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Fuzzy neural network가 computational fluid dynamics에(특히 열전달과 이상유동에서의 입자거동 등에) 응용된 자료를 요청합니다.
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답변 2
김남득님의 답변
2001-05-24- 0
정확하진 않을지 모르지만, Fuzzy 와 fluid dynamics 를 키워드로 찾은 것입니다. 두번째 paper 가 필요하시면, 연락 주세요. 1. Proceedings of 1994 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control This paper appears in: Decision and Control, 1994., Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Conference on 14-16 Dec. 1994 ================================= 2. Approximately time-optimal fuzzy control of a two-tank system - Heckenthaler, T.; Engell, S. Dept. of Chem. Eng., Dortmund Univ., Germany This paper appears in: IEEE Control Systems Magazine On page(s): 24 - 30 June 1994 Volume: 14 Issue: 3 ISSN: 0272-1708 References Cited: 5 CODEN: ISMAD7 INSPEC Accession Number: 4712062 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract: This article deals with the level controls in a laboratory two-tank system. The plant is strongly nonlinear due to the basic dynamic equations and the characteristics of the valves. We develop a nonlinear control law which achieves robust approximately time-optimal control over the full range of operation conditions. The development is based on ideas from fuzzy control, but in contrast to usual fuzzy controller designs, most of the rules are not derived from heuristics but rather are mathematical formulas which, together with the standard fuzzy quantization of the system's variables, approximate the time-optimal control law. This approximation is improved by heuristic rules which were gained from the observation of the behavior of the controlled plant. The resulting nonlinear control law exhibits a performance which is neither attainable with standard linear control nor with classical time-optimal control. -
아이디삭제님의 답변
2001-05-24- 0
첨부한 웹문서는 Honda R&D Europe GmbH에서 발표한 관련논문입니다. Fuzzy neural network가 computational fluid dynamics에(특히 열전달과 이상유동에서의 입자거동 등에) 응용된 자료를 요청합니다.