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KOSEN Q&A 에서 가져온 질문입니다 (Posted by doromc, Date NOV-05-2000) .
"환경재료의 측면에서 본 철강산엄과 리사이클링에 대한 자료가있으시면 좀 보내주세요"
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김은정님의 답변
2000-11-15- 0
아래의 자료는 산업기술정보원(http://www.kiniti.re.kr)을 통해 검색된 자료입니다. 웹을 통해 원문신청이 가능합니다. 참고하시기 바랍니다. * 에코머티리얼 : 환경을 고려한 철강 기술, 古林英一, 鐵と鋼 (JPN) 78(8); PN441-N442; 1992 * 최근 철강 재료의 제조 기술: 지구 환경 문제에의 대응 시점에서, Yamamoto,S.;, 日本舶用機關學會誌 (JPN) 34(9); P574-580; 1999 * 철강 업계의 환경 보전을 위한 자주적 행동 계획, 動力 (JPN) 47(241); P52-62; 1996 * 철강의 재활용과 합금 설계, 최변학; 최재호; 김성준;, 機械와 材料 (KOR) 8(2); P35-48; 1996 초록 : 지구의 자원을 보호하고 재료 제조시 환경에의 부담을 줄이고자 하는 현시점에서 미세 조직의 2 상 조직 제어나 제어 압연에 의한 특성 향상 기술 , 저합금강에서 섬세한 조직의 제어만으로 극대화하고자 하는 제어 압연 기술 등으로 그 효과가 가장 큰 철강의 재활용은 고철 수급 처리와 환경과 조화를 이루는 재료 기술 개발에 의존한다 . * 차세대 철계 소재의 기술 동향, 佐 彰, 自動化技術 (JPN) 30(5); P10-13; 1998 * 가까운 미래의 에너지 수요와 에너지 절약 대책: 철강, 鈴木誠, 省エネルギ- (JPN) 52(1), P30-33, 2000; 초록 : 철강 연맹은 경단련의 영향을 받아 96년 12월 "철강업의 환경 보전에 관한 자주 행동 계획"을 책정하여 지구 온난화 대책과 폐기물, 리사이클 대책을 중심으로 90년도를 기준년으로 2010년도까지의 행동 지침을 정리했다. 철강업의 자주 행동 계획의 지구 온난화 대책은 90년도 생산 공정에서의 에너지 소비를 2010년에는 10% 인하를 목표로 하고 있다. 또한 97년 9월에는 정부 요청을 받아 들여 추가적으로 1.5% 인하하기로 했다. 철강업의 에너지 절약 대책은 석유 소비 감소를 위한 조업 개선, 배출 에너지 회수를 위한 설비 도입, 에너지 효율이 높은 가스 터빈, 자가 발전 설비 도입, 효율성이 뛰어난 생산 설비 도입 등을 들 수 있다. 하지만 한편으로 제품의 고부가가치화, 환경 대책의 강화 등의 영향은 에너지 소비를 증대시키는 요인이다. 따라서 자주 행동 계획 목표를 달성하기 위해서는 앞으로 적극적으로 에너지 절약 대책을 실시해야 한다. * 지구 환경에 유리한 자동차와 경량화 재료, Ouchi, C., 新金屬工業 (JPN) (350); P33-39; 1993 * 리사이클, 佐野利男, 프레스기술 (KOR) 9(4); P76-77; 1996; K409 초록 : 리사이클에 의한 에너지 , 폐기물 , 대기 오염에 대한 효과를 살펴 보면 철강 재료에서는 각각 60-70%, 95%, 30%, 또 알루미늄에서는 각각 90-95%, 100%, 95% 로 계산되고 있다 . 제조 과정에서 배출되는 산업 폐기물 중 금속 칩은 99.5% 재자원되고 있다 . 이에 대해 예를 들면 스틸 캔의 재자원화는 44.8%, 알루미늄 캔은 42.5% 이고 일단 시장에 나와 최정 제품으로서 이용된 다음의 재자원화율은 그다지 높지 않다 . 자원의 재이용을 촉진하려면 파형 기술 , 열화 소재의 개질 기술 , 저품질 소재의 가공 기술 등의 소성 가공 기술을 개발하는 것이 필요하다 . >KOSEN Q&A 에서 가져온 질문입니다 (Posted by doromc, Date NOV-05-2000) . > >======== >"환경재료의 측면에서 본 철강산엄과 리사이클링에 대한 자료가있으시면 좀 보내주세요" > > -
성창모님의 답변
2000-11-15- 0
>아래의 자료는 산업기술정보원(http://www.kiniti.re.kr)을 통해 검색된 자료입니다. 웹을 통해 원문신청이 가능합니다. >참고하시기 바랍니다. > >* 에코머티리얼 : 환경을 고려한 철강 기술, 古林英一, 鐵と鋼 (JPN) 78(8); PN441-N442; 1992 > >* 최근 철강 재료의 제조 기술: 지구 환경 문제에의 대응 시점에서, Yamamoto,S.;, 日本舶用機關學會誌 (JPN) 34(9); P574-580; 1999 > >* 철강 업계의 환경 보전을 위한 자주적 행동 계획, 動力 (JPN) 47(241); P52-62; 1996 > >* 철강의 재활용과 합금 설계, 최변학; 최재호; 김성준;, 機械와 材料 (KOR) 8(2); P35-48; 1996 >초록 : 지구의 자원을 보호하고 재료 제조시 환경에의 부담을 줄이고자 하는 현시점에서 미세 조직의 2 상 조직 제어나 제어 압연에 의한 특성 향상 기술 , 저합금강에서 섬세한 조직의 제어만으로 극대화하고자 하는 제어 압연 기술 등으로 그 효과가 가장 큰 철강의 재활용은 고철 수급 처리와 환경과 조화를 이루는 재료 기술 개발에 의존한다 . > >* 차세대 철계 소재의 기술 동향, 佐 彰, 自動化技術 (JPN) 30(5); P10-13; 1998 > >* 가까운 미래의 에너지 수요와 에너지 절약 대책: 철강, 鈴木誠, 省エネルギ- (JPN) 52(1), P30-33, 2000; >초록 : 철강 연맹은 경단련의 영향을 받아 96년 12월 "철강업의 환경 보전에 관한 자주 행동 계획"을 책정하여 지구 온난화 대책과 폐기물, 리사이클 대책을 중심으로 90년도를 기준년으로 2010년도까지의 행동 지침을 정리했다. 철강업의 자주 행동 계획의 지구 온난화 대책은 90년도 생산 공정에서의 에너지 소비를 2010년에는 10% 인하를 목표로 하고 있다. 또한 97년 9월에는 정부 요청을 받아 들여 추가적으로 1.5% 인하하기로 했다. 철강업의 에너지 절약 대책 석유 소비 감소를 위한 조업 개선, 배출 에너지 회수를 위한 설비 도입, 에너지 효율이 높은 가스 터빈, 자가 발전 설비 도입, 효율성이 뛰어난 생산 설비 도입 등을 들 수 있다. 하지만 한편으로 제품의 고부가가치화, 환경 대책의 강화 등의 영향은 에너지 소비를 증대시키는 요인이다. 따라서 자주 행동 계획 목표를 달성하기 위해서는 앞으로 적극적으로 에너지 절약 대책을 실시해야 한다. > >* 지구 환경에 유리한 자동차와 경량화 재료, Ouchi, C., 新金屬工業 (JPN) (350); P33-39; 1993 > >* 리사이클, 佐野利男, 프레스기술 (KOR) 9(4); P76-77; 1996; K409 >초록 : 리사이클에 의한 에너지 , 폐기물 , 대기 오염에 대한 효과를 살펴 보면 철강 재료에서는 각각 60-70%, 95%, 30%, 또 알루미늄에서는 각각 90-95%, 100%, 95% 로 계산되고 있다 . 제조 과정에서 배출되는 산업 폐기물 중 금속 칩은 99.5% 재자원되고 있다 . 이에 대해 예를 들면 스틸 캔의 재자원화는 44.8%, 알루미늄 캔은 42.5% 이고 일단 시장에 나와 최정 제품으로서 이용된 다음의 재자원화율은 그다지 높지 않다 . 