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There are many botanical medicines, which is used traditionally for women.
In such herbs contains phytoestrogen and their metabolites, which can bind estrogen recepter and can have both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects.
One of them is Phytoestrogen from black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa).
Black cohosh contains cimicifugin (macrofin), Acetein and ferulic/isoferulic acid.
이 Black Cohosh라는 생약/ 약초에 대한 문헌 그리고 약리와 임상에 대한 자료를 찾고 있습니다.
대단히 감사합니다
지식의 출발은 질문, 모든 지식의 완성은 답변!
각 분야 한인연구자와 현업 전문가분들의 답변을 기다립니다.
각 분야 한인연구자와 현업 전문가분들의 답변을 기다립니다.
답변 2
장성훈님의 답변
2000-10-27- 0
Several papers are listed as follow. If I find out more papers, I will update it. 1. Use of herbal menopausal therapies in Maryland. Clark, J. M.; Bass, E. B.; Bush, T. L. American Journal of Epidemiology 151(11 Supplement)2000. p.S89 2. Direct analysis and identification of triterpene glycosides by LC/MS in black cohosh, Cimicifuga racemosa, and in several commercially available black cohosh products. He, Kan; Zheng, Bolin; Kim, Calvin H.; Rogers, Lingling; Zheng, Qun Yi Abstracts of Papers American Chemical Society 220(Part 1)2000. p.AGFD 125 3. Modern analytical approaches in quality control of Black Cohosh. Spreemann, Ralf C. Abstracts of Papers American Chemical Society 220(Part 1)2000. p.AGFD 122 4. Growth inhibition of human breast cancer cells by herbs and phytoestrogens. Dixon-Shanies, Donna; Shaikh, Nishat Oncology Reports 6(6)1999. p.1383-1387 5. Herbal remedies in psychiatric practice. Wong, Albert H. C.; Smith, Michael; Boon, Heather S. Archives of General Psychiatry 55(11)1998. p.1033-1044 6. Therapeutic efficacy and safety of Cimicifuga racemosa for gynecologic disorders. Liske, Eckehard Advances in Therapy 15(1)1998. p.45-53 7. Estrogenicity of medicinal botanicals in rat liver and other tissues. Eagon, C. L.; Elm, M. S.; Teepe, A. G.; Eagon, P. K. Hepatology 26(4 PART 2)1997. p.502A 8. Medicinal botanicals: Estrogenicity in rat uterus and liver. Eagon, C. L.; Elm, M. S.; Teepe, A. G.; Eagon, P. K. Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 381997. p.293 And more...I think a couple of following books will help you. Those are newly published. I am not sure if you can get these book or not, though. 1. Author: Mills, Simon, 1949- Title: Principles and practice of phytotherapy : modern herbal medicine / Simon Mills, Kerry Bone ; forewords by: Desmond Corrigan, James A. Duke, Jonathan V. Wright Publish info: Edinburgh ; New York : Churchill Livingstone, 2000 2. Title: Herbal medicine : expanded Commission E monographs / senior editor, Mark Blumental ; associate editor, Alicia Goldberg ; assistant editor, Josef Brinckmann ; photographs by Steven Foster ; with foreword by Varro E. Tyler Publish info: Newton, MA : Integrative Medicine Communications, 2000 >There are many botanical medicines, which is used traditionally for women. >In such herbs contains phytoestrogen and their metabolites, which can bind estrogen recepter and can have both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects. >One of them is Phytoestrogen from black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa). >Black cohosh contains cimicifugin (macrofin), Acetein and ferulic/isoferulic acid. >이 Black Cohosh라는 생약/ 약초에 대한 문헌 그리고 약리와 임상에 대한 자료를 찾고 있습니다. >대단히 감사합니다 -
DonYoon님의 답변
2000-10-29- 0
대단히 감사합니다. 많은 도움이 되겠습니다. 새로운 자료가 또 입수되는대로 더 찾아 주시면 역시 감사하겠습니다