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사출성형의 Upgrade 기술인 Gas Injection Molding의
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김은정님의 답변
2000-11-08- 0
아래의 자료는 전반적인 사출 성형에 관련된 동향이 정리된 자료들입니다. 산업기술정보원(http://www.kiniti.re.kr)의 웹을 통해 원문신청이 가능한 자료들입니다. 참고하시기 바랍니다. * 최신 사출 성형 시스템의 동향과 금후의 전개, Hosaka,N., プラスチックス (JPN) 50(8); P10-15; 1999 * 해외에 있어서 사출 성형 기술의 개발 동향, Furuhashi,A., 工業材料 (JPN) 47(10); P18-23; 1999 초록 : 사출 성형 기술의 개발은 성형 기계에 관한 기술 개발과, 신제품 개발을 위한 성형 기술 개발로 대별된다. 일본은 사출 성형기 생산에서는 세계 수위에 있지만, 성형 기술의 개발에서는 미국이나 유럽에 뒤지고 있다. 특히 유럽이나 미국에서는 시장의 요구에 직결하는 성형 기술 개발에는 적극적이어서 사용자의 요망을 반영한 새로운 성형 기술이 잇달아 실용화되고 있다. SPI 등 각종 전시회에 출품된 신제품을 중심으로 새로운 사출 성형 기술의 동향을 고찰하고 있다. 구체적으로는 박육형(薄肉形) 사출 성형 기술, Co-Injection Molding 기술 및 초대형 사출 성형 기술 등에 대해 이야기하고 있다. * 최근의 사출 성형 기술 동향, Chisaka,A., 型技術 (JPN) 13(7); P18-33; 1998 * 세계의 최신 기술 동향 - 사출 성형, Chisaka,A., プラスチック成形技術 (JPN) 13(1); P16-34; 1996 * Gas lnjection 기술의 개요 (1), 안인순, 삼성플라스틱기술 (KOR) (15); P32-39; 1994; 초록 : 발포사출의 문제점을 효과적으로 해결해 줄 수 있다는 점에서 Gas-lnjection 기술이 세계적으로 각광받고 있다 . Gas-lnjection 기술 개발의 역사적 동향과 , 기본원리 , Cinpress Gas lnjection 에 대해 알아보았다 . >사출성형의 Upgrade 기술인 Gas Injection Molding의 >국내외 동향에 대해서 알고싶습니다. > >알고 계시는 분은 저에게 메일을 주시거나, 여기에 갈켜 주셔요 > >E-mail : hyw004@kistep.re.kr -
박태현님의 답변
2000-11-09- 0
>>사출성형의 Upgrade 기술인 Gas Injection Molding의 >>국내외 동향에 대해서 알고싶습니다. >> >>알고 계시는 분은 저에게 메일을 주시거나, 여기에 갈켜 주셔요 >> >>E-mail : hyw004@kistep.re.kr Journal name : International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 26, Issue 1, January 1999, Pages 85-93 title :Evaluation of gas pressure dynamics for gas-assisted injection molding process author :Sher-Meng Chaoa, Shih-Ming Wanga and Shia-Chung Chena Furong Gao a Mechanical Engineering Department Chung Yuan University Chung-Li, Taiwan 32023 R.O.C. Received 10 June 1998. J.P. Hartnett and W.J. Minkowycz. Available online 9 April 1999. Abstract This study presents the development of gas pressure dynamic model that may be useful for the study and design of gas-assisted injection units. The model was derived theoretically and its dynamic characteristics on injected gas pressure variation was verified via experimental measurements using a laboratory injection unit operated under a microprocessor-based control system. The agreement between the simulations and the measured results indicates that the present dynamic model predicts the gas pressure dynamic behaviors of the system adequately. The present model is not only useful for process parameters investigation but also practical for the control system design of gas injection unit. Index Terms: Injection molding; Mathematical models; Gas dynamics; Microprocessor chips; Computer simulation; Pressure effects; Gas-assisted injection molding (GAIM); Gas pressure dynamics 찾고계신 자료일것 같습니다. 도움이 되시길 바랍니다. 혹 원문이 필요하시면, 메일로 연락 바랍니다. -
성창모님의 답변
2000-11-14- 0
>아래의 자료는 전반적인 사출 성형에 관련된 동향이 정리된 자료들입니다. 산업기술정보원(http://www.kiniti.re.kr)의 웹을 통해 원문신청이 가능한 자료들입니다. 참고하시기 바랍니다. > >* 최신 사출 성형 시스템의 동향과 금후의 전개, Hosaka,N., プラスチックス (JPN) 50(8); P10-15; 1999 > >* 해외에 있어서 사출 성형 기술의 개발 동향, Furuhashi,A., 工業材料 (JPN) 47(10); P18-23; 1999 >초록 : 사출 성형 기술의 개발은 성형 기계에 관한 기술 개발과, 신제품 개발을 위한 성형 기술 개발로 대별된다. 일본은 사출 성형기 생산에서는 세계 수위에 있지만, 성형 기술의 개발에서는 미국이나 유럽에 뒤지고 있다. 특히 유럽이나 미국에서는 시장의 요구에 직결하는 성형 기술 개발에는 적극적이어서 사용자의 요망을 반영한 새로운 성형 기술이 잇달아 실용화되고 있다. SPI 등 각종 전시회에 출품된 신제품을 중심으로 새로운 사출 성형 기술의 동향을 고찰하고 있다. 