자원의 재이용을 촉진하려면 파형 기술 , 열화 소재의 개질 기술 , 저품질 소재의 가공 기술 등의 소성 가공 기술을 개발하는 것이 필요하다 . > > > >>KOSEN Q&A 에서 가져온 질문입니다 (Posted by doromc, Date NOV-05-2000) . >> >>======== >>"환경재료의 측면에서 본 철강산엄과 리사이클링에 대한 자료가있으시면 좀 보내주세요" >> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------- Steel and the environment in the 21st century Moffat, Brian (British Steel plc) Source: Materials World 4 6 Jun 1996 Inst of Materials p 326-327 0967-8638 Abstract: Steel revolutionized the industrial world and still dominates the four key sectors of transport, construction, engineering and packaging. In the past, steel manufacture had a huge adverse impact on the environment. With the advent of new technology and operating practices, this is no longer the case. Today, steel is the world's most recyclable and recycled material. There is evidence, however, that the environment will be one of the most significant challenges for the steel industry in the 21st century. Highlighting present and future problems, sharing knowledge, identifying international best practice and developing cooperation and collaboration between interested parties, while maintaining competitiveness, are aimed at meeting this challenge. In English EI96073257048 Steel. The most recycled material in America Heenan, W.M. Jr. (Steel Recycling Inst) Source: Steel Times v 221 n 12 Dec 1993 p 515 0039-095X Abstract: Recycling is a way of life throughout the world. For the steel industry, recycling has always been an important and necessary part of the steelmaking process. Steel is currently America's most recycled material. As more steel is recycled and more people realise its recyclability and recycled content, William Heenan believes that consumers will choose steel over less environment friendly products, effectively helping the steel industry to become a leader in the environmental 21st century. In English EI94071349566 Schrott. Ein weltweit gefragter Rohstoff fuer die Stahlherstellung Berlekamp, Reinhold (Verein Deutscher Eisenhuettenleute (VDEh)) Kreutzer, Hans Wilhelm | Willeke, Rolf Source: Stahl und Eisen v 109 n 22 Nov 10 1989 p 1073-1079 0340-479X Abstract: Every third tow of crude steel produced throughout the world is smelted from scrap. The recovery of wornout iron and steel products has been practiced for thousands of years. Scrap recycling has gained, however, special significance in the world of today. The reutilization of scrap serves to protect both the environment and the landscape; it saves energy and raw materials. A closer cooperation between the steel industry and the scrap recycling economy is needed to ensure an optimal recycling of scrap. In German 3 Refs Scrap recycling and production of high quality steel grades in Europe Marique, C. (C.R.M.) Source: Steelmaking Conference Proceedings Mar 24-27 1996 1996 Sponsored by: Iron & Stell Society Iron & Steel Soc of AIME p 613-619 0731-7735 Abstract: The rise of the steel production through the electric arc furnace (EAF) route and the increased use of recycled scrap are expected for the coming years. The development of alternative technologies to the EAF for melting scrap aims to build a new environment friendly steelplant. It is important that the effects of an increased scrap recycling on the processing conditions and on the qualities of steel products are assessed as well as the means to control the level of residual elements either in the scrap or in the liquid steel. The European Megaproject will provide technical and economical information on these aspects to select the most economical process routes to be followed in order to manufacture products with the required properties. In English 14 Refs. EI98054188213 Steel cleans up its environmental image Anon Source: Steel Times v 221 n 7 Jul 1993 p 308-310 0039-095X Abstract: The impact of the steel industry on the environment was the subject of a recent seminar held by the UNECE in Nancy, France. Discussion ranged from recent regulations and how to best comply with them to new technologies and methods under development and in operation. The article considers legislation and standardization, recycling, management of the environment, bridging the information gap, dust abatement, fume control, and waste management. In English EI94021206226 Another step towards zero waste, using pollution control residuals to make steel Easterly, Thomas W. (Bethlehem Steel Corp) Lynn, John