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Mobile Robot의 자신의 위치를 인식하는 방법에서 Absolute Positioning Method 중 Landmark Navigation을 이용한 방법에 대한 자료를 부탁드립니다.
Landmark Method를 적용한 논문보다는 그 원리나 방법등을 자세히 소개한 자료가 있다면 저에게 큰 도움이 되겠습니다.
좋은 답변 기다리겠습니다..
그럼 이만..^^
지식의 출발은 질문, 모든 지식의 완성은 답변!
각 분야 한인연구자와 현업 전문가분들의 답변을 기다립니다.
각 분야 한인연구자와 현업 전문가분들의 답변을 기다립니다.
답변 2
김은정님의 답변
2000-05-06- 0
다음의 자료들은 LG상남도서관(http://www.lg.or.kr)을 통해 검색된 자료입니다. 원하시는 자료는 웹을 통해 원문 다운로드가 가능합니다. 1. Fusion of fixation and odometry for vehicle navigation IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, & Cybernetics Part A: Systems & Humans ,V.29 N.6 ,1999 -11 -01 2. Biomechanical modeling of the human head for physically based, nonrigid image registration IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging ,V.18 N.10 ,1999 -10 -01 3. Landmark-based Navigation of Mobile Robots in Manufacturing Proceedings of the 1999 7th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Tehchnologies and Factory Automation - Volume 1 ,V.1 ,1999 -10 -18 4. Navigation through vector addition Nature ,V.396 N.6707 ,1998 -11 -12 5. Hippocampal lesions disrupt navigation based on cognitive maps but not heading vectors Nature ,V.396 N.6706 ,1998 -11 -05 6. Just-in-time landmarks recognition Real-Time Imaging ,V.5 N.2 ,1999 -04 -01 7. BISMARC: a biologically inspired system for map-based autonomous rover control Neural Networks ,V.11 N.7-8 ,1998 -10 -01 8. Registration of head CT images to physical space using a weighted combination of points and surfaces IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging ,V.17 N.5 ,1998 -10 -01 9. COMBINED GPS/GLONASS LAAS FLIGHT TRIALS International Journal of Satellite Communications ,V.15 N.6 ,1997 -11 -01 10. Improvement of strapdown inertial navigation using PDAF IEEE Transactions on Aerospace & Electronic Systems ,V.35 N.3 ,1999 -07 -01 11. Vehicles capable of dynamic vision: a new breed of technical beings? Artificial Intelligence ,V.103 N.1-2 ,1998 -07 -01 12. Feature-based mapping in real large scale environments using an ultrasonic array International Journal of Robotics Research ,V.18 N.1 ,1999 -01 -01 13. Head direction cells in rats with hippocampal or overlying neocortical lesions: Evidence for impaired angular path integration Journal of Neuroscience ,V.19 N.16 ,1999 -08 -15 14. Homing in pigeons: The role of the hippocampal formation in the representation of landmarks used for navigation Journal of Neuroscience ,V.19 N.1 ,1999 -01 -01 15. LOCAL AND GLOBAL VECTORS IN DESERT ANT NAVIGATION Nature ,V.394 N.6690 ,1998 -07 -16 16. VISION-BASED MOTION PLANNING AND EXPLORATION ALGORITHMS FOR MOBILE ROBOTS IEEE Transactions on Robotics & Automation ,V.14 N.3 ,1998 -06 -01 17. THE MOBILE ROBOT SURROGATE METHOD FOR DEVELOPING AUTONOMY IEEE Transactions on Robotics & Automation ,V.14 N.2 ,1998 -04 -01 18. RECOGNITION AND LOCALIZATION OF GENERIC OBJECTS FOR INDOOR NAVIGATION USING FUNCTIONALITY IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING ,V.16 N.11 ,1998 -08 -01 19. INDOOR ROBOT NAVIGATION BY LANDMARK TRACKING Mathematical & Computer Modelling ,V.26 N.4 ,1997 -08 -01 20. A Method of Acoustic Landmark Extraction for Mobile Robot Navigation IEEE Transactions on Robotics & Automation ,V.12 N.3 ,1996 -06 -01 21. VISUALLY MEDIATED ODOMETRY IN HONEYBEES Journal of Experimental Biology ,V.200 N.19 ,1997 -10 -01 22. VISION BASED NAVIGATION SYSTEM FOR AN ENDOSCOPE Image & Vision Computing ,V.14 N.10 ,1996 -12 -01 23. RECALLING ROUTES AROUND LONDON - ACTIVATION OF THE RIGHT HIPPOCAMPUS IN TAXI DRIVERS Journal of Neuroscience ,V.17 N.18 ,1997 -09 -15 24. LANDMARK-BASED ROBOT NAVIGATION Algorithmica ,V.13 N.5 ,1995 -05 -01 25. A MODEL FOR PLACE NAVIGATION IN MAMMALS Journal of Theoretical Biology ,V.173 N.2 ,1995 -03 -21 26. INSECT NAVIGATION EN ROUTE TO THE GOAL - MULTIPLE STRATEGIES FOR THE USE OF LANDMARKS Journal of Experimental Biology ,V.199 N.1 ,1996 -01 -01 27. SPATIAL MEMORY AND NAVIGATION BY HONEYBEES ON THE SCALE OF THE FORAGING RANGE Journal of Experimental Biology ,V.199 N.1 ,1996 -01 -01 28. THE KNOWLEDGE BASE OF BEE NAVIGATION Journal of Experimental Biology ,V.199 N.1 ,1996 -01 -01 29. VISUAL NAVIGATION IN INSECTS - COUPLING OF EGOCENTRIC AND GEOCENTRIC INFORMATION Journal of Experimental Biology ,V.199 N.1 ,1996 -01 -01 30. EFFECTS OF HORIZON LANDMARKS ON HOMING SUCCESS IN HONEY BEES American Naturalist ,V.146 N.5 ,1995 -11 -01 31. BINDING OF HIPPOCAMPAL CA1 NEURAL ACTIVITY TO MULTIPLE REFERENCE FRAMES IN A LANDMARK-BASED NAVIGATION TASK Journal of Neuroscience ,V.16 N.2 ,1996 -01 -15 32. PATH INTEGRATION - A NETWORK MODEL Biological Cybernetics ,V.73 N.6 ,1995 -11 -01 33. Autonomous Dirigible Navigation Using Visual Tracking and Pose Estimation Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation - Volume 4 ,V.4 ,1999 -05 -10 34. Fusion of Fixation and Odometry for Vehicle Navigation Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation - Volume 2 ,V.2 ,1999 -05 -10 35. Matching of Affinely Invariant Regions for Visual Servoing Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation - Volume 2 ,V.2 ,1999 -05 -10 36. Safe actions and observations planning for mobile robots Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation - Volume 2 ,V.2 ,1999 -05 -10 37. Vision Based Navigation System for Autonomous Mobile Robot with Global Matching Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation - Volume 2 ,V.2 ,1999 -05 -10 38. Application of Radio Frequency IdentificationDevices to Support Navigation of Autonomous Mobile Robots Proceedings of the VTC'97(IEEE 47th Vehicular technology Conference Proceedings) - Volume 1 ,V.1 , - - >안녕하세요..담당자님.. >Mobile Robot의 자신의 위치를 인식하는 방법에서 Absolute Positioning Method 중 Landmark Navigation을 이용한 방법에 대한 자료를 부탁드립니다. >Landmark Method를 적용한 논문보다는 그 원리나 방법등을 자세히 소개한 자료가 있다면 저에게 큰 도움이 되겠습니다. >좋은 답변 기다리겠습니다.. >그럼 이만..^^ -
박태현님의 답변
2000-09-19- 0
>안녕하세요..담당자님.. >Mobile Robot의 자신의 위치를 인식하는 방법에서 Absolute Positioning Method 중 Landmark Navigation을 이용한 방법에 대한 자료를 부탁드립니다. >Landmark Method를 적용한 논문보다는 그 원리나 방법등을 자세히 소개한 자료가 있다면 저에게 큰 도움이 되겠습니다. >좋은 답변 기다리겠습니다.. >그럼 이만..^^ A mobile robot employing insect strategies for navigation, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 30, Issues 1-2, 31 January 2000, Pages 39-64 Head direction cells in rats with hippocampal or overlying neocortical lesions: Evidence for impaired angular path integration, Journal of Neuroscience, Volume 19, Issue 16, 15 August 1999, Pages 7198-7211