구체적으로는 박육형(薄肉形) 사출 성형 기술, Co-Injection Molding 기술 및 초대형 사출 성형 기술 등에 대해 이야기하고 있다. > >* 최근의 사출 성형 기술 동향, Chisaka,A., 型技術 (JPN) 13(7); P18-33; 1998 > >* 세계의 최신 기술 동향 - 사출 성형, Chisaka,A., プラスチック成形技術 (JPN) 13(1); P16-34; 1996 > >* Gas lnjection 기술의 개요 (1), 안인순, 삼성플라스틱기술 (KOR) (15); P32-39; 1994; >초록 : 발포사출의 문제점을 효과적으로 해결해 줄 수 있다는 점에서 Gas-lnjection 기술이 세계적으로 각광받고 있다 . Gas-lnjection 기술 개발의 역사적 동향과 , 기본원리 , Cinpress Gas lnjection 에 대해 알아보았다 . > > > >>사출성형의 Upgrade 기술인 Gas Injection Molding의 >>국내외 동향에 대해서 알고싶습니다. >> >>알고 계시는 분은 저에게 메일을 주시거나, 여기에 갈켜 주셔요 >> >>E-mail : hyw004@kistep.re.kr ---------------------------------------------------------------- Review papers on Gas Injection Molding: 1. Progress in ceramic component fabrication for the AGT-5 engine Neil, J.T. (GTE Lab Inc) Sordelet, D. | Vickery, J. | Hackney, M. | Lieberman, S. | Dodds, G. Source: Proceedings - Society of Automotive Engineers n P-243 Oct 22-25 1990 1991 Sponsored by: US Dep of Energy Publ by SAE p 105-109 8756-8470 Abstract: GTE Laboratories has completed fabrication of deliverable vanes and AGT-5 turbine rotors for Allison Gas Turbine Division of General Motors under the Advanced Turbine Technologies Applications Program funded by DOE. Progress in the component fabrication activity leading up to rotor delivery will be reviewed. Research activities both internally funded and under the CTAHE-funded Advanced Processing Program are currently addressing issues relating to the enhancement of the silicon nitride injection molding technology for production requirements. A review will be given of inhouse activities on alteration of the binder removal mechanism for PY6 through changes in the binder system. This activity has led to the selection of a binder containing a sublimable component for evaluation in component fabrication. The goal of this ongoing effort is to achieve a thick cross section molded component capable of densification by sintering or using a sinter/HIP approach. In English EI91080256484 2. Development of injection molding process by molding surface coating for heat insulation Tanaka, Chikara (Mazda Motor Corp) Asano, Chiaki | Hayashi, Hiraku | Takimura, Shin-ya Source: JSAE Review v 20 n 1 Jan 1999 Elsevier Sci B.V. p 129-132 0389-4304 Abstract: The solution for uneven gloss in the gas assist injection process by setting heat insulation on the mold surface that shapes the bumper face is described. Uneven gloss can be improved to a great extent by coating the heat insulation on the mold surface that shapes the bumper face. Furthermore, optimizing of the injection speed and temperature of the fixed mold with heat insulation make a molding that has no uneven gloss. In English EI99024570339 3. Gas assisted injection molding: a technology overview Shah, Suresh (Advanced Development Group) Source: Journal of Injection Molding Technology v 1 n 2 June 1997 Soc of Plastics Engineers p 96-103 Abstract: The gas assisted injection molding process is gaining popularity and is being used in place of conventional injection molding and structural foam processing for many plastic parts. This is evident from the recent surge in gas assist applications in various industries. Gas injection molding offers a number of advantages, including higher strength to weight ratio, possible cycle time reduction, low injection pressure and clamp tonnage, reduced stresses and warpage, smoother surface finish compared with structural foam, and tool design freedom. The objective of this review paper is to cover some of the fundamental design and process issues as well as recent developments in the gas assisted injection molding field. In English 12 Refs. EI97083780768 4. Reducing costs and adding value: A gas-assist molding case study Barrett, John P. (DeKalb Molded Plastics) Source: Technical Papers, Regional Technical Conference - Society of Plastics Engineers Sep 25-26 1996 1996 Soc of Plastics Engineers p G1-G6 Abstract: The Side Panel for a medical equipment locker was scheduled for redesign with two major objectives. The first, increase the stiffness of the panel to improve the lockers ability to transport medical products throughout health care facilities and second, reduce the cost of the product. The injection molded Side Panels were redesigned for multi-nozzle, gas-assist molding. By strategically locating the gas channel