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미국내 정수장에서 이용되는 수처리 약품중에 polyamine,
poly(DADM)고분자응집제가 사용되는 정수장과 사용양에
대한 정보를 찾고 있습니다.
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각 분야 한인연구자와 현업 전문가분들의 답변을 기다립니다.
답변 1
김은정님의 답변
2000-11-16- 0
정수장에 대한 구체적인 정보의 검색은 쉽게 자료를 찾을 수가 없었습니다. 대신 수처리에 있어 고분자응집제의 사용에 대한 참고하실 만한 자료의 서지사항을 첨부해 드립니다. DIALOG를 통해 검색된 자료입니다. 참고하시기 바랍니다. 1 . Behavior of organic polymers in drinking water purification Author: Lee JF (REPRINT) ; Liao PM; Tseng DH; Wen PT Journal: CHEMOSPHERE , 1998 , V 37 , N6 ( SEP ) , P 1045-1061 Abstract: Synthetic organic polymers used to purify drinking water are severely limited in that their impurities and byproducts harm human health. In this study, the undesired effects resulted from chlorination and the enhanced attenuation of toxic organic compounds in drinking water from using synthetic organic polymer coagulants were investigated. In the simulated drinking water purification processes, synthetic organic polymers were used as coagulant aids, reacted with a disinfectant(chlorine) and formed a large number of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Chloroform and benzene which, are carcinogenic compounds, had the maximum formation potential. Experimental results indicated that the total formation potential of these disinfection by-products significantly increased in the presence of turbidity. On the other hand, adding organic polymers to the coagulation systems resulted in more extensive remove of toxic organic compounds and turbidity. In coagulation and flocculation processes, the formation of clay/polymer complexes can facilitate the removal of toxic organic compounds in contaminated water. 2. The improvement of interference on water purification and sludge treatment by algae: 1 The improvement on the coagulation treatment using the polymer coagulant. Nippon Kogyo Yosui Kyokai Kenkyu Happyokai Koen Yoshi , 1999 , VOL.34th , PAGE.131-134 , FIG.6, TBL.1 Language: Japanese Country of Publication: Japan 3. Survey result of the treatment function of Shimizu River water purification facilities. Tochigiken Kogai Kenkyujo Nenpo , 1994 , NO.18 , PAGE.27-32 , FIG.5, TBL.2, REF.3 Abstract: Uzuma River flowing in the urban area of Tochigi City shows considerable water pollution. Tochigi City installed a direct river purification facilities by Shimizu River, one of the inflow tributaries of Uzuba River in the fiscal year 1990 for the purpose of purifying the river water. In the fiscal years 1990 and 1991, the fundamental treatment function of the facilities was examined and, in the fiscal year 1992, the treatment function of the facilities with the charcoal treatment appended for attempting the improvement of the purification function was examined and, in the fiscal year 1993, the rise of extraction rate of the water pollutant, after conversion of the charcoal treatment to a catalytic oxidation tank in which a coagulant was added, was examined. By the addition of polymer coagulant ( polyacrylate ) of about 5mg/l, extraction rates of SS, BOD, T-N and T-P were improved in the range of 6-34%. 4. Influences of chlorination and ozonation of water on polymer coagulant for water purification., Doboku Gakkai Nenji Gakujutsu Koenkai Koen Gaiyoshu. 2 , 1989 , VOL.44th , PAGE.864-865 , TBL.5, REF.1 Journal Number: S0901AAU Universal Decimal Classification: 628.16.08/.09 Language: Japanese Country of Publication: Japan Document Type: Conference Proceeding Article Type: Short Communication Media Type: Printed Publication Descriptors: water purification; coagulation treatment; polymer coagulant; safety; chlorination(chemical treatment); ozonation; residual chlorine; organohalogene compound; water supply; tap water; sludge thickening Broader Descriptors: water treatment; water and sewage treatment; treatment; chemical water treatment; flocculant; polymeric agent; functional polymer; macromolecule; property; residue(object); supply; service water; water; sludge treatment Classification Codes: SC02040E 5. Waste water treatment at Kushi water purification plant in Okinawa prefecture. SHINZATO TOSHIO (1) (1) Okinawakenkigyokyoku Kogyo Yosui (Industrial Water ) , 1986 , NO.333 , PAGE.51-58 , FIG.10, TBL.4 Journal Number: G0127AAK ISSN: 0454-1545 CODEN: KOYOA Universal Decimal Classification: 628.11/.14 628.336 Language: Japanese Country of Publication: Japan Document Type: Journal Article Type: Commentary Media Type: Printed Publication Descriptors: Okinawa; water purification plant; sludge treatment; sludge thickening; sludge dewatering; storage(water and fuel); centrifugal dewatering; polymer coagulant; coagulation filtration Broader Descriptors: Japan; East Asia; Asia; water treatment plant; facility and building; treatment; dewatering; removal; storage; separation and selection; separation; flocculant; polymeric agent; functional polymer; macromolecule; filtration Classification Codes: SC02020I; SC05050K 6. Investigation on improvement of waste sludge treatment method at water purification plant., Zenkoku Suido Kenkyu Happyokai Koenshu , 1986 , VOL.37th , PAGE.253-255 , FIG.4, TBL.1 Journal Number: S0630BAC Universal Decimal Classification: 628.336 Language: Japanese Country of Publication: Japan Document Type: Conference Proceeding Article Type: Short Communication Media Type: Printed Publication Descriptors: waterworks sludge; sludge dewatering; belt filter; chlorination(chemical treatment); sludge cake; water content; reduction; polymer coagulant; saving Broader Descriptors: sludge; water pollutant; pollutant; matter; sludge treatment; treatment; dewatering; removal; filter(separator); filter; separator(equipment); equipment; content; characteristic; variation; flocculant; polymeric agent; functional polymer; macromolecule Classification Codes: SC05050K >미국내 정수장에서 이용되는 수처리 약품중에 polyamine, >poly(DADM)고분자응집제가 사용되는 정수장과 사용양에 >대한 정보를 찾고 있습니다.