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무기산의 종류에 대해 알고 싶은데요, 찾는데 한계가 있어서요...
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답변 2
장영일님의 답변
2000-11-15- 0
독일 Bayer에서 찾은 inorganic acids 관련 정보입니다 (http://www.chemicals.bayer.de/). hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, hydrofluoric acid, sulfuric acid 은 Sigma-Aldrich, Alfa Aesar 등에서 쉽게 구할 수 있습니다. 도움이 되기를 바랍니다. Classic inorganic acids have been significant in a large number of chemical processes for many years. These acids include hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, hydrofluoric acid, sulfuric acid and specialties. For example, we produce high-purity sulfuric acid and fuming sulfuric acid in state-of-the-art double-contact units developed by Bayer. Specialties include chemically pure sulfuric acid based on SO3 for use in the pharmaceuticals and electronics industries, and chlorosulfonic acid for sulfonation processes in the chemical industry. Starch, sugar, paper, waste water treatment and chemicals are key applications of the sodium bisulfite solution we manufacture as a downstream product of SO2. Reliability, safety, optimum logistics and expert service are our priorities in supplying our customers. >안녕하세요.. >무기산의 종류에 대해 알고 싶은데요, 찾는데 한계가 있어서요... >많은양을 찾을 수가 없어 이렇게 문의합니다. >무기산의 종류나 제품으로 나와있는 상품명이나.. >알려주세요.... >그럼 수고하십시오 -
성창모님의 답변
2000-11-20- 0
>안녕하세요.. >무기산의 종류에 대해 알고 싶은데요, 찾는데 한계가 있어서요... >많은양을 찾을 수가 없어 이렇게 문의합니다. >무기산의 종류나 제품으로 나와있는 상품명이나.. >알려주세요.... >그럼 수고하십시오 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are so many inorganic acids... I collected review papers of inorganic acid related to its products and applications in general. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Catalytic activity of lipases toward hydroxy fatty acids - a review Hayes, Douglas G. (USDA) Source: JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 73 5 May 1996 American Oil Chemists' Soc p 543-549 0003-021X Abstract: Hydroxy fatty acids, derived from several natural and synthetic sources, have many applications. Lipases have been employed to catalyze reactions involving hydroxy acids to narrowly shape the product distribution via their regio- and stereoselectivities. This manuscript reviews the action of lipase on hydroxy acids and their derivatives. The formation of estolides or lactones by lipase-catalyzed reactions depends strongly on the position of the hydroxyl moiety on the hydroxy acyl group and slightly on the hydroxy acid chainlength and concentration. Pseudomonas sp. and porcine pancreatic lipases are the most useful for catalyzing formation of optically pure lactones, while lipases lacking positional selectivity catalyze estolide formation best. The product distribution of lipase-catalyzed esterification between hydroxy- and nonhydroxy-acyl groups is strongly dependent on the lipase type. Lipase-catalyzed reactions between hydroxy acids and alcohols yield hydroxy esters, not estolides, as the major product. In English 66 Refs. EI96063211259 2. Sensors in pharmaceutical analysis Campanella, L. (Univ 'La Sapienza') Tomassetti, M. Source: Selective Electrode Reviews v 11 n 1 1989 p 69-110 0894-3923 Abstract: This article reviews the considerable recent developments of sensors for pharmaceutical and biological analyses. The review covers: liquid and polymeric membrane sensors for analysis in the pharmaceutical field; enzymes and the main enzymatic approaches in analysis; enzyme sensors for glucose, urea, cholesterol and other lipids or phospholipids, amino acids, peptides, and proteins, antibiotics, vitamins, lactate, phenols, uric acid, salicilate, etc.; and biosensors for inorganic species. In English 158 Refs 3. Electrochemical synthesis of inorganic and organometallic complexes in non-aqueous media Vecchio-Sadus, A.M. (Univ Karlsruhe) Source: Journal of Applied Electrochemistry v 23 n 5 May 1993 p 401-416 0021-891X Abstract: There is a growing interest in the synthesis of coordination compounds by suitable reactions with the pure metal. It is in this context that the electrochemical dissolution of sacrificial metal anodes is an attractive procedure for the preparation of