in areas of high deflection, a molded in support system was created that improved the panel stiffness. The Side Panel stiffness was improved by 40% as compared to a conventional injection molded part. A cost reduction in excess of 30% was achieved by reducing clamp tonnage from 3000 tons to less than 400 tons. The lower clamp force allowed for the use of a lower cost molding machine. By utilizing multi-nozzle molding equipment, two parts can be molded in one cycle versus one part in the existing process. Manufacturing costs can be amortized over two parts which provides additional opportunities for cost savings. This paper is a case study of this project. It details the design and engineering of the Side Panels for multi-nozzle gas-assist molding. It recounts the theories, concepts and practices employed in designing for multi-nozzle, gas-assist molding. The paper also reviews the re-engineering of the molding process as a molder pushes the envelope of current molding practices to create new opportunities for its customers. In English EI97073739684 5. Solid vs gas vs foam; Who has the best ribs in town? Part deux! Grelle, Peter F. (Dow Plastics) Kallman, Mark A. | Kerouac, Kenneth A. Source: Technical Papers, Regional Technical Conference - Society of Plastics Engineers Sep 25-26 1996 1996 Soc of Plastics Engineers p C6-C18 Abstract: A study was presented at the 1994 SPI Conference by Grelle, Kallman, and Tallmadge which reviewed rib structures for three different plastics injection molding processes using ignition resistant acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) resin. Properties, such as load at yield, strength to weight ratio, and cost per performance value were discussed. With the growth of gas injection molding in many markets, such as automotive, television, and computer and business equipment, more data is needed in comparing gas injection molded parts to solid and foam. A project has been undertaken to further evaluate rib structures with three different plastics molding processes using ignition resistant polystyrene and high impact polystyrene, currently used in value engineering. Properties such as load at yield, strength to weight ratio, and cost per performance will be examined. Also, the effect of thermal properties, such as heat sag, with each process will be investigated. Data from this study will provide the design engineer with information on selecting the most economical process and material selection for making structural parts. In English 2 Refs. EI97073739677 6. Solid vs gas vs foam; Who has the best ribs in town? Part deux! Grelle, Peter F. (Dow Plastics) Kallman, Mark A. | Kerouac, Kenneth A. Source: Technical Papers, Regional Technical Conference - Society of Plastics Engineers Oct 16-18 1996 1996 Soc of Plastics Engineers p 151-164 Abstract: A study was presented at the 1994 SPI Conference by Grelle, Kallman, and Tallmadge which reviewed rib structures for three different plastics injection molding processes using ignition resistant acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) resin. Properties, such as load at yield, strength to weight ratio, and cost per performance value were discussed. With the growth of gas injection molding in many markets, such as automotive, television, and computer and business equipment, more data is needed in comparing gas injection molded parts to solid and foam. A project has been undertaken to further evaluate rib structures with three different plastics molding processes using ignition resistant polystyrene and high impact polystyrene, currently used in value engineering. Properties such as load at yield, strength to weight ratio, and cost per performance will be examined. Also, the effect of thermal properties, such as heat sag, with each process will be investigated. Data from this study will provide