
Nanotechnology Research Directions: IWGN Workshop Report

This IWGN Workshop Report, Nanotechnology Research Directions, builds upon the foundation provided in the first report and incorporates a vision for how the nanotechnology community -- Federal agencies, industries, universities, and professional societies -- can more effectively coordinate efforts to develop a wide range of revolutionary commercil applications. It incorporates perspectives developed at a January 1999 IWGN-sponsored workshop by experts from universities, industry, and the Federal government. This report identifies challenges and opportunities in the nanotechnology field and outlines the necessary steps on how advances made in nano-science, engineering, and technology can help to boost our nation's economy, ensure better healthcare, and enhance national security in the coming decade.
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    김은정님의 답변

    이 자료는 Analysis request를 통해 미국 Medtronic사에서 medical devices의 R&D proejcts 분야 팀 리더를 맡고 계신 박은성박사님께서 분석해 주셔서 Expert Review 게시판 번호 58번에 게재되어 있습니다. pdf파일로 읽어보실 수 있습니다. >This IWGN Workshop Report, Nanotechnology Research Directions, builds upon the foundation provided in the first report and incorporates a vision for how the nanotechnology community -- Federal agencies, industries, universities, and professional societies -- can more effectively coordinate efforts to develop a wide range of revolutionary commercil applications. It incorporates perspectives developed at a January 1999 IWGN-sponsored workshop by experts from universities, industry, and the Federal government. This report identifies challenges and opportunities in the nanotechnology field and outlines the necessary steps on how advances made in nano-science, engineering, and technology can help to boost our nation's economy, ensure better healthcare, and enhance national security in the coming decade.
    이 자료는 Analysis request를 통해 미국 Medtronic사에서 medical devices의 R&D proejcts 분야 팀 리더를 맡고 계신 박은성박사님께서 분석해 주셔서 Expert Review 게시판 번호 58번에 게재되어 있습니다. pdf파일로 읽어보실 수 있습니다. >This IWGN Workshop Report, Nanotechnology Research Directions, builds upon the foundation provided in the first report and incorporates a vision for how the nanotechnology community -- Federal agencies, industries, universities, and professional societies -- can more effectively coordinate efforts to develop a wide range of revolutionary commercil applications. It incorporates perspectives developed at a January 1999 IWGN-sponsored workshop by experts from universities, industry, and the Federal government. This report identifies challenges and opportunities in the nanotechnology field and outlines the necessary steps on how advances made in nano-science, engineering, and technology can help to boost our nation's economy, ensure better healthcare, and enhance national security in the coming decade.
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