a large variety of complexes. The method, which is both rapid and selective, provides pathways to new compounds. For some compounds, electrosynthesis is more simple than conventional syntheses. The diversity of products synthesized suggests that electrosynthesis using a dissolving electrode has advantages for the preparative chemist. This work reviews developments of the direct electrochemical synthetic method for the preparation of inorganic and organometallic compounds in non-aqueous media. Electrosynthesis of metal halides, anionic metal halides, metal complexes derived from weak organic acids (e.g. alkoxides, glycolates, carboxylates, thiolates, azolates, phosphides), alkylmetal halides and metallocenes, are documented. In English 149 Refs. EI94061300429 4. Merged-beam study of the dissociative recombination of HCO+ Le Padellec, A. (Universite de Rennes) Sheehan, C. | Talbi, D. | Mitchell, J.B.A. Source: Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics v 30 n 2 Jan 28 1997 Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd p 319-327 0953-4075 Abstract: Cross sections for the dissociative recombination of HCO+ ions have been measured in the energy range from 0.01-1.0 eV. The large values measured for low-energy electrons are supported by an earlier extensive quantum mechanical study by Talbi and co-workers which is reviewed. A broad maximum has been found in the region from 0.3-0.8 eV and this is attributed to the opening up of a second product channel leading to CH + O. In English 33 Refs. 5. Ozone generation via the electrolysis of fluoboric acid using glassy carbon anodes and air depolarized cathodes Foller, P.C. (OxyTech, Inc) Kelsall, G.H. Source: Journal of Applied Electrochemistry v 23 n 10 Oct 1993 p 996-1010 0021-891X Abstract: An electrochemical ozone generation process was studied wherein glassy carbon anodes and air depolarized cathodes were used to produce ozone at concentrations much higher than those obtainable by conventional oxygen-fed corona discharge generators. A mathematical model of the build up of ozone concentration with time is presented and compared to experimental data. Products based on this technology show promise of decreased initial costs compared with corona discharge ozone generation; however, energy consumption per kg ozone is greater. Recent developments in the literature are reviewed. In English 45 Refs EI93111136902 6. Review of some recent studies on mechanisms of pyrolysis of polysaccharides Ponder, Glenn R. (Univ of Montana) Richards, Geoffrey N. Source: Biomass and Bioenergy 7 1-6 1994 Pergamon Press Inc p 1-24 0961-9534 Abstract: In seeking to gain a better understanding of the pyrolysis of polysaccharides, the pyrolitic behavior of a variety of naturally occurring and synthetic polysaccharides was studied. The study focused on the effects which linkage types and inorganic additives have on pyrolytic pathways, with emphasis on the chemical mechanisms involved in the formation of one-, two-, and three-carbon products. In English 70 Refs. EI95042674725 7. Atmospheric degradation and impact of perchloroethylene Franklin, James (Central Lab) Source: Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 46 3 1994 Gordon & Breach Science Publ Inc p 169-182 0277-2248 Abstract: The present paper reviews the existing literature on the atmospheric degradation and impact of perchloroethylene (PER). Topics covered are: assessment of the relative importance of primary reactions of PER with OH, Cl, O3 and other reactive species; other tropospheric sinks for PER; estimated tropospheric lifetime, observed concentrations and atmospheric budget calculations; breakdown mechanisms leading to the formation of phosgene, and possibly trichloroacetyl chloride and carbon tetrachloride; contribution of PER to atmospheric chlorine loading; impact of PER on tropospheric ozone formation; uptake and hydrolysis of degradation products by clouds, rainwater and the oceans; contribution of PER to chloride and acidity in rainwater; potential contribution of PER to trichloroacetic acid in the hydrosphere, soil and the biosphere. In English 65 Refs. EI95022593335