
0.1M carbonate buffer ph9.6 조성

ELISA 코팅버퍼로 0.1M carbonate buffer ph9.6 을 만드려고 하는데 저희 실험실에 Na2Co3 H2O 밖에 없네요. Na2Co3 H2O만 가지고 HCL이나 NAOH 써서 코팅버퍼로 쓸수는 없나요???:
  • 코팅버퍼
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    강광철님의 답변

    가능해요. ELISA Reader (Multiscanphotometer), if available ? 0.1M Carbonate Buffer (pH9.6): Prepare 0.1M Na2CO3 solution and adjust to pH 9.6 with NaOH. The chemicals should be of the highest quality and water double distilled.
    가능해요. ELISA Reader (Multiscanphotometer), if available ? 0.1M Carbonate Buffer (pH9.6): Prepare 0.1M Na2CO3 solution and adjust to pH 9.6 with NaOH. The chemicals should be of the highest quality and water double distilled.
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