
mutimedia system

contents - an efficient algotithm for the video server selection problem - integrating batching and piggy backing in video server - object-oriented source and channel coding for video messaging application over wireless networks - multimedia data recovery using information hiding - theseus approach to open stock exchange trading base on pan-european - virtual reality telecommunication system - a person to person multimedia communication system - fair link sharing with layered multicast video conferencing
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    김은정님의 답변

    요청하신 자료 우편으로 발송해 드리겠습니다. >contents > >- an efficient algotithm for the video server selection problem > >- integrating batching and piggy backing in video server > >- object-oriented source and channel coding for video messaging application over wireless networks > >- multimedia data recovery using information hiding > >- theseus approach to open stock exchange trading base on pan-european > >- virtual reality telecommunication system - a person to person multimedia communication system > >- fair link sharing with layered multicast video conferencing
    요청하신 자료 우편으로 발송해 드리겠습니다. >contents > >- an efficient algotithm for the video server selection problem > >- integrating batching and piggy backing in video server > >- object-oriented source and channel coding for video messaging application over wireless networks > >- multimedia data recovery using information hiding > >- theseus approach to open stock exchange trading base on pan-european > >- virtual reality telecommunication system - a person to person multimedia communication system > >- fair link sharing with layered multicast video conferencing
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