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논문을 읽다가 zero maze test 라는 것에서 막혀 질문드립니다.
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- zero maze
- dopamine D4
- D4R
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김채형님의 답변
2013-03-11- 0
논문을 읽다가 zero maze test 라는 것에서 막혀 질문드립니다. 도통 이게 뭐고 이것을 왜하는지를 모르겠어요. ====================================================================== Elevated Zero Maze: The elevated zero maze was based on the design for rats used by Shepard et al., (1994), and was reduced in size for mice. The maze was made of black Plexiglas and consisted of a 5 cm wide circular pathway that was elevated 10.5 cm above the floor by four wooden legs. The inside of the maze was 65 cm in diameter. The circular pathway was divided into four quadrants, two of which had walls (27 cm high) around the edge (closed quadrants), while the other two did not have walls (open quadrants). A small lip (4 mm) was placed on the edge of the open quadrants to prevent mice from falling off the maze. White lines were drawn every 25 cm along the floor of the maze, and were used to measure motor activity. -> 쥐가 본능적으로 싫어하는 개방된 높은 공간을 주기적으로 노출시켜서 스트레스 상의 쥐의 불안정도를 측정하는 실험입니다. 개방/폐쇄 공간을 지나는 시간당 횟수등을 측정하며, 일반 미로와 달리 불필요한 요소를 제거한 단순한 미로라 생각하면 됩니다. 유사한 실험으로 Elevated Plus Maze (EPM),Light ? Dark Box (L-D),Open Field Test (OFT)가 있습니다.