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디지털 TV 스펙 중에 DASE에 관한 자료나 스펙을 가지고 계신 분이 있으시면 자료 공유를 부탁드립니다.
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각 분야 한인연구자와 현업 전문가분들의 답변을 기다립니다.
답변 1
김은정님의 답변
2000-10-24- 0
아래의 자료는 산업기술정보원(http://www.kiniti.re.kr)의 영문 DB를 통해 검색된 자료입니다. 웹을 통해 원문 신청이 가능합니다. 검색어는 DASE and specification 입니다. * Specification driven modelling of complex telecommunications systems Author AU, European Simulation Multiconference 1995 (1995), Abstract : Traditionally in the design automation field, simulation has been applied to explore low level design details and has had limited success in architectural verification. However, a focus on design specification driven simulation environments has been missing. Such tools can conceptually capture an initial design specification and allow design exploration with a simulation based environment prior. Current work at McGill University and Bell Canada has focused upon developing a Design Analysis and Synthesis Environment (DASE). While DASE is specifically oriented towards telecommunication domain, the methodology is applicable to other areas. Design alternatives and parameters can be modelled, simulated and analysed until a desired design objective is achieved. The author describes design abstraction, simulation and the design development in DASE for a large network of digital voice switches * DASE: an environment for system level telecommunication design exploration and modelling, Tanir, O.; Agarwal, V.K.; Bhatt, P.C.P.;, Computer Aided Systems Theory - CAST '94. 4th International Workshop. Selected Papers (1996), pp302-18, Abstract : Design automation (DA) has steadily contributed to improvements witnessed in the system design process. Initial applications were to address low level design concerns such as transistor layout: however the focus of tools has slowly progressed up the design abstraction scale. The current state-of-the-art provides solutions for synthesis issues at the register-transfer (high level) and lower levels. While DA has helped in reducing design time and re-design, a major source of design difficulties are just recently being addressed and promise to be the next wave in DA applicability. The problems arise within the architectural (or system) level of abstraction very early in the design cycle. They may be classified as those related to design specification and design capture. The former is a complex problem area and significant work has been accomplished in attempting to formalize specifications for modelling. The latter, a relatively new research area that attempts to bridge the design process gap between specification and design, is the focus of this paper. DASE allows a telecommunication designer to experiment with different design options and trade-offs at a significantly abstract but intuitive architectural representation level. The paper covers these issues as addressed by DASE * DASE: an architectural level system design and modelling environment, Tanir, O.; Agarwal, V.K.; Bhatt, P.C.P.;, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Concurrent Engineering and Electronic Design Automation (1994), pp414-19, 10 Abstract : Traditionally in the design automation field, simulation has been applied to explore low level design details and rarely has been employed for architectural level modelling or synthesis. With a focus on design specification, one can conceptually capture an initial design specification and allow design exploration with a simulation based environment prior to synthesis. Current work at McGill University has focused upon developing a design specification driven architectural modelling and simulation environment called DASE (Design and Synthesis Environment) for design exploration and prototyping of telecommunication systems. While DASE is specifically oriented towards the telecommunication domain, the methodology is applicable to other areas as well. Design alternatives and parameters can be modelled, simulated and analysed until a desired design objective is achieved. A model library ensures that design and manufacture constraints are defined and met by the model. DASE uses these abstract models to generate and synthesize a more detailed one translating them into a standard hardware description language such as behavioral VHDL which may be utilized by synthesis tools. We describe the basic concepts of DASE with a digital telecommunication switch element example * A specification-driven architectural design environment, Tanir, O.; Agarwal, V.K.; Bhatt, P.C.P., Computer (USA) vol.28, no.6 (June 1995) (USA), p26-35, Abstract : We introduce an environment we've developed that helps designers represent, model, and explore design tradeoffs at the architectural abstraction level and synthesize designs at the behavioral level. The Design Analysis and Synthesis Environment (DASE) accomplishes this by supporting design capture, design space exploration, and validation for the final design synthesis. DASE specifically caters to design capture via the Design Specification Language (DSL) description, exploration through simulation, and behavioral synthesis through a translator that produces VHDL output for behavior synthesis. DASE has a support library for telecommunication systems, although DASE's library support system can he reconfigured for other domains. We illustrate the various capabilities of DASE, such as specification capture, design exploration, software and hardware modeling, and synthesis. We discuss models based on Petri nets, summarize other DASE designs, and present results reflecting synthesized code sizes-the resulting executable descriptions of the hardware and software >디지털 TV 스펙 중에 DASE에 관한 자료나 스펙을 가지고 계신 분이 있으시면 자료 공유를 부탁드립니다. >아니면 해당하는 사이트를 알고 계신분이 있으시면.. 알려주세요.. >