the design engineer with information on selecting the most economical process and material selection for making structural parts. In English 2 Refs. EI97073735175 7. Reducing costs and adding value: A gas-assist molding case study Barrett, John P. (DeKalb Molded Plastics) Source: Technical Papers, Regional Technical Conference - Society of Plastics Engineers Oct 16-18 1996 1996 Soc of Plastics Engineers p 137-143 Abstract: The Side Panel for a medical equipment locker was scheduled for redesign with two major objectives. The first, increase the stiffness of the panel to improve the lockers ability to transport medical products throughout healthcare facilities and second, reduce the cost of the product. The injection molded Side Panels were redesigned for multi-nozzle, gas-assist molding. By strategically locating the gas channel in areas of high deflection, a molded in support system was created that improved the panel stiffness. The Side Panel stiffness was improved by 40% as compared to a conventional injection molded part. A cost reduction in excess of 30% was achieved by reducing clamp tonnage from 3000 tons to less than 400 tons. The lower clamp force allowed for the use of a lower cost molding machine. By utilizing multi-nozzle molding equipment, two parts can be molded in one cycle versus one part in the existing process. Manufacturing costs can be amortized over two parts which provides additional opportunities for cost savings. This paper is a case study of this project. It details the design and engineering of the Side Panels for multi-nozzle gas-assist molding. It recounts the theories, concepts and practices employed in designing for multi-nozzle, gas-assist molding. The paper also reviews the re-engineering of the molding process as a molder pushes the envelope of current molding practices to create new opportunities for its customers. In English 3 Refs. EI97073735173 8. Semi-solid production processing of magnesium alloys by Thixomolding Pasternak, L. Carnahan, R. | Decker, R. | Kilbert, R. Source: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Processing of Semi-Solid Alloys and Composites Jun 10-12 1992 1993 Publ by Minerals, Metals & Materials Soc (TMS) p 159-169 Abstract: ThixomoldingTM is a new process for the net shape molding of magnesium based alloys. It combines elements of both conventional die casting and plastic injection molding. This one step process eliminates molten metal processing equipment and the hazards associated with handling molten magnesium. The semi-solid front laminar filling mode, characteristic of thixotropic slurries, minimizes gas entrapment and porosity. ThixomoldedTM magnesium components have been shown to have reduced porosity levels and thermal stresses compared to parts made using conventional die casting techniques in identical molds. This technology was developed by DOW Chemical Company. In 1990 an independent company, Thixomat, Inc., was formed to commercialize the technology. The first production ThixomoldingTM machine, produced by HPM Corporation under license from Thixomat, was delivered to the Lindberg-Thixomolding Development Center in the fall of 1991. This paper will review the operational characteristics of this new machine and discuss prototype development activities carried out on several different die configurations. In English 5 Refs EI94011167231 9. Review to the book by V.S. Serebro 'The basics of the theory of gas processes in the foundry mould' Doroshenko, S.P. Source: Liteinoe Proizvodstvo n 7 Jul 1993 p 34 0024-449X Abstract: It have been stated in the book: 1) essentials of the theory of gas filtration in a porous medium; 2) analysis of gas formation sources as a result of binders destruction in heating; 3) investigation results on the gas regime of sand moulds and cores in vertical and horizontal positions at the