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I need Literature about AQUA-SBR.
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2001-03-27- 0
아래의 내용은 상용DB인 DIALOG를 통해 검색된 결과입니다. 참고해보시기 바랍니다. * 4/9/1 (Item 1 from file: 5) 10787283 Biosis No.: 199799408428 A strategy for coupling municipal wastewater treatment using the sequencing batch reactor with effluent nutrient recovery through aquaculture. Author: Umble A K; Ketchum L H Jr Author Address: Dep. Civil Eng. Geol. Sci., Univ. Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556**USA Journal: Water Science and Technology 35 ( 1 ): p 177-184 1997 ISSN: 0273-1223 Record Type: Abstract Language: English Abstract: Recovering inorganic nutrients from treated municipal wastewaters prior to discharge, can not only minimize deterioration of receiving water quality, but can also be used to culture fish. Recovery can be achieved by integrating an ecological component, aquaculture, into the treatment scheme. Because of its operating flexibility, a Sequencing Batch Reactor was used to provide biological treatment of a municipal wastewater for oxidation of organic matter, removal of suspended solids, and nitrification. Performance of the reactor's 12-hour cycle for CBOD-5, TSS, and NH-3-N removals was 98%, 90%, and 89%, respectively. To recover inorganic nutrients, effluents were used to fertilize growth of desirable algal groups in an aquaculture component. Desirable algal groups are those which are preferred food sources for those zooplankton considered preferred prey for fish. Desirable algal response is influenced by the ratio of inorganic nutrients put into the system. An SBR's operational strategy was developed to produce effluents with acceptable N:P ratios ranging from 16 to 23. Though wide variation of this ratio resulted from this fertilization in the aquaculture tanks, the resulting algal response throughout the culture period was dominance of edible algal greens. * 2/9/4 (Item 3 from file: 34) 01489377 Genuine Article#: HC763 Number of References: 28 OPERATION OF A 3-STAGE SBR SYSTEM FOR NITROGEN REMOVAL FROM WASTE-WATER Author: JONES WL; WILDERER PA; SCHROEDER ED Corporate Source: UNIV CALIF DAVIS,DEPT CIVIL ENGN/DAVIS//CA/95616; TECH UNIV HAMBURG,ENVIRONM ENGN/HAMBURG//GERMANY/ Journal: RESEARCH JOURNAL OF THE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FEDERATION , 1990 , V 62 , N3 ( MAY-JUN ) , P 268-274 Language: ENGLISH Document Type: ARTICLE Geographic Location: USA; GERMANY Subfile: SciSearch Journal Subject Category: LIMNOLOGY; ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES; WATER RESOURCES Abstract: Bench- and pilot-scale experiments were conducted to investigate the feasibility of a three-stage sequencing batch reactor (SBR) process for carbon and nitrogen removal. Carbon removal was carried out in SBR operated under high loading conditions (Stage 1). Nitrification was accomplished in a fixed-film reactor (Stage 2), the effluent from which was returned to the SBR for denitrification (Stage 3). Under both laboratory and field conditions, it was shown that sequestered substances remaining after completion of the Stage 1 process may increase the denitrification rates by as much as an order of magnitude over true endogenous rates. To ameliorate the development of a nitrite peak during denitrification, selection methods should be used that promote the growth of true denitrifiers. The overall nitrogen removal capacity of the system is limited to about 75%, not as a result of kinetic limitations but because of the necessity of retaining influent nitrogen in the settled sludge from the first stage. Descriptors--Author Keywords: DENITRIFICATION; NITRIFICATION; NITROGEN REMOVAL; SEQUENCING BATCH REACTOR; WASTE-WATER TREATMENT Identifiers-- KeyWords Plus: SLUDGE CARBON SOURCE; DENITRIFICATION; NITRIFICATION * 2/9/5 (Item 1 from file: 73) 07887154 EMBASE No: 1999359609 SBR technology used for advanced combined municipal and tannery wastewater treatment with high receiving water standards Banas J.; Plaza E.; Styka W.; Trela J. J. Banas, Inst. Water Supply Environm. Prot., Cracow University of Technology, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Krakow Poland Water Science and Technology ( WATER SCI. TECHNOL. ) ( United Kingdom ) 1999 , 40/4-5 (451-458) CODEN: WSTED ISSN: 0273-1223 Publisher Item Identifier: S0273122399005296 Document Type: Journal ; Conference Paper Language: ENGLISH Summary Language: ENGLISH Number Of References: 6 The wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Nowy Targ, Poland, is the largest in Europe based on classical sequencing batch reactor (SBR) technology. The plant was completed in April 1995 as one of the essential elements in a program for the protection of the water quality in the Czorsztyn Reservoir. The process technology was designed for application to a typical municipal wastewater with a separate unit to treat tannery wastewater containing chromium. Experience from plant operation showed that the municipal wastewater inflow to the WWTP included tannery wastewater with increasing chromium concentrations, caused by poor wastewater management in the city. The average value in the influent was around 3 mg Cr/l (1996-1997) and showed an increasing