D. | Berquist, William G. Source: Proceedings of the Air & Waste Management Association's Annual Meeting & Exhibition Jun 8-13 1997 1997 Air & Waste Management Assoc 6p Abstract: Environmental legislation and regulations plus the economies of disposal are directing the steel industry to look for ways of minimizing the generation of waste and to maximize the recycling of collected materials. Further, the increasing use and efficiency of 'end of pipe' pollution controls capture ever increasing amounts of materials that were previously discharged to the environment. These newly captured pollution control dusts and sludges often have chemical or physical properties that may prevent their direct recycle into the iron and steelmaking process. This paper describes how Bethlehem Steel = s Burns Harbor Division is using a variety of material handling and recycling technologies in an integrated pollution control dust and sludge management program to recycle its daily generation of pollution control dusts and sludges. This program has been designed to be consistent with the operating requirements of the iron and steelmaking processes while insuring conformance with all environmental requirements. When fully operational, this program will reuse over 90% of the plant = s pollution control dusts and sludges to make the product steel. In English EI98044162023 Recycling the slags of iron and steel industry Svyazhin, A.G. (Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Inst Stali i Splavov) Shakhpazov, E.Kh. | Romanovich, D.A. Source: Metallurg n 4 Apr 1998 Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga p 25-27 0026-0827 Abstract: Minimization of resource consumption becomes intersector and global problem. Solution of this problem allows also to provide minimal action on environment. Multiple utilization of materials in process itself is important advance in production and in reduction of resource consumption. Blast furnace slags can be used for ladle treatment of cast iron and steel. However, the most part of blast furnace slags is used in other sectors, in particular during cement and other building material production. The steelmaking slags can be used as sources of fluxes. Slags from processes of ladle metallurgy can be reused. In Russian 10 Refs. EI98084332872 Recycling the slags of iron and steel industry Svyazhin, A.G. (Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Inst Stali i Splavov) Shakhpazov, E.Kh. | Romanovich, D.A. Source: Metallurg n 4 Apr 1998 Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga p 25-27 0026-0827 Abstract: Minimization of resource consumption becomes intersector and global problem. Solution of this problem allows also to provide minimal action on environment. Multiple utilization of materials in process itself is important advance in production and in reduction of resource consumption. Blast furnace slags can be used for ladle treatment of cast iron and steel. However, the most part of blast furnace slags is used in other sectors, in particular during cement and other building material production. The steelmaking slags can be used as sources of fluxes. Slags from processes of ladle metallurgy can be reused. In Russian 10 Refs. EI98084332872 Resource-saving and environmental protection in iron and steel industry Shalimov, A.G. (Komitet po Metallurgii RF) Source: Stal' n 1 Jan 1996 p 76-77 Abstract: Creation of technologically-closed systems of double prime blast furnace-converter double prime with complete using the wastes is discussed. The converter slags and gases may be used in blast furnace practice as well as the blast furnace slags in deep off-furnace cast iron desulfurizing. A possibility for application of convective (shock) metal heating in the furnaces of different type is considered. Agglomeration production model is elaborated. An influence of technological factors on amount of the harmful effluents discharged into environment is estimated. In Russian EI97023534633 Resource-saving and