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Cancer Lett. 2004 Oct 8;214(1):19-33.
Identification of novel genes associated with the response to 5-FU treatment in gastric cancer cell lines using a cDNA microarray.
- gastric cancer
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답변 2
장성재님의 답변
2011-06-26- 0
>Cancer Lett. 2004 Oct 8;214(1):19-33. >Identification of novel genes associated with the response to 5-FU treatment in gastric cancer cell lines using a cDNA microarray. -
최규석님의 답변
2011-06-27- 0
(안녕하세요. KOSEN What is 코너 담당자 김재훈입니다. "자료요청" 게시판 시스템 점검으로 불편을 드려 죄송합니다. 하지만 자료요청 및 자료제공 활동은 What is 게시판의 운영목적에 맞지 않습니다. 부득이하게 첨부파일을 삭제하오니 양해하여 주시기 바랍니다.) >Cancer Lett. 2004 Oct 8;214(1):19-33. >Identification of novel genes associated with the response to 5-FU treatment in gastric cancer cell lines using a cDNA microarray.