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Postbuckling of Plate 란 theme에 관해서 알고싶은데요..
우선,plate의 좌굴해석 방법중 Ritz-method란게 있다는데
답변주시면 감사ㅎ겠읍니다.
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각 분야 한인연구자와 현업 전문가분들의 답변을 기다립니다.
답변 1
김은정님의 답변
2000-05-17- 0
아래의 자료들은 산업기술정보원(KINITI)를 통해 원문 신청이 가능한 자료입니다. (http://www.kiniti.re.kr) * Influence of Boundary Stress Singularities on the Vibration of Clamped and Simply Supported Sectorial Plates With Various Radial Edge Conditions, 김주우, 한국강구조학회논문집 37(”98.12):pp.601-613 * Ritz Method 를 이용한 접착 구조물 해석, 강구태, 한국과학기술원, 19840222 * Lanczos알고리즘과 Ritz Vector를 이용한 Component mode Method에 의한 거대구조물의 동적 해석, 박태현, 서울: 경희대 대학원, 199602 56 p. * Postbuckling Analysis of Geometrically Imperfect Plates by Finite Elements, 김형열, 대한토목학회논문집 17,Ⅰ-4(”97.7):pp.497-506 아래의 자료들은 LG상남도서관(http://www.lg.or.kr)을 통해 원문 다운로드가 가능한 자료입니다. 참고 하시기 바랍니다. 1. Ordering of spontaneously formed buckles on planar surfaces Langmuir ,V.16 N.7 ,2000 -04 -04 2. Postbuckling of shear deformable laminated plates under biaxial compression and lateral pressure and resting on elastic foundations International Journal of Mechanical Sciences ,V.42 N.6 ,2000 -06 -01 3. Analysis of interfacial cracks in a TBC/superalloy system under thermomechanical loading Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines & Power-Transactions of the ASME ,V.120 N.4 ,1998 -10 -01 4. Postbuckling of Reissner-Mindlin plates under biaxial compression and lateral pressure and resting on elastic foundations Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics & Engineering ,V.173 N.1-2 ,1999 -04 -23 5. Some computational aspects of a group theoretic finite element approach to the buckling and postbuckling analyses of plates and shells-of-revolution Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics & Engineering ,V.170 N.3-4 ,1999 -03 -12 6. Compressive behavior of multiply delaminated composite laminates part 2: Finite element analysis AIAA Journal ,V.36 N.7 ,1998 -07 -01 7. Axisymmetric postbuckling and secondary bifurcation buckling of circular plates International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics ,V.35 N.2 ,2000 -03 -01 8. GLOBAL/LOCAL POSTBUCKLING FAILURE ANALYSIS OF COMPOSITE STRINGER/SKIN PANELS AIAA Journal ,V.36 N.9 ,1998 -09 -01 9. AXISYMMETRIC AND ASYMMETRIC POSTBUCKLING RESPONSE AND ENERGY RELEASE RATE OF DELAMINATED CIRCULAR FILM International Journal of Mechanical Sciences ,V.41 N.1 ,1999 -01 -01 10. FREE VIBRATION OF BUCKLED LAMINATED PLATES BY FINITE ELEMENT METHOD Journal of Vibration & Acoustics-Transactions of the ASME ,V.119 N.4 ,1997 -11 -01 11. UPDATED LAGRANGIAN FORMULATION OF A FLAT TRIANGULAR ELEMENT FOR THIN LAMINATED SHELLS AIAA Journal ,V.36 N.2 ,1998 -02 -01 12. BUCKLING OF A THIN, TENSION-LOADED, COMPOSITE PLATE WITH AN INCLINED CRACK Engineering Fracture Mechanics ,V.58 N.3 ,1997 -10 -01 13. BIFURCATION BUCKLING EIGENVECTOR CHARACTERISTICS FOR STRUCTURES EXHIBITING BUCKLING MODE INTERACTIONS Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics & Engineering ,V.149 N.1-4 ,1997 -10 -01 14. POSTBUCKLING OF LAMINATED COMPOSITE AND SANDWICH PLATES AND SHELLS - ON THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FULFILLMENT OF STATIC INTERLAYER CONTINUITY CONDITIONS Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics & Engineering ,V.148 N.1-2 ,1997 -09 -05 15. COMBINED STEADY-STATE NONLINEAR HEAT TRANSFER THERMAL POSTBUCKLING COMPUTATIONS IN UNSTIFFENED AND STIFFENED LAMINATED COMPOSITE PLATES AND SHELLS Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics & Engineering ,V.138 N.1-4 ,1996 -12 -01 16. STOCHASTIC RESISTANCE OF SQUARE PLATE UNDER UNIAXIAL COMPRESSION Engineering Structures ,V.19 N.10 ,1997 -10 -01 17. VIBRATION BEHAVIORS OF THERMALLY POSTBUCKLED ANISOTROPIC PLATES USING FIRST-ORDER SHEAR DEFORMABLE PLATE THEORY Computers & Structures ,V.63 N.3 ,1997 -05 -01 18. THEORY AND COMPARISON OF THE EFFECT OF COMPOSITE AND SHAPE MEMORY ALLOY STIFFENERS ON STABILITY OF COMPOSITE SHELLS AND PLATES International Journal of Mechanical Sciences ,V.39 N.10 ,1997 -10 -01 19. POSTBUCKLING AND VIBRATION OF SHEAR DEFORMABLE FLAT AND CURVED PANELS ON A NON-LINEAR ELASTIC FOUNDATION International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics ,V.32 N.2 ,1997 -03 -01 20. BUCKLING AND POSTBUCKLING OF CIRCULAR PLATES CONTAINING CONCENTRIC PENNY-SHAPED DELAMINATIONS Computers & Structures ,V.58 N.5 ,1996 -03 -03 21. POSTBUCKLING OF ORTHOTROPIC PLATES ON TWO-PARAMETER ELASTIC FOUNDATION Journal of Engineering Mechanics ,V.121 N.1 ,1995 -01 -01 22. APPLICATION OF THE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD TO POSTBUCKLING ANALYSIS OF LAMINATED PLATES AIAA Journal ,V.33 N.12 ,1995 -12 -01 23. EFFECTS OF BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ON POSTBUCKLING OF COMPRESSED, SYMMETRICALLY LAMINATED THICK PLATES AIAA Journal ,V.33 N.8 ,1995 -08 -01 24. POSTBUCKLING ANALYSIS OF COMPOSITE LAMINATED PLATES ON TWO - PARAMETER ELASTIC FOUNDATIONS International Journal of Mechanical Sciences ,V.37 N.12 ,1995 -12 -01 25. POSTBUCKLING ANALYSIS OF IMPERFECT COMPOSITE LAMINATED PLATES ON NON-LINEAR ELASTIC FOUNDATIONS International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics ,V.30 N.5 ,1995 -09 -01 26. POSTBUCKLING RESEARCH OF COMPRESSED PLATES BY FINITE ELEMENT METHOD Proceedings of the Twelfth Asian Technical Exchange and Advisory Meeting on Marine Structures - TEAM'98 KANAZAWA , ,1998 -07 -06 27. Thermal Buckling Behavior of Very Thin CFRP Face in Al Honeycomb Sandwich Plates for Various Lamination Proceedings of the 39th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference and Exhibit and AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Forum - PART 3 ,P.3 ,1998 -04 -20 28. ELASTIC BUCKLING OF LAMINATED PLATED UNDER VARYING AXIAL STRESSES Proceedings of the 39th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference and Exhibit and AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Forum - PART 1 ,P.1 ,1998 -04 -20 29. LOCAL POSTBUCKLING ANALYSIS FOR PERFECT AND IMPERFECT LONGITUDINALLY COMPRESSED PLATES AND PANELS Proceedings of the 39th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference and Exhibit and AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Forum - PART 1 ,P.1 ,1998 -04 -20 30. Compressive Behavior of composite laminates with Multiple Delaminations of different sizes Proceedings of the 39th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference and Exhibit and AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Forum - PART 1 ,P.1 ,1998 -04 -20 31. BUCKLING AND POSTBUCKLING OF COMPOSITE BEAM-PLATE WITH MULTIPLE CENTRAL DELAMINATIONS Proceedings of the 38th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference and Exhibit and AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Forum - Part 4 ,P.4 ,1997 -04 -07 32. Composite Plate Girder Bridges: Safety and Serviceability Proceedings of the Composite Construction Conventional and Innovative , ,1997 -09 -16 >Postbuckling of Plate 란 theme에 관해서 알고싶은데요.. >우선,plate의 좌굴해석 방법중 Ritz-method란게 있다는데 > >답변주시면 감사ㅎ겠읍니다.