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아래의 논문 내용에 대해 질문 있습니다.
Mixtures of Zn (ABCR, 99.9%) and Sn and Sb (ABCR, 99.999%) with an atomic ratio of 1:2:5 were pressed into pellets and loaded into specially prepared quartz ampules.10 These ampules contained the reaction mixture at the bottom and a layer of coarsely crushed quartz glass fixed by a plug of quartz wool at the top. Sealed ampules were put into a quartz wool insulated reaction container made of stainless steel, which was subsequently placed into a furnace. The reaction mixture was first heated to 650 °C for 12 h to ensure complete melting of the metals. During this time containers were periodically shaken. Subsequently, the temperature of the homogeneous melt was lowered at rates between 2 and 20 °C/h to a holding temperature between 250 and 350 °C. After the temperature was held for 48 h, the reaction container was turned upside down into a centrifuge, which was operated at 3000 rpm for 3 min. The ampule was opened and the crystalline product was collected from the top of the quartz wool plug.
(Tenga et al. Chem. Mater. 2005, 17, 6081)
1. quartz wool plug 가 필터 역할을 하는 건가요?
2. 650도에서 반응시키면서 흔들어주는 건 어떻게 하는 건가요? 그런 장비가 있나요?
3. 1번과 관련된 질문입니다만 고상반응인데 어떻게 원심분리가 되는 건가요?
Mixtures of Zn (ABCR, 99.9%) and Sn and Sb (ABCR, 99.999%) with an atomic ratio of 1:2:5 were pressed into pellets and loaded into specially prepared quartz ampules.10 These ampules contained the reaction mixture at the bottom and a layer of coarsely crushed quartz glass fixed by a plug of quartz wool at the top. Sealed ampules were put into a quartz wool insulated reaction container made of stainless steel, which was subsequently placed into a furnace. The reaction mixture was first heated to 650 °C for 12 h to ensure complete melting of the metals. During this time containers were periodically shaken. Subsequently, the temperature of the homogeneous melt was lowered at rates between 2 and 20 °C/h to a holding temperature between 250 and 350 °C. After the temperature was held for 48 h, the reaction container was turned upside down into a centrifuge, which was operated at 3000 rpm for 3 min. The ampule was opened and the crystalline product was collected from the top of the quartz wool plug.
(Tenga et al. Chem. Mater. 2005, 17, 6081)
1. quartz wool plug 가 필터 역할을 하는 건가요?
2. 650도에서 반응시키면서 흔들어주는 건 어떻게 하는 건가요? 그런 장비가 있나요?
3. 1번과 관련된 질문입니다만 고상반응인데 어떻게 원심분리가 되는 건가요?
- 고상합성
- 원심분리
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안길홍님의 답변
2013-11-09- 0
1. Quartz wool plug: 금속을 열처리하게 되면 고온에 의하여 내부 공기가 팽창하며, 금속에서 나오는 팽창 기체를 외부로 분출하기 위하여 wool형태로된 마개를 사용한다는 것입니다.
2. 고온에서 흔들어 주는 것: 용융 금속이 비중차이가 있으므로 균일하게 되도록 flux를 저어 주는 것입니다. 이러한 구조는 열처리로에 맞도록 구상하면 됩니다.
3. 원심분리: 열처리를 하고 난뒤 균일한 모양의 좋은 flux를 얻을 수 있도록 centrifuge를 사용합니다.
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