environmental protection in iron and steel industry Shalimov, A.G. (Komitet po Metallurgii RF) Source: Stal' n 1 Jan 1996 p 76-77 Abstract: Creation of technologically-closed systems of double prime blast furnace-converter double prime with complete using the wastes is discussed. The converter slags and gases may be used in blast furnace practice as well as the blast furnace slags in deep off-furnace cast iron desulfurizing. A possibility for application of convective (shock) metal heating in the furnaces of different type is considered. Agglomeration production model is elaborated. An influence of technological factors on amount of the harmful effluents discharged into environment is estimated. In Russian EI96083290534 Global environmental protection of Kobe Steel Arimitsu, Yuji Takeuchi, Mitsuaki | Iio, Takahiro | Takebayashi, Keiichi | Miyakawa, Yutaka Source: R&D: Research and Development Kobe Steel Engineering Reports v 47 n 3 Nov 1997 Kobe Steel Ltd p 2-4 0373-8868 Abstract: Kobe Steel has taken measures, such as air pollution control, to protect the environment since the 1970s. Moreover, as part of the challenge of maintaining a sustainable global environment, Kobe Steel formed the `Global Environment Committee' within the Company in 1992 and since then further measures, such as energy conservation, recycling of waste materials and ozone layer protection have been undertaken. In 1997, Kobe Steel started new programs to establish EMS systems, Green Procurement and the development of the Greenproducts. In Japanese EI98024059138 Environmental integrated production and recycling management Spengler, Th. (Univ of Karlsruhe) Puechert, H. | Penkuhn, T. | Rentz, O. Source: European Journal of Operational Research v 97 n 2 Mar 1 1997 p 308-326 0377-2217 Abstract: Environmental integrated production and recycling planning is of great importance for the competitive position of production enterprises. Due to increasing disposal costs for industrial byproducts and waste as well as stronger emission standards, companies will be required to set up and control advanced, environmental friendly production technologies, so that emissions and byproducts will be reduced drastically. Nonavoidable byproducts and used products at the end of their lifetime have to be recycled by the producers. The complexity of the resulting decision problems requires adequate operations research methods. The following paper deals with the development of sophisticated operations research models for two selected planning problems: recycling of industrial byproducts and dismantling and recycling of products at the end of their lifetime. The models have been applied successfully to large industrial problems in practice in the fields of recycling of demolition waste in a German-French region and byproduct management in the steel industry. The presentations of these two applications follow a case study point of view. In English 13 Refs. Leaching tests to evaluate pollution potential of combustion residues from an iron recycling industry Kjeldsen, P. (Technical Univ of Denmark) Christensen, T.H. Source: Waste Management & Research v 8 n 4 Aug 1990 p 277-292 0734-242X Abstract: Three leaching tests were applied to an industrial fly ash (cupola dust) for the evaluation of its groundwater pollution potential. The tests comprised two batch shaking tests (the SLT-test and a titration test) and a column leaching test (laboratory scale). All three tests gave valuable and consistent results with respect to the leaching of lead, zinc, cadmium and organic matter. The pH of the leaching environment was the most important factor in governing the leaching process. The results of the leaching seemed to be in accordance with observations of the groundwater quality below an actual industrial fly ash disposal site. The combination of the SLT-test and the titration test appears to be a cost-effective means of evaluating the groundwater pollution potential from industrial fly ashes. In English 3 Refs