stage of pouring, the gas metal mould regime in gravitation as well as expanded patterns casting and pressure pouring and the gas regime in vacuum film mouldings; 4) results of analysis and simulation of the gas regime of sand mould and lined chill mould after pouring; 5) the gas mould regime under external action; 6) the mechanism of gas injection into a cast from a mould and a core. In Russian EI93101124265 10. Metallurgical characterization of iron micropowders Japka, J.E. (GAF Chemicals Corp) Source: Proceedings of the P/M in Aerospace and Defense Technologies Symposium Mar 4-6 1991 1991 Sponsored by: Metal Powder Industries Federation Publ by Metal Powder Industries Federation p 79-91 Abstract: The particle morphology and internal structure of iron micropowder (carbonyl iron) is reviewed in relation to the manufacturing process, a gas to solid decomposition reaction. Crude powder is milled and/or heat treated to develop a series of powder grades. Physical characteristics of the product are examined by Scanning Electron Microscope metallography, particle size analysis, crystallography, and varying electromagnetic tests. Surface morphology and chemistry are discussed in detail. Chemical properties of the powders will be reviewed, including the 'reduced' products. Grade applications will be discussed in reference to product needs in the areas of major application, metal injection molding, electronic cores, and microwave absorption. In English 3 Refs EI91100325331 11. Iron powder for metal injection molding Japka, Joseph E. (GAF Chemicals Corp) Source: International Journal of Powder Metallurgy (Princeton, New Jersey) v 27 n 2 Apr 1991 p 107-114 0888-7462 Abstract: Iron micropowder (carbonyl iron powder) is manufactured by a chemical decomposition process producing fine spherical particles typically in the range 1-8 μm. The microstructure is that of an expanded alpha iron lattice containing carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen and having high internal stress. The manufacturing process is reviewed with respect to injection molding needs, including chemical analysis control. Other characteristics, including particle size distribution, morphology, metallographic structure and surface residual gas analysis are considered. Powder grades suitable for metal injection molding are identified. In English 12 Refs EI91070249580 12. Improved packaging resins, recycling highlight materials Anon Source: Plastics World v 48 n 1 Jan 1990 p 16-19 0032-1273 Abstract: A discussion is presented of new materials and new forms of old materials that were shown at the 1989 Dusseldorf, West Germany trade fair. One of the most innovative new resins at K'89 was an amorphous nylon monolayer barrier material, called Gelon A100 from GE Plastics. It's a high-barrier polymer that is said to combine glass-like clarity, stiffness and temperature resistance with high gas and water barrier properties. Its wide softening range will allow it to be processed by cast and blown film extrusion, extrusion blow molding, injection molding and injection blow molding. Autoplastics developments are outlined as are packaging materials. New engineering materials are also briefly reviewed. In English 13. Gas-assisted techniques expand design capabilities of molders Wilder, Robert V. Source: Modern Plastics v 67 n 2 Feb 1990 3p 0026-8275 Abstract: A brief review is presented of gas-assisted injection molding. The two basic types of parts that can benefit from gas-assisted molding are: components with thick sections and large, flat parts. Gas-assisted injection molding permits the processing of large parts that incorporate both thick sections and thin, flat areas - a combination often impossible to mold on conventional presses. The costs of getting started in gas assist technology are briefly described. In English 10 Refs