 무인 반송차 시스템, Takeichi,T., 明電時報 (JPN) (266); P28-32; 1999 * 무인 운반차(AGV)의 제어 및 주행 알고리즘 개발, 이석순 황영진, 경상대자동화및컴퓨터응용기술연구소논문집 1(”94.12):pp.65-70 * Auto guided vehicle control using expanded time B-splines, Vazquez G., Benjamin; Sossa A., J. Humberto; Diaz-de-Leon S., Juan L.;, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics v 3, p 2786-2791, 1994, Abstract : This paper deals with the control problem of an Auto Guided Vehicle (AGV) from a given trajectory. This trajectory is obtained from its B-spline representation profiting the implicit information contained in the B-spline formulation. For this, we manipulate the discrete trajectory information to construct a second-derivative continuous and smoothed path, which will be included in the control law together with the kinematics of the vehicle. In this paper we propose a new reformulation of B-splines in an expanded time domain instead of the parametric classical representation to get the desired approximation. The purpose of this new representation is to include the path inside the control law regardless the kind of controller used. To easily illustrate the utility of the proposed approach we use a simple Proportional controller. / (Author abstract) 아래의 자료는 LG상남도서관(http://www.lg.or.kr)을 통해 원문다운로드가 가능한 자료입니다. * Path planning and prototype design of an AGV, Wu KH, Chen CH, Ko JM, Lee JD , Mathematical & Computer Modelling , V.30 N.7-8 , 147-167 , 19991001 초록 In this paper, a path planning method using fuzzy logic control and potential field for an Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV) is proposed. The design and implementation of an AGV prototype are also presented. From a top-view image of an environment, the chamfer distance transform is used to build the artificial potential field required. The potential field method is used to calculate the repulsive force between the vehicle and the closest obstacle, and the attractive force generated by the goal. Then the resultant force guides the mobile vehicle to its destination. When trap situations occur and the AGV may not reach the goal or even collide the obstacles, a fuzzy logic controller is proposed to modify the direction of the AGV. Based on the angle between the obstacle and the goal, and the status of the AGV, a correction angle is generated by the simple fuzzy rules. Fuzzy logic control with the characteristic of simulating human thinking renders the path of the AGV smoother and safer. A prototype of the expe imental AGV is built by modifying a consumer model car. The built mobile vehicle is shown to track the desired trajectories successfully according to the path planning algorithm we proposed. A series of simulations, based on window-frame type environments with geometric obstacles, show that the fuzzy logic control is able to make the AGV escape from trap situations and generate a smoother and safer trajectory. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. >무인반송차량(AGV : Automated Guided Vehicle)의 주행기구에 대하여 >종류 및 주행특성, dynamic등을 비교해서 알고 싶구요, 또 보편적으로 >많이 적용되는 path trajectory 알고리즘에 대한 논문 및 연구자료를 >얻고 싶습니다. > >(참고로 제가 알고 있는 주행기구의 구조로는 세개의 바퀴를 사용하는 >삼륜구조(보통 세발자전거라 얘기함), 4개바퀴를 사용한 Car-like구조, >특수 형태의 바퀴를 사용한 Omni-directional wheel구조 등이 있습니다. >이들의 다이나믹 특성 및 주행 알고리즘 등이 나온 논문을 찾고 있습니다)
    아래의 자료들은 산업기술정보원(KINITI)의 웹(http://www.kiniti.re.kr)을 통해 원문신청이 가능한 자료입니다. * AGV 와 그 종류, 扇子健; 靑木實仁;, 省力と自動化 (JPN) 25(12); P33-36; 1994 * 특집 로지스틱 시스템: 신기술 실용화로 용도가 넓어진 무인 반송차 시스템, Takeichi,T., 明電時報 (JPN) (266); P28-32; 1999 * 무인 운반차(AGV)의 제어 및 주행 알고리즘 개발, 이석순 황영진, 경상대자동화및컴퓨터응용기술연구소논문집 1(”94.12):pp.65-70 * Auto guided vehicle control using expanded time B-splines, Vazquez G., Benjamin; Sossa A., J. Humberto; Diaz-de-Leon S., Juan L.;, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics v 3, p 2786-2791, 1994, Abstract : This paper deals with the control problem of an Auto Guided Vehicle (AGV) from a given trajectory. This trajectory is obtained from its B-spline representation profiting the implicit information contained in the B-spline formulation. For this, we manipulate the discrete trajectory information to construct a second-derivative continuous and smoothed path, which will be included in the control law together with the kinematics of the vehicle. In this paper we propose a new reformulation of B-splines in an expanded time domain instead of the parametric classical representation to get the desired approximation. The purpose of this new representation is to include the path inside the control law regardless the kind of controller used. To easily illustrate the utility of the proposed approach we use a simple Proportional controller. / (Author abstract) 아래의 자료는 LG상남도서관(http://www.lg.or.kr)을 통해 원문다운로드가 가능한 자료입니다. * Path planning and prototype design of an AGV, Wu KH, Chen CH, Ko JM, Lee JD , Mathematical & Computer Modelling , V.30 N.7-8 , 147-167 , 19991001 초록 In this paper, a path planning method using fuzzy logic control and potential field for an Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV) is proposed. The design and implementation of an AGV prototype are also presented. From a top-view image of an environment, the chamfer distance transform is used to build the artificial potential field required. The potential field method is used to calculate the repulsive force between the vehicle and the closest obstacle, and the attractive force generated by the goal. Then the resultant force guides the mobile vehicle to its destination. When trap situations occur and the AGV may not reach the goal or even collide the obstacles, a fuzzy logic controller is proposed to modify the direction of the AGV. Based on the angle between the obstacle and the goal, and the status of the AGV, a correction angle is generated by the simple fuzzy rules. Fuzzy logic control with the characteristic of simulating human thinking renders the path of the AGV smoother and safer. A prototype of the expe imental AGV is built by modifying a consumer model car. The built mobile vehicle is shown to track the desired trajectories successfully according to the path planning algorithm we proposed. A series of simulations, based on window-frame type environments with geometric obstacles, show that the fuzzy logic control is able to make the AGV escape from trap situations and generate a smoother and safer trajectory. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. >무인반송차량(AGV : Automated Guided Vehicle)의 주행기구에 대하여 >종류 및 주행특성, dynamic등을 비교해서 알고 싶구요, 또 보편적으로 >많이 적용되는 path trajectory 알고리즘에 대한 논문 및 연구자료를 >얻고 싶습니다. > >(참고로 제가 알고 있는 주행기구의 구조로는 세개의 바퀴를 사용하는 >삼륜구조(보통 세발자전거라 얘기함), 4개바퀴를 사용한 Car-like구조, >특수 형태의 바퀴를 사용한 Omni-directional wheel구조 등이 있습니다. >이들의 다이나믹 특성 및 주행 알고리즘 등이 나온 논문을 찾고 있습니다)
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