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plate의 좌굴하중계산과 eigen value와의 관계에 대해서 궁금합니다.
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김은정님의 답변
2000-05-19- 0
좌굴하중과 eigenvalue와의 관계와 관련하여 산업기술정보원의 해외 DB를 통해 검색해 본 결과 관련 자료가 약 58건이 검색되었습니다. 아래는 검색된 자료의 서명입니다. 원하시는 자료가 있으시면 산업기술정보원 웹사이트(http://www.kiniti.re.kr)을 통해 원문신청을 하여 이용하시기 바랍니다. 1 COM1999484847151 Plastic buckling of circular cylindrical shells under nonuniform axial loads 199948 2 COM1999254608382 Buckling analysis of a taper-taper adhesive-bonded joint 199925 3 COM1998354276208 Postbuckling behaviour of square compression loaded graphite epoxy panels with square and elliptical cut-outs 199835 4 COM1997383748851 Primary bending effect and the buckling boundary-value problem in elastic framed structures 199738 5 COM1997313683559 Effects of a free edge delamination on buckling of rectangular composite plates with two fixed loading and one simply-supported side edges 199731 6 COM1996433302933 Stability characteristics of composite panels with various cutout geometries 199643 7 COM1996373249166 Rational model for the distortional buckling of tapered members 199637 8 COM1996303204473 Collapse analysis of steel frame structures under earthquake loading 199630 9 COM1995472875720 Simplified model for buckling mechanism in lattice structures 199547 10 COM1995422832078 Buckling and postbuckling investigations of imperfect curved stringer-stiffened composite shells. Part B: computational investigations 199542 11 COM1995262693918 General buckling analysis of sandwich constructions 199526 12 COM1995232666421 Buckling analysis of laminated composite beams with multiple delaminations 199523 13 COM1995011441316 Development of a new branch-switching algorithm in nonlinear FEM using scaled corrector 199501 14 COM1994122405971 Influence of thickness and lamination sequence on fiber microbuckling strength in thick composites 199412 15 COM1994081337177 Plate buckling loads by the boundary element method 199408 16 COM1993070757684 Efficient algorithm for the computation of stability points of dynamical systems under step load 199307 17 COM1993010610895 Stability analysis of stochastically parametered nonconservative columns 199301 18 COM1992120593885 New computational technique for the stability analysis of slender rods 199212 19 COM1992020370443 Delamination buckling of laminated plates 199202 20 COM1992010333713 Column buckling under friction 199201 21 COM1991120307049 Parametric studies of the stability behaviors of orthotropic skew plates under combined nonconservative in-plane loading 199112 22 COM1991110331508 Linear and nonlinear buckling of injection molded components 199111 23 COM1991060178354 Optimal design of frames to resist buckling under multiple load cases 199106 24 COM1991060178353 Optimal design of planar frames based on stability criterion 199106 25 COM1991050157192 Elastic stability of plates with varying rigidities 199105 26 COM1991020085482 Flexural vibration and buckling analysis of orthotropic plates by the boundary element method 199102 27 COM1990100545460 Optimal design of nonlinear structural systems with critical loads 199010 28 COM1990030146447 Application of funicular polygon method to inelastic buckling analysis of plates 199003 29 COM1989080409364 Nonlinear investigations of composite shells by finite element method 198908 30 COM1989010247839 Optimization of the buckling load of columns and frames 198901 31 COM1988100137534 CREEP INDUCED BUCKLING OF PLASTIC MATERIALS. 198810 32 COM1988090134609 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF ARCH LATERAL BUCKLING. 198809 33 COM1988070096348 NONLINEAR ANALYSIS OF GEOMETRICALLY IMPERFECT STIFFENED SHELLS OF REVOLUTION. 198807 34 COM1988020021074 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF ARCH LATERAL BUCKLING. 198802 35 COM1987070117080 STABILITY OF SANDWICH PANELS. 198707 36 COM1986030036014 ON PLATE BUCKLING COEFFICIENTS. 198603 37 COM1985110172804 ASPECTS OF NONLINEAR COLLAPSE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURES USING THE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD. 198511 38 COM1985100146173 BUCKLING OF STIFFENED AND UNSTIFFENED HEMISPHERICAL SHELLS USING ANSYS. 198510 39 COM1985100140999 OPTIMAL DESIGN OF PORTAL FRAMES AGAINST BUCKLING. 198510 40 COM1984100174775 LATERAL INSTABILITY OF I-BEAMS WITH IMPERFECTIONS. 198410 41 COM1984050078790 BUCKLING OF COLUMNS WITH MOVABLE BOUNDARIES. 198405 42 COM1983080109655 DISCRETE AND NON-DISCRETE MIXED METHODS APPLIED TO EIGENVALUE PROBLEMS OF PLATES. 198308 43 COM1983050062841 STUDY ON THE ELASTIC-PLASTIC BUCKLING STRENGTH OF PLATE STRUCTURES. 198305 44 COM1982100129300 BUCKLING OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS IN ELASTIC MEDIA. 198210 45 COM1981090008330 VIBRATION OF PRESTRESSED PERIODIC LATTICE STRUCTURES. 198109 46 COM1980120003340 SENSIBILITY OF SHELLS TO BUCKLING DISTURBANCES IN CONNECTION WITH PARAMETERS OF CRITICAL LOADING SPECTRUM. 198012 47 COM1979090005759 MODAL REPRESENTATION OF GEOMETRICALLY NONLINEAR BEHAVIOR BY THE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD. 197909 48 COM1978110002079 ON A NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF THE PLASTIC BUCKLING PROBLEm OF STRUCTUrES. 197811 49 COM1977110000254 BUCKLING OF PRESSURE LOADED RINGS AND SHELLS BY THE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD. 197711 50 COM1977040002591 ON BUCKLING OF AXISYMMETRIC THIN ELASTIC-PLASTIC SHELLS. 197704 51 COM1977030002167 INFLUENCE OF THICKNESS ON THE STABILITY OF CIRCULAR CYLINDRICAL SHELLS SUBJECTED TO NONUNIFORM AXIAL COMPRESSION. 197703 52 COM1976110003063 LARGE DEFLECTION EFFECTS IN A SHEET WITH A HOLE AND IN-PLANE LOADING. 197611 53 COM1973020003138 TIME DELAY INSTABILITIES IN LARGE ORDER SYSTEMS WITH CONTROLLED FOLLOWER FORCES. 197302 54 COM1973010002781 PERTURBATION SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEMS OF GENERAL ORTHOTROPIC RECTANGULAR PLATES. 197301 55 COM1972100000166 COUPLED, NONCONSERVATIVE STABILITY-FINITE ELEMENT. 197210 56 COM1972020004253 Natural frequencies and elastic stability of a simply- supported rectangular plate under linearly varying compressive loads 197202 57 COM1971110113275 LOADING-FREQUENCY RELATIONSHIP IN MULTIPLE EIGENVALUE PROBLEMS 197111 58 COM1971050055957 LARGE DEFLECTION AND STABILITY ANALYSIS OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL TRUSS AND FRAME STRUCTURES 197105 >토목을 공부하는 학생입니다. >plate의 좌굴하중계산과 eigen value와의 관계에 대해서 궁금합니다. >아시는 분은 제게 ㅈㅁ 가르쳐 주세요... > >