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각 분야 한인연구자와 현업 전문가분들의 답변을 기다립니다.
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김은정님의 답변
2001-02-19- 0
관련 자료를 찾기가 쉽질 않습니다. 한국비파괴검사학회도 참고해 보시기 바랍니다. 아래의 자료들은 상용 DB인 DIALOG를 통해 검색된 자료입니다. 참고자료로 이용해 보시기 바랍니다. * 5/9/5 (Item 3 from file: 103) 03331836 AIX-23-043828; EDB-92-094593 Title: Backscattered gamma radiation in nondesctructive testing Original Title: Obratno rasseyannoe gamma-izluchenie v nerazrushayushchikh metodakh kontrolya Author: Vasil'ev, M.B.; Chuvashov, N.F.; Vasil'ev, B.M. (Irkutskij Politekhnicheskij Inst., Irkutsk (USSR)) Source: Defektoskopiya (USSR) v 1 . CODEN: DEFKA ISSN: 0130-3082 Publication Date: 1991 p 91-93 Document Type: Journal Article Language: In Russian Journal Announcement: EDB9213 Subfile: ETD (Energy Technology Data Exchange) . INIS (non-US Atomindex input AIX) US DOE Project/NonDOE Project: NP Country of Origin: USSR Country of Publication: USSR Abstract: Study of gamma radiation field of {sup 137}Cs and {sup 60}Co radionuclide sources, which is backscattered from Al, is carried out. The number of scattered photons under reflection increases with aluminium plates thikness increase up to 1.5-2 free paths. With further reflector thickness increase albedo attains saturation and remains constant. A conclusion is made that backscattered radiation is recorded by detector from the depth not exceeding 1.5-2 free path lengths of reflector thickness. Major Descriptors: *GAMMA SOURCES -- NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING Descriptors: ALUMINIUM; BACKSCATTERING; CESIUM 137; COBALT 60; DOSE RATES; GAMMA RADIATION; PLATES; RADIATION DOSE DISTRIBUTIONS; RADIATION DOSES; RANGE; THICKNESS Broader Terms: ALKALI METAL ISOTOPES; BETA DECAY RADIOISOTOPES; BETA-MINUS DECAY RADIOISOTOPES; CESIUM ISOTOPES; COBALT ISOTOPES; DIMENSIONS; DOSES; ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION; ELEMENTS; INTERMEDIATE MASS NUCLEI; INTERNAL CONVERSION RADIOISOTOPES; IONIZING RADIATIONS; ISOMERIC TRANSITION ISOTOPES ; ISOTOPES; MATERIALS TESTING; METALS; MINUTES LIVING RADIOISOTOPES; NUCLEI ; ODD-EVEN NUCLEI; ODD-ODD NUCLEI; RADIATION SOURCES; RADIATIONS; RADIOISOTOPES; SCATTERING; TESTING; YEARS LIVING RADIOISOT; YEARS LIVING RADIOISOTOPES Subject Categories: 070207* -- Radiation Sources -- Radiation Source Metrology -- (1992-) INIS Subject Categories: D1500* -- Radiation Source Metrology Energy SciTec (Dialog® File 103): (c) 2001 Contains copyrighted material. All rights reserved. * 5/9/1 (Item 1 from file: 6) 0207034 NTIS Accession Number: UCRL-71605/XAB A Statistical Theory of Design for Plating Thickness Measurements by Radiation Backscatter Methods Fox, J. D. ; Taylor, G. M. California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Radiation Lab. Corporate Source Codes: 204150 Report Number: CONF-691005-2 1 Jul 69 33p Journal Announcement: USGRDR7001; NSA2321 Presented at the National Convention on American Society for Non-destructive Testing (29th), Philadelphia, Pa. 13-16 Oct 69. Order this product from NTIS by: phone at 1-800-553-NTIS (U.S. customers); (703)605-6000 (other countries); fax at (703)321-8547; and email at orders@ntis.fedworld.gov. NTIS is located at 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA, 22161, USA. NTIS Prices: PC A03/MF A01 No abstract available. Descriptors: *Metal coatings; *Nondestructive testing; Nuclear radiation; Nuclear scattering; Beta particles; X rays; Fluorescence; Backscattering; Calibration Identifiers: *X ray fluorescence Section Headings: 94K (Industrial and Mechanical Engineering--Laboratory and Test Facility Design and Operation); 77E (Nuclear Science and Technology--Nuclear Instrumentation) NTIS (Dialog® File 6): Comp&distr 2000 NTIS, Intl Cpyrght All Right. All rights reserved. * 5/9/2 (Item 1 from file: 8) 04316340 E.I. No: EIP96012988895 Title: Measurement of material integral density using backscattered gamma-radiation Author: Vorob'ev, V.A.; Gorshkov, V.A.; Babkov, A.V.; Vorob'ev, K.A. Corporate Source: Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Avtomobil'no-Dorozhnyj