trend. Investigations were focused on identification of the factors affecting the process performance. In this paper, evaluation of the treatment efficiency and process performance during 2 years of plant operation is presented, including studies of nitrification, denitrification and biological phosphorus removal. A cycle analysis was performed to investigate the reduction of different parameters during different phases of a cycle. Results of a sludge activity study based on OUR, AUR and NUR tests are presented and discussed. * 2/9/10 (Item 1 from file: 94) 04561308 JICST Accession Number: 00A0436401 File Segment: JICST-E Study on an Inner-loop SBR for Dye Containing Wastewater Treatment. WEN X (1); WANG D (1); QIAN Y (1) (1) Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, Chn Nippon Mizu Kankyo Gakkai Nenkai Koenshu , 2000 , VOL.34th , PAGE.144 , FIG.2, TBL.2, REF.1 Journal Number: S0264BBE Universal Decimal Classification: 628.3:628.5 667.2 Language: English Country of Publication: Japan Document Type: Conference Proceeding Article Type: Short Communication Media Type: Printed Publication Descriptors: environmental impact assessment; environmental conservation; water pollution; waste water treatment; dyestuff; sewage treatment plant; activated sludge; pollutant; chemical reactor; COD(water); biological water treatment Broader Descriptors: evaluation; environmental management; management; environmental pollution; pollution; sewage treatment; water and sewage treatment; treatment; water treatment plant; facility and building; sludge; water pollutant; matter; chemical equipment; equipment; oxygen demand; environmental quality index; index number Classification Codes: SC03080D; YJ05000I JICST-EPlus (DialogR File 94): (c)2001 Japan Science and Tech Corp(JST). All rights reserved. * 2/9/11 (Item 2 from file: 94) 02648169 JICST Accession Number: 95A0913381 File Segment: JICST-E Water quality improvement measures and advanced treatment with SBR in Korea. RYO KEIZAI (1) ; MIZUOCHI MOTOYUKI (2); INAMORI YUHEI (2) ; SHIN OBAI (3) ; TEI JUTETSU (4) (1) Kankokukokuritsukankyokenkyuin ; (2) Kankyoken ; (3) Kankokukan'yodai ; (4)Kankokukagakugijutsukenkyuin Nippon Mizu Shori Seibutsu Gakkaishi ( Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology) , 1995 , NO.Bekkan 15 , PAGE.33 , FIG.2 Journal Number: Z0591AAS ISSN: 0910-6758 Universal Decimal Classification: 628.35 Language: Japanese Country of Publication: Japan Document Type: Journal Article Type: Short Communication Media Type: Printed Publication Descriptors: South Korea; lake pollution; biofilm; activated sludge process; advanced treatment; water quality management; eutrophication; denitrification; dephosphorizing; prevention of pollution; waste water treatment; nitrification(reaction) Broader Descriptors: East Asia; Asia; water pollution; environmental pollution; pollution; membrane and film; biological water treatment; water and sewage treatment; treatment; management; variation; removal; environmental pollution control; countermeasure; preclusion(protection); sewage treatment; chemical reaction Classification Codes: SC03060H JICST-EPlus (DialogR File 94): (c)2001 Japan Science and Tech Corp(JST). All rights reserved. * 2/9/12 (Item 3 from file: 94) 02257264 JICST Accession Number: 95A0121722 File Segment: JICST-E Nitorogen and Phosphorus Removal in Domestic Wastewater by Sequencing Batch Reactor Process(SBR). ONISHI NOBORU (1); YAMAMOTO JUN (1); ITADANI TSUTOMU (1); MIZUSHIMA KAORI (1); OGAWA TAKAKO (1); KONDO MOTOICHI (1) (1) Okayama Prefect. Inst. for Environ. Sci. and Public Health Okayamaken Kankyo Hoken Senta Nenpo ( Annual Report of Okayama Prefectural Institute for Environmental Science and Public Health) , 1994 , NO.18(1993) , PAGE.11-14 , FIG.4, TBL.3, REF.5 Journal Number: Z0412BAD ISSN: 0914-9309 Universal Decimal Classification: 628.34 Language: Japanese Country of Publication: Japan Document Type: Journal Article Type: Original paper Media Type: Printed Publication Abstract: Each of pH, suspended solids, BOD and COD was treated by sequencing batch reactor process(SBR) without any trouble. Mean removal rate of nitrogen was 90.6.+-.3.9% and generally good. Mean removal rate of phosphorus was 74.0.+-.15.6% and showed a large deviation. There is a possibility to remove nitorogen and phosphorus more than 90% and 80%, respectively. For these purposes, some sludges must be pulled out as keeping the sludge level ranged at 3000 to 4000mg/l and as regulating DOmax ranged at 1 to 2mg/l. (author abst.) Descriptors: waste water; waste water treatment; dephosphorizing; denitrification; BOD; COD(water); suspended solids; hydrogen ion concentration; ammonia nitrogen; nitrate nitrogen; activated sludge process Broader Descriptors: liquid waste; waste; sewage; sewage treatment; water and sewage treatment; treatment; removal; oxygen demand; environmental quality index; index number; matter; acidity; degree; concentration(ratio); nitrogen form; element form; biological water treatment Classification Codes: SC03050W JICST-EPlus (DialogR File 94): (c)2001 Japan Science and Tech Corp(JST). All rights reserved. >Hellow ! >I need Literature about AQUA-SBR. >Thanks for your aids in anvance again. >Truly yours Yoon in Germany