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Gyroscopic effects are due to the coriolis acceleration exerted on the bearings which result in skew matrix in velocity.
I would like to know how this effect would affect spindle bearing dynamics?
(i.e., decrease of stiffness, natural frequencies (?))
Any papers on this topic?
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각 분야 한인연구자와 현업 전문가분들의 답변을 기다립니다.
답변 1
왕세명님의 답변
2001-04-27- 0
Here is a paper you can take a look. In that paper, you can also find references. Wang, S. and Yi, K., "Coupled Vibration Analysis of HDD Spindle System Using the Finite Element Method," 7th International Congress on Sound and Vibration , pp. 2123-2130, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, July 2000 >Gyroscopic effects are due to the coriolis acceleration exerted on the bearings which result in skew matrix in velocity. > >I would like to know how this effect would affect spindle bearing dynamics? >(i.e., decrease of stiffness, natural frequencies (?)) > >Any papers on this topic? > >Thanks > >Simon >parks@mech.ubc.ca > >