Inst - Tekhnicheskij Univ, Moscow, Russia Source: Defektoskopiya n 6 June 1995. p 84-85 Publication Year: 1995 CODEN: DEFKAG Language: Russian Document Type: JA; (Journal Article) Treatment: X; (Experimental) Journal Announcement: 9602W4 Abstract: It is shown that the density of materials can be measured on the basis of the integral distribution backscattered gamma -radiation function approximated by the exponential distribution law. As compared to other gamma-albedo-densimeter the device suggested can reduce the measurement length and the source activity by 100-200 times and test a 6 times larger volume. It offers the best ecological properties and makes it possible to test the density in the course of compressing and moulding. 7 Refs. Descriptors: *Nondestructive examination; Materials testing; Gamma radiography; Density measurement (specific gravity); Density measuring instruments; Approximation theory; Backscattering Identifiers: Surface testing Classification Codes: 423.2 (Test Methods); 932.1 (High Energy Physics); 931.2 (Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids & Solids) 423 (General Materials Properties & Testing); 932 (High Energy, Nuclear & Plasma Physics); 931 (Applied Physics) 42 (MATERIALS PROPERTIES & TESTING); 93 (ENGINEERING PHYSICS) Ei Compendex(R) (Dialog® File 8): (c) 2001 Engineering Info. Inc. All rights reserved. * 5/9/3 (Item 1 from file: 103) 03993716 AIX-27-035914; EDB-96-077476 Title: Measurement of material integral density according to backscattered gamma radiation Original Title: Izmenenie integral'noj plotnosti materiala po obratnorasseyannomu gamma-izlucheniyu Author: Vorob'ev, V.A.; Gorshkov, V.A.; Babkov, A.V.; Vorob'ev, K.A. (Moskovskij Avtomobil'no-Dorozhnyj Inst., Moscow (Russian Federation)) Source: Defektoskopiya v 6 . CODEN: DEFKAG ISSN: 0130-3082 Publication Date: 1995 p 84-88 Document Type: Journal Article Language: Russian Journal Announcement: EDB9611 Subfile: ETD (Energy Technology Data Exchange) . INIS (non-US Atomindex input AIX) US DOE Project/NonDOE Project: NP Country of Origin: Russian Federation Country of Publication: Russian Federation Abstract: The paper deals with a possibility to measure material density through the assessment of distribution integral function of backscattered gamma-radiation and its approximating in compliance with the exponential distribution law. The results of investigations using the models of material density measurement in 0.1-2.6 g/cm[sup 3] range ore presented. it is proved that integral material density can be controlled using the proposed scheme which features the following advantages as compared to the traditional gamma-albedo densimeters: measurement tim is reduced 100-200 tines, the volume under control in creases 4-8 times. 1 s-channel gamma-densimeter with a [sup 137]Cs source is considered; it features wonderful ecological characteristics and allows to control material density during their compaction and moulting. 7 refs., 2 figs.,. Major Descriptors: *DENSIMETERS -- RADIOMETRIC GAGES; *GAMMA RADIATION -- NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING Descriptors: ALBEDO; BACKSCATTERING; CESIUM 137; EFFICIENCY; GAMMA SOURCES; KEV RANGE 100-1000; MATHEMATICAL MODELS Broader Terms: ALKALI METAL ISOTOPES; BETA DECAY RADIOISOTOPES; BETA-MINUS DECAY RADIOISOTOPES; CESIUM ISOTOPES; ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION; ENERGY RANGE; INTERMEDIATE MASS NUCLEI; IONIZING RADIATIONS; ISOTOPES; KEV RANGE; MATERIALS TESTING; MEASURING INSTRUMENTS; NUCLEI; ODD-EVEN NUCLEI; RADIATION SOURCES; RADIATIONS; RADIOISOTOPES; SCATTERING; TESTING; YEARS LIVING RADIOISOTOPES Subject Categories: 070204* -- Radiation Sources -- Industrial Uses, Radiometric INIS Subject Categories: D2200* -- Industrial Applications, Radiometric Energy SciTec (Dialog® File 103): (c) 2001 Contains copyrighted material. All rights reserved. * 5/9/4 (Item 2 from file: 103) 03730089 EDB-94-146055 Title: Radiation and radiowave methods: Evaluation of the strength of material from backscattered gamma radiation Author: Vorob'ev, V.A.; Gorshkov, V.A.; Syrkov, V.B. (Moscow Automobile and Road Institute (Russian Federation)) Source: Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing (United States) v 29:9 . CODEN: RJNTE4 ISSN: 1061-8309 Publication Date: May 1994 p 667-669 Translation Note: Translated from Defektoskopiya No. 9, 33-35(Sep 1993) Document Type: Journal Article; Translation Language: English Journal Announcement: EDB9421 Subfile: ETD (Energy Technology Data Exchange) . IIA (DOE contractor) US DOE Project/NonDOE Project: NP Country of Origin: Russian Federation Country of Publication: United States Abstract: Principles of construction of a gamma densimeter on the basis of determination of the linear coefficient of attenuation are considered. An original two-channel circuit of a surface gamma densimeter providing evaluation of the density of a material on the basis of practically all of the backscattered gamma quanta is given. 7 refs., 1 fig. Major Descriptors: *MATERIALS -- DENSITY; *MATERIALS -- GAMMA RADIOGRAPHY Descriptors: BACKSCATTERING; DENSIMETERS; INSPECTION; RADIATION ATTENUATION TESTING Broader Terms: INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHY; MATERIALS TESTING; MEASURING INSTRUMENTS; NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING; PHYSICAL PROPERTIES; SCATTERING; TESTING Subject Categories: 420500* -- Engineering -- Materials Testing Energy SciTec (Dialog® File 103): (c) 2001 Contains copyrighted material. All rights reserved. * 5/9/6 (Item 4 from file: 103) 02006323 EDB-87-133996 Author: Jeyakumar, T.K.; Sinha, M.K.; Wamorkar, R.R. Title: Investigations of gamma radiation backscatter for material evaluation (Paper VIII-e) Conference Title: National symposium on metallography and NDT: interactions in materials evaluation Conference Location: Bombay, India Conference Date: 19 Feb 1986 Publisher: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,Bombay, India Publication Date: 1986 p 12 Report Number: CONF-8602141- Document Type: Book; Conference literature Language: English Journal Announcement: EDB8708 Country of Origin: India Country of Publication: India Abstract: Radiation backscatter technique refers to the mode of scatter, recording of scattered radiation and information processing for evaluating materials. In this technique, a beam of radiation falls on the object and scatters. The object modulates the intensity and energy of backscattered radiation and the modulation depends on the material characterisitics such as thickness, density and atomic number and energy of incident radiation. Therefore, such information can be directly analysed from the scattered radiations. This paper discusses parametric evaluations and system variable in backscatter measurements. 12 figures. Major Descriptors: *GAMMA RADIATION -- BACKSCATTERING; *PIPES -- NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING Descriptors: ATTENUATION; CESIUM 137; COBALT 60; CORROSION; QUALITY FACTOR; RADIATION DETECTION; RADIATION SOURCES; THICKNESS Broader Terms: ALKALI METAL ISOTOPES; BETA DECAY RADIOISOTOPES; BETA-MINUS DECAY RADIOISOTOPES; CESIUM ISOTOPES; CHEMICAL REACTIONS; COBALT ISOTOPES; DETECTION; DIMENSIONS; ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION; INTERMEDIATE MASS NUCLEI; INTERNAL CONVERSION RADIOISOTOPES; IONIZING RADIATIONS; ISOMERIC TRANSITION ISOTOPES; ISOTOPES; MATERIALS TESTING; MINUTES LIVING RADIOISOTOPES; NUCLEI ; ODD-EVEN NUCLEI; ODD-ODD NUCLEI; RADIATIONS; RADIOISOTOPES; SCATTERING; TESTING; YEARS LIVING RADIOISOTOPES Subject Categories: 420500* -- Engineering -- Materials Testing Energy SciTec (Dialog® File 103): (c) 2001 Contains copyrighted material. All rights reserved. >안녕하십니까? >저는 경희대학교 대학원생입니다. >일전에 질문을 올렸는데 아무도 답변이 없더군요.. >저도 그 부분에 대해서 자료 검색을 무수히 했으나 >자료가 거의 없다고 해도 과언이 아니었습니다. >그래서, 비파괴 사부분에서 방사선의 후방산란을 >이용한 사례가 있거나 그러한 장비가 있는지, >관련 웹사이트나 정보에 대해서 누구든지 >조언 부탁드립니다. >제발 누구든지 답변을 해 주세요. >저도 노력 많이 하고 있습니다. > >답변 기다리겠습니다. >좋은 하루 되세요!! > >=============================== > >경기도 용인시 기흥읍 서천리 >경희대학교 원자력공학과 방사성폐기물연구실 >정 석 준 >h.p. 019-353-5504 >mail : teggunv@cvs2.kyunghee.ac.kr