
Mobile Phones and Health

The report points out that the balance of evidence does not suggest mobile phone technologies put the health of the general population of the UK at risk. There is some preliminary evidence that outputs from mobile phone technologies may cause, in some cases, subtle biological effects, although, importantly, these do not necessarily mean that health is affected. There is also evidence that in some cases people's well-being may be adversely by the insensitive siting of base stations. New mechanisms need to be set in place to prevent that happening. Overall, the report propose that a precautionary approach be adopted untill more robust scientific information becomes available and that subject be reviewed again in three years time, or before if circumstance demand it. 전자메일로 보내주시기 바랍니다만, 불가능할 시에는 다음의 주소로 발송해 주십시오. 부산시 남구 대연동 110-1 경성대학교 멀티미디어대학 정보과학부 멀티미디어공학전공 신광호
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    김은정님의 답변

    이 자료는 Analysis request를 통해 연세대 원주의대 부교수로 계시는 김수기박사님께서 분석해 주시어 Expert Review 게시판 번호 95번에 게재되어 있습니다. pdf 파일로 읽어보실 수 있습니다. 이것을 참고하시기 바랍니다. >The report points out that the balance of evidence does not suggest mobile phone technologies put the health of the general population of the UK at risk. There is some preliminary evidence that outputs from mobile phone technologies may cause, in some cases, subtle biological effects, although, importantly, these do not necessarily mean that health is affected. There is also evidence that in some cases people's well-being may be adversely by the insensitive siting of base stations. New mechanisms need to be set in place to prevent that happening. >Overall, the report propose that a precautionary approach be adopted untill more robust scientific information becomes available and that subject be reviewed again in three years time, or before if circumstance demand it. > >전자메일로 보내주시기 바랍니다만, 불가능할 시에는 다음의 주소로 발송해 주십시오. > >부산시 남구 대연동 110-1 >경성대학교 멀티미디어대학 정보과학부 멀티미디어공학전공 >신광호
    이 자료는 Analysis request를 통해 연세대 원주의대 부교수로 계시는 김수기박사님께서 분석해 주시어 Expert Review 게시판 번호 95번에 게재되어 있습니다. pdf 파일로 읽어보실 수 있습니다. 이것을 참고하시기 바랍니다. >The report points out that the balance of evidence does not suggest mobile phone technologies put the health of the general population of the UK at risk. There is some preliminary evidence that outputs from mobile phone technologies may cause, in some cases, subtle biological effects, although, importantly, these do not necessarily mean that health is affected. There is also evidence that in some cases people's well-being may be adversely by the insensitive siting of base stations. New mechanisms need to be set in place to prevent that happening. >Overall, the report propose that a precautionary approach be adopted untill more robust scientific information becomes available and that subject be reviewed again in three years time, or before if circumstance demand it. > >전자메일로 보내주시기 바랍니다만, 불가능할 시에는 다음의 주소로 발송해 주십시오. > >부산시 남구 대연동 110-1 >경성대학교 멀티미디어대학 정보과학부 멀티미디어공학전공 >신광호
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